The Obesity Code: Unlocking the Secrets of Weight Loss: Unlocking the Secrets of Weight Loss (Why Intermittent Fasting I by Dr. Jason Fung - HTML preview

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Figures indicated by page numbers in italics.


acesulfame potassium, 169
acetic acid (vinegar), 185187, 233
Addison’s disease, 93
adenomas, 181
adiponectin, 31, 91
adipose triglyceride lipase, 31 adoptive families, 2223
adrenal insufficiency, 93
adrenalin, 131, 239, 241, 244, 260
agave nectar, 170
AHA, see American Heart Association alcoholic drinks, 225226
alcoholism, 1011
Alli, 47
alpha glucosidase inhibitors, 8384 American Cancer Association, 171 American Diabetes Association, 159, 170
American Heart Association (AHA): American Heart Association Diet, 18; on artificial sweeteners, 170; Dietary Guidelines for Healthy North American Adults, 181; on low-carbohydrate diets, 19; No-Fad Diet, 99, 100, 181; and sponsorship, 127
American Heart Association Diet (AHA), 18
American Medical Association, 98, 99. See also J ournal of the American Medical Association
amino acids, 32
amylin, 44
amylopectin, 179, 198
amylose, 179, 198
angina (chest pain), 118, 203 animal protein, see meat
Annals of Internal Medicine, 101, 210 antibiotic resistance, 110111
Aristotle, 237
artificial sweeteners: discovery of, 168; endorsement of, 170; and food cravings, 172; health concerns about, 170; increased consumption of, 169; and insulin, 172, 173, 222; “natural,” 170; problems with,
173; studies on, 171; types of, 168
Asian diets, 103104, 105, 166167, 183
aspartame (NutraSweet), 168, 172, 173
aspirin, 262
atherogenicity, 99
atherosclerosis, 203, 206
Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities  Study  (ARIC), 171 Atkins, Robert, 3, 9697, 98. See also low-carbohydrate diets
Attia, Peter, 48, 56
avocados, 205, 232
Banting, William, 14, 97
Bantle, J., 159
basal metabolic rate: during fasting, 239, 243244, 260; and hormonal theory, 72; and total energy expenditure, 30, 52, 53
Bath Breakfast Project, 132 beans, 179, 230
Bernstein, Richard, 98
Big Food: and breakfast, 133; and conventional weight loss advice, 129; research sponsored by, 128, 173; and snack food, 127, 130; sponsorship by, 127
black tea, 227
Black Women’s Health Study, 185 blood pressure, 18, 240, 262
blood sugar (glucose): and alpha glucosidase inhibitors, 83; Atkin’s diet and, 100, 189; and cinnamon, 259; and complex carbohydrates, 161; and cortisol, 91; during fasting, 121122, 240, 242, 249, 257,
262263; and fibre, 180, 182; foods effects on, 31, 73, 176; and fructose, 160, 161, 164; and
gabepentin, 8485; and glycemic index, 161, 189; and insulin, 9091, 114, 134, 190191; myth about,
121122; regulation of, 3031; and SGLT-2 inhibitors, 84; and stress, 9091; and vinegar, 186. See also glucose
Bloom, Water, 97, 246
Boden, G., 101
body fat, 86, 94. See also fat stores
body set weight: and insulin, 86, 115, 117; and obesity, 64, 72; resistance to changing, 215216, 235
236; understanding, 6263, 65, 71, 72, 76
bone broth, 228, 258, 265
Borlaug, Norman, 178
brains, 243
Bray, George, 163
breakfast, 130, 223225
Brillat-Saverin, Jean Anthelme, 13, 97 Britain: obesity in, 33
Broadbalk Wheat Experiment, 178 Buddhism, 238, 248
butter, 19, 196, 206, 211
Caballero, Benjamin, 149, 151
calcium, 241
caloric expenditure, see total energy expenditure
caloric reduction: and artificial sweeteners, 173; as conventional weight loss strategy, 1, 2, 13, 15; and
decreased energy expenditure, 35, 3840, 44, 45, 53, 244; failure of for weight loss, 41, 4647, 69;
vs. fasting, 240, 246247; hormonal adaptation to, 4446; studies on, 3540, 4243. See also calories
calorie counting, 15, 102
calories: blame for obesity on, 16, 128; definition of, 32; false assumptions about, 10, 2931, 3233, 198199; hormonal theory for, 73. See also caloric reduction
cancer, 218219
Carbohydrate Addict’s Diet (Heller and Heller), 98 carbohydrate-insulin hypothesis, 96, 103, 105
carbohydrates: body’s absorption of, 32; complex and simple, 160161; in dietary guidelines, 14, 16, 1718, 175; and fiber, 182183; and glycemic index, 176 177; and insulin, 193; and low obesity levels, 103105. See also carbohydrates, refined; carbohydrates, unprocessed; low-carbohydrate diets
carbohydrates, refined: and blood sugar (glucose), 73, 96; and glycemic index, 177; government subsidies for, 140142; increased consumption of, 19; and insulin, 175, 229; and overconsumption,
177178, 183; and Pima people, 143144; and poverty, 139140; problem with, 101, 185, 199, 229;
reduction of, 228229; refining process, 183, 184
carbohydrates, unprocessed: benefits of, 175, 184, 229230; cost of, 140, 141; diets based on, 199; fiber
in, 185
CARDIA Study, 182, 196
cardiovascular disease: and childhood obesity, 146; and diet drinks, 171; as multifactorial, 216; oil and vinegar dressings and, 187; and olive oil, 231; and omega 3 and 6 fatty acids, 206; treatment for, 218,
219. See also heart attacks; heart disease; strokes Carnegie Institute of Washington study, 36
casein, 192
catechins, 227, 257
celiac disease, 178179
Center for Disease Control, 136 cephalic phase, 191192
chemical obesogens, 21, 147 chest pain (angina), 118, 203 chia seeds, 230, 259
childhood obesity: Dr. Spock on, 154; Eat Less, Move More  approach to, 145146and exercise, 5051; as generational, 148; and insulin, 147148, 153; overview of, 146147; reduction of, 153; studies
on, 149151, 151153
China, 158
chocolate, dark, 221222
cholecystokinin, 44,

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