The Therapy
Richard Clark
Copyright©2014 by Richard Clark
Revised 2020
Please Note:
I am not a Doctor or Physician, Scientist or medically trained in any way.
I am not a therapist or trained in any therapies, complementary or alternative.
Nothing here in this eBook is meant to be a replacement for proper medical diagnosis and care by your Doctor, Physician or Health Care Professional.
If you are on any medication please stay on it and follow professional medical advice regarding your health.
If you have any concerns about your health please see your Doctor or Physician.
If you are unhappy about using The Therapy in this eBook then please don’t.
The Therapy may be used as well as any other medication, not in place of it.
If you start using The Therapy and feel unhappy about it for any reason then please stop.
Some of the materials used can be toxic and should always be used in plastic bags.
The materials must not be consumed - ever.
Please wash your hands after using or use gloves.
Work in a well ventilated room.
Dedication: To Mum & Dad, sadly no longer here, and Jake. Best. Son. Ever. xxx
Cover and internal photos by Jake.
A massive thank you to everyone who has tried The Therapy over the years allowing it to develop and to all supporters, subscribers, face bookers and everybody who has taken an interest.
If anybody would like to translate this book into another language please go ahead, the same with Audio books.
As this is a how to do guide please be as accurate as possible and upload it to appropriate sites where it can be downloaded or read online. Many thanks...
An Introduction video is here
Hello and welcome to The Therapy shown in this book.
The Therapy is energy based in the following easy to use Parts:
1 – Getting Started
Involves clearing out harmful energy in the processes and systems closer to the surface of the body and filling them with beneficial energy. This will help conditions such as some types of asthma, migraine, rheumatoid arthritis, allergies, hyperactivity and so on. Conditions caused by living in a polluted environment.
2 – Beginning Deeper Therapy
These methods will help strengthen the deeper functions and the emotional and mental state.
3 – Going Deeper
Help for pain relief and mental functions.
4 – Cells
Cells contain energies that give rise to inherited conditions and this energy takes time to get out and time to supply the cells with energy to restore health so perseverance is important.
The method for all conditions is basically the same: drawn out harmful energy and supply beneficial energy the body and immune system can use to restore health, only the materials used change.
It's new and different, but hopefully you will give it a try and receive substantial benefit.
Nothing can be promised but relief should start a few days after using The Therapy Part 1...
Good luck,
Richard Clark, May 2020,
Bedford, UK.
Following The Therapy a lot has been written about the underlying conditions of a condition or illness which is followed by some Q & A's.
If you have any questions you’d like to ask, which may be added to this book if relevant, please:
email: xcalibur2015@gmail.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100009562930796
Other books the reader may be interested in available on this site:
A New Therapy for Health and Energy - an ebook with all the therapies and all the explanations and information.
The Therapy for Viruses – containing a part of The Therapy to help virus conditions.
Life and Sentience – exploring how life began and how it developed.
Thank you x
The Therapy Key Features:
* Is complementary, not alternative so it can be used alongside any medication safely.
* Effective.
* Nothing taken.
* Safe.
* For any condition.
*Developed over 25 years.
*No special skill needed.
*No side effects.
*Simple step-by-step guide.
* Inexpensive, easily obtained items used.
* Not for use by people under 18 years old or pregnant women as a precaution.
* Only plastic bags come into skin contact.
* Everything's reusable except the batteries - unless rechargeable are used which is recommended.
* Use in your own time.
* It works!
1.2 – Introducing Beneficial Energy
Supplemental Methods to Part 1:
2.2 – Sodium Bicarbonate (Baking Soda)
2.3 – Magnesium Sulphate (Epsom Salts)
4.1 – Clearing & Energising the Cell Membranes
4.2 – Stimulants to Recalibrate the Immune System to the New Body Condition
4.3 – Clearing the genes of harmful inherited energy and protecting them
The Therapy is in 4 main parts followed by Q & A's.
Vegetarians, Vegans, Greens and people with ethical concerns, please use materials in accordance with your views.
A Demonstration video of Part 1.1 is here
Part 1.1 materials used:
Picture above shows...
1) Antiseptic (left) with some in a plastic bag (red). A small amount of a powerful antiseptic will be needed.
2) Detergent. Any detergent powder or liquid placed in plastic bags can be used and the biological (with enzymes) ones are best. Powder is shown in yellow box, liquid shown in a green box in pouches which are less messy and easier to use. Either is fine.
