The Pregnant Women by Terry Clark - HTML preview

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Helping Other Children Deal with Your Pregnancy


Many expectant mothers are concerned about how their other children will deal with the fact that there is going to be an addition to the family. Making sure that siblings are ready to deal with the changes that are going to take place in the household is very important.


Parents must answer questions for their children about the pregnancy in a way that they will understand. Making sure to ask the opinion of younger children about the changes that are taking place is also extremely important. If the children feel that they are part of the process they will be more helpful when the baby arrives.


If the child is showing resentment towards the unborn baby it may be time to consider some sort of therapy. Many children have resentment because they think that they are going to be left behind or forgotten once the baby arrives. Explaining the schedule changes that will take place once the new child is born is extremely important. Having siblings pick out things for the baby’s room can also be helpful.


Many times it is a good idea to practice what will take place when the baby comes home. Younger children usually respond well to play acting with dolls and other toys so that they can express their feelings about the birth of their sibling. Encouraging them to help with any changes that are taking place in the household will be beneficial to making sure that they do not feel out of place.


Reward the child for asking questions that are productive and thought provoking. Many children are afraid to say the wrong thing about the new baby. They may feel that they will not be as important when the baby arrives. Having them read to the baby or take part in activities with younger children prior to the birth is usually advantageous.


When a child shows concerns about where they will fit into the new family they should be met with love and support. Socialization is extremely advantageous for parents who are trying to make sure that their children are ready for a new baby. If a child has not been around babies in the past, encouraging them to take part in caring for a younger child may be a good idea. It is also extremely important that parents make sure they make time to spend quality time with each child independently.