They Are Trying to Kill Us and It's Time to Fight Back by Bonnie Wills - HTML preview

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Allow me to state, right from the beginning that I am not a doctor or a nutritionist; I am a homemaker. As such, I have spent some time, and am continuing to spend time researching nutrition in order to keep my own family healthy. We are not a very sickly family, although we could all stand to loose a little weight, so the helpful hints I will give are very generic. As such, not all will apply to all readers. There are many different people with many different health issues and I don’t have the time, or room, to address all of the different disorders in this forum.

All of the information found herein should be taken with a grain (or handful) of salt. These helpful hints should all be investigated thoroughly before implementation. Most importantly, we should seek the guidance of our Creator in all aspects of life, especially nutrition. Adonai is the only one who knows exactly what is wrong with each of us. He is also the only one who knows exactly what treatment will provide the best results for each of us. What works wonders for me may kill you.

There is a wealth of information available, but we must seek it out because the medical industry will loose money if these secrets were released to the general public. Healthy people do not need doctors. Medicine is big business in this country and although they would like us to believe that their main focus is on making the sick healthy again, in all actuality it is a business and like any other business, the bottom line is the bottom line.

I would also like to remind everyone that any and all changes made to our diet will result in a period where we feel worse for a while. This is perfectly natural. In his book Fresh Vegetable and Fruit Juices – What’s Missing in Your Body? N.W. Walker D. Sc. addresses this issue under the heading, “Things to Bear in Mind.” Although he is specifically speaking of vegetable and fruit juices, the rule applies to any positive changes we make in our diet. Dr. Walker wrote:

Be patient: In the reconstruction or regeneration of the body by natural means, it is very important to bear in mind that natural foods taken in the form of vegetable juices may start a regular housecleaning process throughout the entire system. This may be, and sometimes is, accompanied by a period of pains or aches in the regions of the body where this housecleaning is taking place. It may even at times make one feel as if he were actually sick. We should not for one moment feel that the juices are making us ill… On the contrary, we should realize that the cleansing and healing process is well on its way, and the sooner such discomforts are felt… the better, because we will be over them just so much quicker… We must not expect that a lifetime accumulation of toxins can be squeezed out of our body in a miraculous way, overnight. It takes time.

Detoxification takes time. We need to be patient, which is very difficult for many of us, having been raised in a fast food nation. We expect instant results and when they fail to appear, or we go through the “die off” of the toxins, we lose hope and give up. If we know this ahead of time, we are more likely to press on with the detoxification process.

The process will go much more quickly if we are sure to drink plenty of clean water. I cannot overemphasis the necessity of good, clean water, in abundance, for our overall health. We all know how important it is for us to keep our bodies and our clothes clean, as well as sanitary, but we don’t realize that the inside of our bodies need baths as well. We need to continue flushing our systems so that the toxic waste can be removed more quickly. This can only be done with a large water intake. Regardless of any other change made, make this one: increase water consumption.

Most importantly, we need to seek Adonai’s direction. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again because it is that important. If you’ve been making changes in your life, slowly, yet you still are not feeling better, maybe it’s because they were the wrong changes. I’m not saying, “It was wrong to cut out MSG from my diet,” because that’s a universally good idea, but I am saying that if you are having digestive problems and you cut out all dairy, only to find the problems have remained, maybe the problem is wheat, not dairy. If you pray and ask Adonai to show you where the problem lies, you will suddenly find yourself inundated with information regarding the very problem you seek. That’s just how the Lord our God works.

Now that we have that out of the way, let us move on to good stuff; let’s begin to look at some of the simple little changes that we can make in our diet that will go a long way towards rebuilding our health and the health of our families. May the Spirit of the Most High lead and guide our study and may our lives bring glory to His holy Name.