They Are Trying to Kill Us and It's Time to Fight Back by Bonnie Wills - HTML preview

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If there ever was, or is a conspiracy to lie to the American public, this would be it. What we have been taught about fats and their affect on our bodies has been nothing but lies from the very beginning. Good is bad, bad is good. Lies straight from the pit of hell, every last one of them.

Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; who substitute darkness for light and light for darkness; who substitute bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter! Woe to those who are wise in their own eyes and clever in their own sight! (Isaiah 5:20-21)

Those who want us dead are very clever in their own eyes. They have convinced us that the opposite is true when it comes to nutrition, and we blindly follow them to our deaths. The joke is on us, so to speak, because we have simply accepted what they told us to be truth. We try to be honest, upstanding citizens and we expect the same of those around us, especially those in high positions with a lot of responsibility. We expect them to looking out for the best interest of everyone. Usually they are more interested in looking out for themselves.

What faster way is there to kill a large group of people than to convince them to take poison? Remember Jim Jones? The Kool-Aid was spiked; they knew it, yet they drank anyway. Why? Because Jim told them to and they trusted him, that’s why. We tend to form a bond with those who nurture us; Jim Jones had nurtured the people with the Word, so they trusted him.

Our family doctor nurtured us while we were growing up. Some doctors deliver and bury many of their patients throughout the course of their career. If you instruct the doctors that science has recently discovered that saturated fats cause heart disease, then they will instruct their patients to reduce the amount of saturated fat in their diet. I would say that over 95% of doctors would accept this statement as gospel fact if it was made in a “reputable magazine”, never checking the results of the studies quoted on their own time. They simply do not have the time to research each and every new discovery.

That is exactly what happened; they were told a lie so they told us a lie (unknowingly) and we have been following this very bad advice for a couple of generations now and are beginning to see the deadly fruit of the lie. “Saturated fat linked to cardiovascular illness!” the headlines read. Just because you see it in print, does not necessarily make it true. Remember Yellow Journalism? (Think Spanish American War.) William Randolph Hearst arrogantly stated, "You furnish the pictures and I'll furnish the war."

The right advertising campaign can make a product go from relative obscurity to being a household name for generations. Morton Salt: When it rains, it pours! Campbell’s Soups: Mmm, Mmm, Good! “Oh, I wish I were an Oscar Meyer Weiner…” “Two all-beef patties, special sauce…” (You finished that in your head, didn’t you?)

All they had to do was bombard us with “Saturated fats are killing you,” and “polyunsaturated fats lower cholesterol levels,” and before you know it we were running out to the store to buy poison to feed our families, believing all the while that we were actually helping them maintain good health. It would be highly ironic if it were not so sad.

The concept of canning foods was first developed in the early 1800’s and was originally intended for army rations for the French army. Better cans and methods of canning where developed during the 19th century, culminating in the introduction of the automated can-manufacturing machine in the 1880’s. Afterward the market began to become saturated with processed, canned vegetables and sauces.

In the early part of the 20th century a dentist in Ohio began to notice something strange about his patients. He was beginning to see abnormalities in not only their teeth, but in the general shape of their mouths as well. Teeth were coming in more crooked and falling out faster than ever before. The more time passed, the worse his patients seemed to get. During this time he began to hear stories of tribes all over the world whose members have perfect teeth, with very few cavities. He wanted to know why these people had healthy teeth and gum while his patients did not. So, Dr. and Mrs. Weston Price walked away from their lives in Ohio and set out to discover the truth about human teeth.

What he discovered was astounding, especially in light of what the medical community has been teaching us. He discovered that the communities that continued to eat the same traditional diet of their ancestors were healthier than those who ate the foods of the western, civilized world. Once they began eating processed foods, their teeth began to rot and fall out. Their children were born with crooked teeth and misshaped mouths. The rest of the tribe continued to have healthy mouths. Obviously processed foods are causing this problem.