3) Putty. A 1lb tub or half a kilo (right) with a putty filter in a plastic bag in front. Please use real putty made from chalk and linseed oil not a synthetic version.
4) Batteries. 8 will be needed to start. Double AA extra, more power or long lasting are good as they last longer and should supply enough energy for 1 person using parts 1.1 & 1.2 of The Therapy.
If you plan on doing all parts of The Therapy rechargeable batteries, shown at the front of the picture, are worth getting as the total number used will increase up to 24 later on and the batteries are used a lot and their energy is very important and The Therapy won’t work if the batteries are left out or have no energy.
5) A bandage or something similar to hold the materials in place (centre).
6) Some thin, clear plastic bags to place the materials in (centre). Clear means they can be seen through and also test for allergies before use and don't use or stop if problems arise.
All materials can be bought either in a local shop or online.
You may even have some of the materials already in your home. No particular brand or product is best or recommended; just use good quality materials if possible.
Warning: Some of these materials, such as the detergent and antiseptic, are toxic. Do not consume and please wash your hands after use or wear gloves.
1) Putty. Take some putty about the size of a hen’s egg, roll it flat a few millimetres, about 1/8inch, thick and place it in a plastic bag. Repeat so you have 4 bags. These are your putty filters and all energy passing in and out of a person will pass through and be filtered by these.
2) Detergent. Pour a small amount, about the size of a hen’s egg, of your detergent into a plastic bag and tie it. Work the air out of the bag before tying so it will lie flat. If you're using the liquid tabs use 2 or 3 per bag. Repeat so you have 4 bags. These are used by the immune system to pass harmful energy out of a person as the detergent has a powerful drawing effect on the harmful energy of fossil fuels, insect bites, contaminated bacteria and consumed insect material.
3) Antiseptic. Pour a small amount of the antiseptic, about the half the size of a hen’s egg, into a plastic bag and tie it. Again work the air out before tying so it will lie flat. Repeat so you have 4 bags. Antiseptic energy is used by the immune system to break down and pass harmful energy out of a person.
4) Place 1 bag of detergent and 1 bag of antiseptic in a plastic bag and place 2 AA batteries in as well. Repeat so you have 4 bags each 1 containing 1 bag of detergent, 1 bag of antiseptic and 2 AA batteries.
These are your Part 1.1 materials.
Using Part 1.1:
Please note nothing is consumed.
Only harmful environmental energy by-products, mainly from insects and the burning of fossil fuels, that's not life supporting is drawn out of a person by The Therapy. The Therapy is helped in this drawing out process by a person’s immune system which helps release the harmful energy by-products, ensuring that no life supporting energy is released.
The energy by-products from fossil fuels not only does harm when in people it also takes up space blocking life supporting energy from getting in, so the first step towards health is to remove it which is what Part 1.1 of The Therapy does. It also draws out harmful insect energy trapped in the energy system of a person.
The 2 main underlying acquired energy problems damaging health are: energy by-products from fossil fuels and the energy of insect bites and consumed insect material. These are the main supporting factors in many chronic conditions which The Therapy aims to remove and they inhabit the body’s functions and process not the cells.
Other factors such as contaminated bacteria and mains electrical energy play a part, but the main factors are harmful energy by-products from fossil fuels, insect bites, consumed insect material and petrochemicals.
These harmful energies are acquired during life and not inherited and so are easier to get at being low hanging fruit. The deeper things such as strengthen the fabric and constitution of a person and the inherited conditions are dealt with further on.
Part 1.1 is used on the ankles and forearms first, and then the next day or few days later the same materials are placed on the neck, throat and stomach, above and below the belly button.
The materials stay on a person for about 2 hours each time used.
This being a general guide for The Therapy the number of times it’s used can be increased if it’s felt more are needed. Some people need a lot of cleaning out with Part 1.1, a lot of energising with Part 1.2, or both.
So if you feel more sessions are right for you then do them. The whole process is regulated by your own immune system so it will switch off when it's done so The Therapy can't be overused.
Start by placing 1 putty filter and 1 bag of materials on the outside edge of each ankle joint and 1 putty filter and 1 bag of materials on the inside surface of each forearm. The putty filter is always next to the skin with a bag of materials on top of it. Leave on for up to 2 hours.
Remove and store safely away from children and pets and recharge the batteries if using rechargeable ones. The bags may warm up and cool down when on, don't worry it means they're working. When they go cold they may be removed as that sessions over.
Store the materials safely and recharge the batteries if needed.
That’s 1 session complete - covering the outside edge of the ankles and the inside surface of the forearms.
