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Diseases to Avoid During the First Trimester


When you are pregnant, you should be extremely cautious about the situations that you find yourself in. This is because there are so many diseases out there that are commonly passed around and can be detrimental to an unborn baby. This is especially true during the first trimester because this is the time during the gestational period where the baby is going to be forming vital systems and organs. You must be very careful during this period to not expose the baby to harmful things. Some diseases can prove to be more dangerous than others.


First of all, you should stay away from anyone that has been exposed to or has smallpox. The reason for this is because it can really be frightening if a pregnant woman were to contract this disease. The reason is because you may have side effects that others may not be exposed to. You will also find that you should not do this if you are breastfeeding. It can be passed on to the baby. You should also stay away from the immunization for it.


Another disease that you should try to not be around is Listeriosis. This is a disease that is food borne. It is mostly caused by eating contaminated chicken and turkey - or poultry, but can come from other things as well. It will not only cause severe symptoms in the mother, but it can also cut down the immune system and the effectiveness of it. This is something that can actually cause stillbirth. If you do not take proper precautions such as avoiding soft cheeses- feta, brie and other soft crumbly cheeses, then you may find yourself at risk. Another thing that you can do to avoid this is to make sure that your foods are cooked thoroughly. You should also avoid eating things that are uncooked, such as sushi.


Another disease, yet very uncommon, that should be avoided is the West Nile virus. This is something that can actually kill the mother and the unborn baby if they are not treated properly for it. Most of the people that get this get it from mosquito bites. In order to ensure that you will not get it, you should take the time to protect yourself from mosquito bites by using a potent repellant that will keep you from getting bitten. This is the best way to avoid it. If you were to get it, you will notice things such as headache, fever and stiffness of the neck.


Another rare disease is the Bubonic Plague. This is one that women should really stay away from. Just because it is uncommon does not mean that the possibility of getting it is not out there. This is probably the least common of all of the diseases that women should stay away from. This plague is commonly found from being too close to rodents, both alive and dead. It can be passed by bacteria from rodents to humans through fleas. Ensure that you stay away from the rodents to stay on the safe side.


As you can see, there are several different diseases that all pregnant women should stay away from. The reason for this is to ensure that health and safety of themselves and their unborn baby. This is something that you should remember when pregnant. Just because you are pregnant does not mean that you are immune to all diseases. These are just a few of the most severe diseases to avoid during the first trimester. Of course you should stay away from other illnesses such as the flu, cold, strep throat, and the other illnesses that can cause you to have a lack of energy. These are not as harmful as the ones that were previously mentioned, but they can and will have an effect on you if you were to get them while pregnant.


Make sure that you are doing everything that you can to stay out of highly trafficked areas in order to ensure that you are able to stay away from illnesses. By doing this, you will ensure your safety and that of the unborn child that you are carrying in your womb.