They Are Trying to Kill Us and It's Time to Fight Back by Bonnie Wills - HTML preview

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It’s Time to Get Moving!



Throughout my studies of nutrition one thing I have found to be true time and time again is the fact that what we are being taught couldn’t be further from the truth. The truth is 180 degrees away from what we are being told and we don’t even realize. This is how blatant the lie has become. They go out of their way to block the truth from being revealed, intimidating those whose work doesn’t support their pet theories. The FDA, CDC, WHO and EPA don’t really care about you and I. Their main concern is big business and how to achieve the goals of the global elite.

More and more professionals are standing up and saying that the SAD diet we have adopted is killing us. Each day I find another book or article dealing with the importance of digestive health, yet our doctors ignore this part of our system. Our public school systems across this country have made deals with corporations like Coke and Pepsi to bring their products into the schools in exchange for corporate sponsoring of high school sports and other activities. This gives our children the impression that these products are good for them.

My husband and I were recently seated on a train across from a young family with four children. The mother took the youngest child’s bottle and filled it with cola. After a while, when this child became rambunctious, the mother commented on how she wished the child would simply go to sleep. My husband turned to me and said, “She just gave her child all that sugar and caffeine and now she expects him to sleep?” Unfortunately for that child, his mother apparently has no idea just how bad soda can be for a young child.

Public schools are not teaching fundamentals of nutrition any longer. In fact, many school districts no longer offer home economics to their student body. When nutritionists don’t even know the truth about foods like saturated fats, so how can they possibly teach us? When most people speak of baking a cake, they are picturing a box of cake mix, not flour, sugar, eggs and real pieces of carrot. Why bother baking from scratch when it is so much easier to just mix up a box of cake mix?

And that right there sums up the main problem with our SAD diets; we are too lazy to make real food for ourselves, instead preferring synthetic vitamins and unpronounceable additives and preservatives simply because they are easier and faster. They will kill us sooner as well, or doesn’t that matter?

As we have seen in the preceding chapters, our systems simply were not designed to process all of these toxic substances. The foods we are eating are literally killing us, yet we have not made the correlation. The information that the medical community is preaching regarding saturated fats is downright criminal, yet they continue to broadcast lies and we allow it to happen. We naively believe that “they” want what is best for us, when all they really want is what is best for their portfolios.

According to the global elite, humans are a plague upon this earth and we must act quickly to reduce our numbers before… before… before what? Before Yeshua returns in all His glory? These elitists think that they can change the ending to suite their plans, but we have known the end from the beginning. We know that Adonai wins, not Lucifer, who is “their” god.

It doesn’t matter how many of us they kill, we will not be defeated because greater is He within us than he that is within the world. But it is not His plan that His people be sick. His plan involves life, not sickness. His plan was carefully laid out for us, yet we continue to ignore it for the advice of so-called experts. We are told that we know better now than our ancestors did, yet they were not dropping like flies from cancer, heart disease and obesity related illnesses (except, of course, for the gluttons).

It is said that death begins in the colon, and I can’t argue. We ignore our digestive system to our peril. Our poor food choices are the reason we are so sick, yet we do nothing to change what we ingest. We have all heard the phrase, “You are what you eat,” yet it seems as if we haven’t quite made the connection between our health and the foods we eat. Like little children, we simply nod and take whatever pills we are prescribed, never really knowing why we feel the way we do, but only looking for something to make the feeling go away.

From periodontal disease to indigestion to constipation to arthritis to eczema, our digestive system affects a myriad of other systems in ways we are only beginning to understand. No one really knows for sure how even simple drugs like aspirin and Tylenol will affect us in the long run. What kind of effect might these drugs have on multiple generations of users? We don’t know because much of the data has been suppressed, ignored and taunted.

Gastro intestinal cancers take about 80,000 people a year in this country alone. Other G.I. conditions, such as Crohn’s disease and leaky gut syndrome take an additional 61,000 or more each year. Digestive illnesses are increasing dramatically and many doctors do not even know what to advise their patients because this is new to them and they have not been adequately trained in nutrition. Treating the symptoms will not cause them to stop. The root causes must be found and looking at our foods is a very good place to start.

Crohn’s disease, irritable bowel syndrome, ulcerative colitis, Celiac, ulcers, chronic fatigue, migraines, heartburn, indigestion, constipation, arthritis, eczema, psoriasis and auto-immune diseases are digestive in origin and the sooner we understand this, the sooner we can be one the road to wellness. We can chose to mask the pain using pain killers, or discover the cause of the pain, eliminate that from our lives and regain our health without having to mortgage the house, again. Proper preparation of our food is one of the major keys to our continued good health, and something that we need to take much more seriously.

The enemy has been working very hard behind the scenes for a very, very long time. He has been very patient and very sneaky and it has paid off. His followers are willing to sacrifice for their god. Are we willing to sacrifice for ours? The sacrificing of the ease of fast food for the good nutrition of home cooking pays off in long life, but the payoff takes time. We must be patient and that is one of the hardest things for those of us who were raised with a fast food mentality.

It also seems that we forget that the war we wage is both physical and spiritual, but that is a typical western way of thinking. We deny the one and embrace the other, ignoring the overlapping aspects of these two dynamics, and we do this to our peril. If we hold onto anger and withhold forgiveness, we will become sick regardless of how well we eat. There is nothing more important that a clean heart, and repentance is the only way I know to clean a heart. Having an unforgiving heart will prevent us from receiving the forgiveness we need in order to maintain optimal health.