Part 1.1 will need to be used at least 3 times or 3 sessions in total. Use it more if you feel it’s needed. Some heavily congested conditions, such as asthma, rheumatoid arthritis, migraine, allergies, hyperactivity and so on, will require more deep cleaning.
The pictures show the materials on the ankles and forearms. Bandages have been left off as much as possible to give a better view.
1) Place a putty filter on the outside edge of each ankle joint and the inside of the forearms.
2) Place one bag of materials on top of each putty filter.
3) Bandage to hold in place being careful not to cut off the circulation.
Above: Materials on ankle joint held in place by a support bandage.
Above: Side view of materials on side of ankle joint.
It's easier to bandage the materials to the ankles first then rest the forearms on the putty filters and materials while resting on a bed or reclining chair.
Above: Forearms resting on putty filter with materials underneath.
After 2 hours remove and store safely, then next day or a few days later repeat placing the materials on the ankles and inside of the forearms for 2 hours then remove and store safely away from children and pets.
This is 1 session completed. At least 3 sessions in total will be needed, but do more if you wish.
Use again the next day or a few days later again for 2 hours on the ankles and forearms. Remove the materials and store safely.
This would complete the 2nd session then repeat again a few days later so you complete 3 sessions in total. Do more sessions if you feel you need it.
Sometimes when the bags are drawing out harmful energy they feel locked to the body and warm up which may well be a person’s immune system using heat to transfer harmful energy. When the drawing out ends the bags feel like they slacken off while cooling down.
It's unlikely you will feel anything while harmful energy is being removed so have patience and stick with it. You will notice a surprising amount of difference in a day or 2 giving you the confidence to continue.
Please see your Doctor, Physician or medical professional first before anything else.
With infections, such as in the ear or leg ulcers, an extra bag of materials can be placed on putty filters near the infection to release harmful energy. Avoid using on broken skin and use Part 1.1 of The Therapy first.
Using Part 1.1 for an Ear Infection, below:
Apply 3 times as in the Therapy Part 1.1, or as often as desired.
Supplement Methods to Part 1.1
Silica gel may be used after Part 1.1 to receive more benefit and for more specialist conditions.
A recent development is the use of Silica Gel which is sometimes found in small packets in new electrical equipment and it's also used in dehumidifiers, amongst other things, but the bags used here are larger 4oz or 100grams sold online.
Caution: silica gel must not be thrown away or eaten, so please be careful with young children.
It helps draw out the energy of petrochemicals from a person.
Silica gel also helps different conditions, mostly bones, fluid and overall body conditions. Placing the bags on the back of the neck may help sharpen the eyesight.
It draws out artificial cold, explained later, from a person and it's good enough to be added to The Therapy as a supplement, used as follows:
Below: Large bags of silica gel are the ones used here. Smaller bags are often found in new appliances. The pen is for scale.
After using Part 1.1 of The Therapy make up 2 bags of materials with 2 or 3 large bags of silica gel and batteries, 4 to each bag, with the batteries behind and on top of the silica gel bags. Oils, such as linseed oil, can also be added to the bags for more energy if desired.
Place 2 putty filters on the lower back then place the bags with the silica gel and batteries on top and leave on for up to 2 hours. Take off and repeat twice more over a few days, again for up to 2 hours, making sure the materials are stored safely when not in use.
This will help the body in a general way.
With bone conditions such as osteoarthritis and osteoporosis use the bags first on the lower back as just described, and then place 1 bag on top of a putty filter on top of each foot just below the toes and on, or near any painful area. With foot pain the instep is another good place for the bags.
Below: Silica gel resting on top of both feet with putty filters and batteries. Bandages have been left off for a clearer view.
With bandages:
Resting the insteps on the bags:
1.2 – Introducing Beneficial Energy
Now the harmful energy by-products from burning the dead material of fossil fuels has been drawn out it's time for the body to absorb beneficial, life supporting energy which comes from, oil, batteries and vitamins and minerals,
Part 1.2 Materials used:
1) Putty filter (right on tub). You will need 2 from Part 1.1.
2) Batteries (centre) - the 8 from Part 1.1 Renew them, if they're not rechargeable, if you have doubts about the amount of energy they have left.
3) Oil. Any oil - olive, fish, flax, linseed liquid or capsules (back row and centre left) - is fine so long as whatever is used comes from a fish or plant, not a petroleum product. Using more than 1 oil is ok and may be more beneficial as they are all slightly different, but don’t mix them up, please use separate bags.
