The Weight Loss Myths: What Nobody Will Tell You - Don't Fall Victim to Them! by Millizie Bob - HTML preview

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The human body needs water on a regular basis to survive.

It needs a lot of it to replenish the amount that is lost daily.

However drinking water in and of itself will not lead to fast and effective weight loss.

Approximately 60 percent of a person's weight is composed of water and muscles are made up of 75 percent water. Therefore, if a person is attempting to lose pounds, it is smart to start drinking more water.

If the person then experiences weight loss, the likely reason is because they have stopped drinking sodas and juices that are  high in calories and have instead started to drink “Mother  Nature's healthy cocktail.”

Water is very beneficial to the body in many ways – and it is recommended as the major drink you consume more than any other.

Water consumption is excellent for the digestive system and for chronic fatigue, depression and allergies. Also, drinking plenty of water suppresses the appetite and it improves muscle tone and it also helps the kidneys and bowels to function more properly.

In addition, constipation and diarrhea are less of a problem when an individual drinks plenty of water. Therefore, you should aim  for six to eight glasses of water per day.

Be informed that you cannot drink too much water, as water is healthy for you no matter how you look at it – which is however contrary to popular belief that drinking enough water helps to prevent the body from retaining water.