Which means that we need to first forgive those who would see us dead. We must not hold grudges against them, seeking ways to destroy them for what they have done. Adonai sees what they do in secret and will reveal these things soon, in His good time. He will repay them for what they have done for us, rest assured. So rejecting the bitterness that will sicken us, we must move on to learning what we can do to fix these illnesses.

These things are revealed to us not to frighten us. We are not supposed to be overly worried about our food sources. Yeshua assured us that our Abba in heaven cares more about us than we will ever know and that we must simply trust in Him to provide for our needs.

"Do not worry then, saying, 'What will we eat?' or 'What will we drink?' or 'What will we wear for clothing?' "For the Gentiles eagerly seek all these things; for your heavenly Father knows that you need all these things. But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.  So do not worry about tomorrow; for tomorrow will care for itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.” (Matthew 6:31-34)

See, if we focus on Him and worry about following His ways, we won’t need to worry about these things for we will be protected. And, even if we do contract one of these illnesses, He can heal us if He desires, or He can use it to teach us something very important: to simply trust in Him. It doesn’t matter if He heals us or not, we must trust Him to know what is best.

          He has a plan for us, but we have to be willing participants. If we are too sick to move, He will find someone else to do His will. Personally, I want to be ready to be used by Him at a moment’s notice so I am working hard to regain my health. Most importantly, I am allowing Him to lead and guide me through this time of learning so that I implement only what He knows I am ready to do. I don’t know all that is wrong with me, health-wise, but I know Adonai does, so I am seeking His leading in what changes to make first and what should be gradually introduced. Changes made slowly tend to last longer than that over-night, drastic change that we so often try.

Go back to Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy and read His instructions for our lives. Then ask Him which of these you need to change in your life. Your changes may not be the same as mine but that is because we are two different people with two different needs, and that is okay.

Trust in the LORD with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight. Do not be wise in your own eyes; fear the LORD and turn away from evil. It will be healing to your body and refreshment to your bones. (Proverbs 3:5-8)

There it is; it comes down to one thing: trust. Do we really trust in Adonai with all our heart, or do we lean on our own understanding? Or, worse yet, do we lean on the understanding of men who do not fear God, instead believing they are gods? Who do we trust? Trust is defined as certainty based on past experience. What has our past experience with the global elite shown us? Based on past experience, should we continue to put our trust in the FDA, the CDC, and the WHO?

What about Adonai? Does past experience show us that we can trust in Him? Isn’t that what the book of Genesis is all about, showing us that we can trust in Adonai to keep His word? He kept His word to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, whose descendents are as the sand in the sea. He also kept His word to the entire world when He sent the Messiah to set the captives free. So why don’t we trust Him?

This is how we fight back against those who would see us dead. We refuse to trust in them any longer. We refuse to believe something simply because “they” say it is so. We refuse to follow their rules and teachings, instead seeking Adonai’s teachings (Torah) to follow daily. We must seek the traditional ways of doing things and return to them. Let us not continue being stubborn and stiff-necked.

Thus says the LORD, "Stand by the ways and see and ask for the ancient paths, where the good way is, and walk in it; and you will find rest for your souls. But they said, 'We will not walk in it.'”  (Jeremiah 6:16)

We need to put our faith into action. It’s time to get off our lazy backsides and take the time to make nutritious meals for our loved ones and ourselves. We need to put our money where our mouths are and only purchase that which has quality ingredients, or is still in its natural form. Financially support those who producing good, quality food and boycott fast food and junk food and that which is called food but truly is not. The value of the dollar may be shrinking, but it still pulls some weight, so we must use it wisely.

Eliminating polyunsaturated fats, MSG and other excitotoxins, and reducing the amount of fast food we purchase is a very good place to start, regardless of how we feel today. Returning to more natural foods, prepared properly without killing off the nutrients, is a must for us all. If our bodies are satisfied, we have more energy and stronger immunity and won’t need as many doctor interventions, like antibiotics and pain medications.  We will also reduce our chances of contracting some of the many diseases and illnesses we have discussed thus far. It is really a win-win situation, if only we will take the time needed to make these changes a permanent part of our lives.

We need to stop listening to the advertisers and start listening to our bodies. We need to stop running to our doctors and instead run to the Great Physician. We need to take the time to take a serious look at some of the research out there instead of simply accepting that what they tell us is truth. We also need to see if it matches with Scripture. It doesn’t matter how many studies show that a pig is good for food, I will never believe it because God says that it is unclean and therefore unfit for human consumption. It’s that simple.

We thank You, Adonai, for opening our eyes to these truths. Most importantly, thank You for providing so many wonderful foods that not only taste good, but are also good for us. Help us to see the benefits of following Your guidance above and before the so-called experts who do not care if we live or die. Show each of us what we need to do, the changes we need to make, to improve our health so that we can be prepared to stand against the plagues that the enemy has unleashed upon mankind, for time is growing short.

So too we ask for You, O Adonai, our Savior, to save us from temptations we face daily in this evil world, showing us a way out through Your word. Strengthen each of us not only physically, but spiritually as well, giving us the bread from heaven that we so desperately need. We are standing on the promise that You will never leave us nor forsake us, and we know that we will never be disappointed, for we trust in You.

Then the LORD spoke to Moses, saying, "Speak to Aaron and to his sons, saying, 'Thus you shall bless the sons of Israel. You shall say to them: Yahovah bless you, and keep you; Yahovah make His face shine on you, and be gracious to you; Yahovah lift up His countenance on you, and give you peace.' So they shall invoke My name on the sons of Israel, and I then will bless them." (Numbers 6:22-27)



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