Understanding Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STD): A Guidebook to Better Sexual Health (Women) by Dr Tan and Partners - HTML preview

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STI symptoms after Oral Sex

STI symptoms you can get if you use your mouth on your partner’s genitals.


Throat Symptoms

These symptoms are very much like any other sore throats you have had in the past. It is more suggestive of an STD if the pain is very severe or there is yellow pus on the tonsils. Most people think the tonsil is the teardrop shaped thing that hangs down in the middle at the back of the mouth. This is the uvula, it is not the tonsils. The tonsils are the 2 spongy round things you see on the sides.

Since the sore throats caused by STDs like Gonorrhea or Chlamydia can be no different from your usual sore throat, the only way to know if you have caught an STD in the throat or not is to get a throat swab.

Very painful ulcers in the throat especially if the lymph nodes in the neck are swollen and tender, is very likely to be caused by Herpes.

Although not common, you can also see warts in the mouth caused by HPV. These look like red colored growths in the mouth most commonly found on the inner lining of the cheek.

Skin Symptoms

Ulcers/Blisters - This applies mainly to Herpes. This appears as painful blisters and/or ulcers usually on the line where the lips and the skin meet (vermilion border). However, these ulcers and blisters can also happen anywhere on the face. Ulcers are breaks in the skin. They are usually wet. If the area of skin surrounding it is red, this is more suggestive of Herpes. Blisters are fluid filled sacs like bubbles on the skin. Herpes ulcers are usually painful.

If you have a single painless ulcer that is slightly bigger (> 8mm), it may be a symptom of Syphilis. This is rare in oral sex but still possible.!

Growths - As discussed above, HPV can cause growths inside the mouth. These same growths can also appear around the mouth and lips although this is rare. This will look like skin colored lumps which have an uneven surface like a cauliflower.

General Symptoms

Swollen lymph nodes - Swelling of the lymph nodes is a normal and natural way the body fights off an infection. When an area is infected, the lymph nodes close to it will swell to help fight off the infection. So if there is an infection in the throat, the lymph nodes in the neck will swell. This is a very general symptom and can be caused by STDs or non-STD infections.

Fever - This is an extremely rare symptom for STDs affecting the throat and mouth. If you have a fever, chances are that it has absolutely nothing to do with your oral sex encounter.