The Weight Loss Manual by Jon Rutledge - HTML preview

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We’ll start out here by saying unequivocally that we think that many of these companies such as Jenny Craig and Weight Watchers have their definite positive aspects. They give people a way to lose weight in a healthy manner by providing foods you can eat that will meet recommended caloric intakes. They also give support and advice along the way as you lose weight.

Their downfall is that they can be quite expensive to join when you factor in the cost of membership along with the food. Many of these companies require you to buy their own pre-packaged food for all meals, and that can get quite costly. They are a good option for those of you who can well afford their plans and can stick to them.

There are also many, many fad diets that have popped up over the years that promise rapid weight loss as long as you stick to their recommendations. Some of these fad diets, however, can be dangerous, and they should be carefully evaluated before they are undertaken.

One such diet is the low carb option such as the Atkins Diet Plan. While many people have been able to lose weight using this plan, others have reported some serious health concerns about this.

Low carb diets can help you lose weight quickly, but keeping that weight off becomes much more difficult once the diet isn’t followed faithfully. Because of the requirements of the diet – high protein, no “white foods”, etc. – you will be eating foods that are generally high in fat which can raise cholesterol levels.

Some of the claims made by people who advocate low carb diets just don’t hold up. Because of the nature of the diet plan, you will lose weight quickly by cutting out carbs, but you won’t be able to keep it off once you re-introduce those carbohydrates back into your eating plan. In fact, the longer you are on a low carb diet, the more quickly you will re-gain your old weight.

Carbohydrates provide a way for your body to convert food into energy. By keeping them out of your diet, you’ll notice a lowering of your energy level, and your muscles will lose their tone becoming softer and flattening out.

Also consider that these types of diets recommend that you eat a lot of protein which would be mostly meats and fish. Many of these foods are high in fat. Eating a lot of fat can contribute to health problems like heart disease, high blood pressure, and some cancers.

Yes, low carb diets can help you lose weight quickly, but know completely what you’re getting into before you start. A good diet plan will balance out all the things your body needs to operate efficiently in terms of food and the benefits of those foods.
You may also be considering one of the many “fat burner” pills out there advertised everywhere. It seems like everyone time I turn on the television, I see a commercial showing people who’ve lost 100 pounds in just two weeks and now they can parade around in swimsuits on national TV – all with the help of the amazing diet pill they’d been taking.

Unfortunately, there are many poor performing or fake products out there. Some weight loss pills contain dangerous chemicals or have large amounts of caffeine that make you jittery and feel out of control. On the upside, if a drug is found to be dangerous, the FDA will work quickly to make sure it is banned from future sales. This happened in 2003 when the FDA banned products that contained ephedrine after it was found to be at least partly responsible for the death of a prominent athlete.

Weight loss pills work in different ways. Many are appetite suppressants containing phenylpropanoline or caffeine. Some claim to increase your metabolism thus increasing the body’s ability to burn fat while at the same time causing you to feel less hungry. Other pills say they can block the body’s ability to absorb fat or help you lose weight by removing fluids from the body. These pills contain a diuretic or laxative and have only short term results.

When researching ingredients, always look for results based on double blind, placebo controlled human studies. Note the amount of each ingredient tested, and ensure this amount is used in the products you’re looking at. Finally, choose a product that uses only natural ingredients and where possible, stay away from stimulant based fat blocking formulas.

It’s very important for you to consult with your doctor before you start taking any kind of diet pills – even the ones that claim to be all-natural. This is especially true if you have a medical condition. Taking these pills could interact with medication you are already taking or it could aggravate a previous condition such as anxiety disorders.

Some Diet pills can be addictive, so take caution when beginning their regimen. Follow the directions for dosages exactly and be aware of any possible side effects. If you experience any of the following symptoms while taking diet pills, stop taking them immediately and consult with your physician:

• Anxiety or nervousness
• Irritability
• Insomnia, restlessness, or hyperactivity
• High blood pressure
• Tightening in the chest
• Heart palpitations
• Fever
• Dry mouth
• Excessive headaches
• Dizziness
• Blurred Vision
• Profuse sweating
• Menstrual cycle or sex drive disturbances

Because diet pills can be purchased online and over the counter, it is up to each individual person to use them correctly. Some people stupidly take more than the recommended dosage in hopes that it will speed up the weight loss, but this is very dangerous! You can overdose on stimulant based diet pills which can cause tremors, breathing problems, convulsions, renal failure or heart attack.

If you find a good quality weight loss supplement with no side effects, it can certainly help you lose weight by boosting your initial efforts and giving you the results and motivation to keep going. Just do so cautiously and follow the manufacturer’s instructions exactly in order to keep yourself safe. Even if you do take weight loss supplements, you will still have to make modifications to your diet and introduce exercise in order to lose weight. Many people think they can eat whatever they want when they take these pills, but that’s just not the case. Remember, these products are called supplements.

And remember that nothing takes off weight and keeps off weight like a sensible, balanced diet and exercise. Plus, no pill will help you make the emotional and lifestyle changes that you will have to make in order to lose those extra pounds.