The Secret of a Relaxed Neck Unveiled by Sieto Reitsma - HTML preview

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Answer: The cervical disc →


Between every 2 vertebrae there is an elastic disc: the cervical disc. The cervical disc functions as a shock absorber that can absorb pressure that’s being put on the spinal column. It’s an oval-round disc that consists or cartilage, connective tissue and water. On the outside it consists of some layers of which the fibers run in different directions. This gives the cervical disc a strong structure. With every movement of the back, the cervical disc will absorb the powers for an important part. With a certain pressure the cervical disc will be flatter and broader. When this pressure disappears, the disc will retrieve its original shape. In the middle of the cervical disc there is a jelly type substance core. This core consists of 70 to 90% water. This makes the cervical disc transformable so that it can fulfill its role of shock absorber.