4) Vitamins and Minerals (centre, red pills mixed in with oil capsules). A tub of 60 to 90 good quality pills will be needed containing as many different vitamins and minerals as possible.
5) Thin, clear plastic bags from before (left).
6) Bandages to hold the materials in place (left).
Rice & Earth are shown but these are no longer used here.
1) Putty filters, 2 from before.
2) Batteries. Place 4 batteries in 1 bag and 4 in another.
3) Oil. If using liquid pour a small amount into a bag about the size of half a hen’s egg, squeeze out the air and tie. Repeat so you have 2 bags in total. If you're using capsules divide what you have into the 2 bags.
4) Vitamins and minerals and any other supplements you wish to add. Divide your supply in 2 and place in bags.
The putty filters and Part 1.2 materials are used on the lower back doing 3 to 5 sessions.
Each session should last for about 2 hours.
Place the bags with vitamins, minerals, oils in with the 2 bags containing 4 batteries in each. More batteries may be used if desired.
The pictures below show Part 1.2 being used.
1) Place the putty filters on the lower back each side of the spine so the lower back is covered.
Place the 2 bags on top of the putty filters. Each bag contains 4 batteries, 1 bag of vitamins & minerals and 1 bag of oils. So it can be seen the picture shows face down, but lying on a bed face up with the materials under your back is probably easier and more comfortable.
Picture Below...
2) Leave on for up to 2 hours.
3) Please be careful not to cut off the circulation.
4) Remove, store safely away from children and pets.
5) Repeat the next day or later when convenient. Leave the materials on for 2 hours, remove and repeat a day or 2 later, 3 times in total.
Store the materials safely when not in use and charge the batteries in using re-chargeable.
Do extra sessions if you feel they’re needed.
Serotonin should now be used.
Its energy regulates the stomach metabolism and regulates the body weight so a person may gain or lose weight depending on what a person’s appropriate body weight is, but the real importance of serotonin is it prepares and helps clean out harmful insect life and energy from the blood, where it stores between the blood cells restricting their cohesion, and between the brain cells, restricting their communication (dementia), and also helps deal with the energy of petrochemicals along with The Therapy Part 1.1
Insect life and energy is a major factor in blood disorders when it's in the blood, and dementia when the space between the brain cells fill with it. This energy is transported to the brain by the blood.
Using serotonin cleans out the blood and space between the brain cell membranes which surround each cell and is preparation for the next step, which starts with the use of sea salt.
The areas of the body to use serotonin are the lower back and the stomach above and below the belly button.
1) Place the 2 putty filters on the lower back then place the materials on top so the putty filters are between the skin and the materials. Laying face up on a bed might be best for this.
2) Leave on for 2 hours and remove. Store safely and repeat the next day or a few days later for 2 hours.
3) Remove and repeat a few days later for the 3rd time.
Do more sessions if you feel they are needed and store all materials safely when not on use.
Using serotonin in this way, along with regulating the stomach metabolism, regulates the metabolism of the entire body especially the brain cells producing a smoother functioning between the cell membranes.
Credit: Sylvia for suggesting serotonin. Thank you :)
A lot of illnesses tend to fall into one of two energy groups.
The two groups are: Illnesses caused by environmental pollution, insect bites and material and bacteria contaminated by environmental pollution and...
Illnesses caused by moulds and fungi.
The environmental pollution group which was looked at in The Therapy 1.1 includes asthma, rheumatoid arthritis, migraine, hyperactivity, allergies, cancer, autoimmune diseases and others although most of these illnesses have a main component causing them in the cells and cell membranes.
The moulds and fungi group include illnesses such as osteoarthritis, osteoarthritis, multiple scoliosis, brittle bones (MS in the UK), possibly MND and other bone or nerve conditions and it’s the energy of moulds and/or fungi coating the bones or nerves that is causing the problem. So this energy has to come out and its sterilising tables that are used, the tablets used to sterilise babies bottles and other stuff.
Other antifungal tablets or liquid may work as well, but haven’t been tried. See below...
One box will be enough along with all the batteries you have up to 24, 2 putty filters and some clear plastic bags.
Take 1 box of tablets (28) and empty them into 1 clear plastic bag and knot it, removing any air if possible.
Place all your batteries in 1 plastic bag and pace the bag of sterilising tables in with the batteries.
Take the 2 putty filters and lay them on your lower back with the batteries and sterilising tables on top.
Leave on for 2 hours remove charge the batteries and store safely.
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