The Pregnant Women by Terry Clark - HTML preview

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The Differences of a Second Pregnancy


When you find out that you are pregnant with your second child, you will likely expect to experience some of the same things that you went through with your first. However, that is not necessarily so. The body will go through a lot of similar things, but there are also a lot of different things that will happen as well. It is best to know what you should expect with that subsequent pregnancy.


As most people already know, no two pregnancies are exactly the same. That is so very true and is something that is important to realize. Feelings and emotions are usually running high when you first find out that you are pregnant with that second child.


Some of the things that you may have that are similar will include varicose veins and hemorrhoids. These are two of the side effects that people do not look forward to during pregnancy. You may wonder what is going to be different that will be for the best. Well, sometimes you will see that your morning sickness and nausea is not as bad. This is not always the case though. Do not count on it. If it is less severe, then consider yourself to be lucky.


Another thing that will most likely happen during the second pregnancy is that you will probably be more tired. This comes from having to take care of your child and not being able to rest as much. You will find yourself being a full time mom and being pregnant at the same time. This can be overwhelming and can lead to exhaustion and fatigue. Be careful to get enough rest each night so that your body will have enough energy to carry the coming baby.


Sometimes during the second pregnancy you will start to show sooner. This is because your body has already stretched once to accommodate a baby. That will cause the body to expand more quickly and therefore you will see the baby bump sooner than you did in the first pregnancy. This can be exciting for some, but will also require you to get into maternity clothes sooner.


One of the best things that you will find about subsequent pregnancies is the fact that the labor is much quicker. This is usually the case, but sometimes it does not work out this way. If so, you are one of the lucky ones!