Dr. Price spent quite a bit of time researching the diets of these native people and discovered that they had some key elements in common. One of them was the consumption of saturated fats in large quantities. “Conventional wisdom” states that they should be suffering from heart disease, yet it was virtually non-existent in these people. The Alpine Swiss, for example, receive most of their nourishment through the consumption of animal meats and fats, including milk and cheese, yet they never seemed to be sick, regardless of the fact that they ran around barefoot in mountain streams.

Saturated fats are found in animal fats and tropical oils such as coconut oil and palm kernel oil. They are less likely to go rancid than other fats and are considered to be an “all-system’s healer”, helping digestion, thyroid function and sugar processing. These fats, especially in raw form, contain enzymes needed for proper digestion and absorption of nutrients. Beef fat, boiled down into liquid form, is what McDonald’s originally used to cook their French fries. Coconut oil is especially beneficial to diabetics and those wanting to shed excess pounds.

It is not the saturated fats that we have to watch out for, nor is all unsaturated fats bad for us. Monounsaturated fats also do not go rancid quickly and are found in olive, sesame and peanut oils. These fats are best when not heated, and make good salad oils, and should be cold-pressed so as not to damage the nutrients while extracting the oil. These fats are not bad for us; in fact they can be quite good for us.

The polyunsaturated fats, on the other hand, should be avoided. They create free radicals in our bodies and can cause cancer and heart disease. This fat includes corn, safflower, soy and sunflower oils as well as your basic vegetable oils. Crisco shortening should be used for greasing engine parts, not consumed by humans. When Crisco was introduced to the general public, they had to give some away just to get folks to try it. Both shortening and margarine cause diabetes, heart disease and a host of other illnesses, and yet they continue to tell us that consuming these polyunsaturated fats is “heart smart.”

Hydrogenated oils are often referred to as, “The Silent Killers.” In 2003 Denmark banned the use of hydrogenated oil and trans fat. Studies indicate that women who consume hydrogenated oil have a 40% increase in breast cancer and are known to cause type 2 diabetes (non-insulin dependant). Since this fat was introduced to the food industry, diabetes type 2 rates have increased 1000%! The worse part is, 90% of our processed foods contain hydrogenated oil. These oils are molecularly changed and become toxic to our bodies. So why are they in our foods? Money. Hydrogenated oils help to preserve packaged food, allowing them a longer shelf life. Once again, our health takes a back seat to company profit.

We are eating the wrong fats and getting heavier while suffering from malnutrition. Yes, malnutrition. We are not receiving the nourishment we need because we are not consuming the fats containing the enzymes we need for proper digestion. So although our body is storing lots of fat, it is because our body believes we are starving. That’s because our bodies are starving, that is if we are following the SAD diet.

You can be 200 pounds overweight and be undernourished and fat deprived, according to Dr. Mary Enig and Sally Fallon, authors of the Nourishing Traditions cookbook. They teach the need to consume more fats, but the healthy ones, full of omega 3 and 6 fatty acids. Cod liver oil, egg yolks and flax seed oil contain these acids and are quickly converted into energy, allowing us to lose weight. That’s right; healthy fats can actually help us to lose unwanted pounds. You’ll never hear that at Overeaters Anonymous.

Medium chain fatty acids are found in saturated fats and are necessary to our health. Long chain saturated fats are vital to our over all health, boosting the immune system and optimizing digestion. Yet these are the very fats that we are being advised to cut out of our diet. Why? Why has good become evil? Could this be further proof that they are, indeed, trying to kill us?

They say they are searching for a cure for cancer. I say we already have one. We need to stop ingesting the wrong foods and go back to eating the way we always have for thousands of years. We need to eat all the saturated fats we can get our hand on and stay away from polyunsaturated fats like corn oil, which is flammable, you know. That’s why they want to use it to power our cars. Simply stated, the more processed the food, the more like poison it becomes.