Weight Loss Kickstarter by Emmy - HTML preview

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When trying to lose fat and build some muscle so you can reshape your body, it helps to find simple tricks to eliminate or burn more calories, whether it's through your workout program, or through your nutrition plan.

Here are five simple nutrition tips that will help put your body in fat burning mode. This will help you get even more out of your workout plan, helping you make even faster progress.

1. Eat More Vegetables.

Simple sure, but how many people really does it? Try mixing and matching fresh vegetables for variety. Besides the numerous health benefits, most veggies are full of fiber, which will fill you up, as well as burn more calories than eating other foods.

Yes, frozen vegetables are just fine. In fact, frozen fruits and vegetables have shown to be more likely to hold their nutrient value versus fresh because of things like the time they sit after being picked before you have them at home and eat them.

2. Go Ahead and Snack

Just snack on good stuff, like raisins, nuts (especially almonds), veggies and most fruit. Not dried fruit, though. Have you ever looked at the calorie count and ingredients of most mixed nut and fruit “trail mix” products? It's not pretty!

3. Speaking Of Nuts, Add Nuts To Your Yogurt And Salads.

Chopped nuts make a great alternative to "breaded" style garnishes like croutons.

4. Specific Food Combinations Can Help To Burn Calories By Ramping Up Your Metabolism.

Eat carbs that are rich in fiber. They take longer to digest and you will feel “fuller” for longer periods of time.

Along with carbs rich in fiber, take in more protein. Your body burns more calories when you eat protein than it burns digesting either fats or carbohydrates.

Eating more protein to burn fat was confirmed in a study published in the American Journal of Physiology.

One group was fed a high protein diet (just over one gram per pound of bodyweight per day) while the second group consumed a protein diet near equal to that of the RDA.

The group eating the high protein diet burned fat more than the group consuming protein near equal to the RDA.

Want to burn fat or build muscle? Get lots of fiber and protein.

Eating protein also helps to prevent muscle loss while dieting, which can help prevent the slowing of your metabolism.

5. Yogurt Can Help You Lose Weight While Protecting Muscle.

A study of overweight people who ate three servings of yogurt daily for 12 weeks lost 22% more weight, 61% more body fat and 81% more abdominal fat than people who ate a similar number of calories but no dairy products.

Make sure to get yogurt with real fruit and no added sugar. Or, get plain yogurt and add your own berries to it.

Yogurt is also an easy and convenient snack and contains high quality protein as well.

Put these five tips into practice and your new muscle building,  fat  burning machine (your body) will reward you for it.


Basic Food Group Guidelines




These are real meats, not sandwich meats filled with unhealthy additives like nitrates. And forget the glaze for the ham!







Good Fats


This is a partial list. As far as fruits, get fresh fruits, or frozen fruits without added sugar. For canned fruit, it should be in water or its own natural juice.

As far as vegetables go raw, canned or frozen with no added salt, lightly cooked or raw.

Click link for detailed information on Paleo Recipes


Fact is your selections will vary based on total caloric needs, total protein needs, etc. Not to mention your taste buds. If you don't eat meat, that's okay. You can get adequate protein from vegetable sources, especially a variety of beans and legumes, such as pinto beans, black bean, lima beans, etc

Stay away from all processed foods. I can’t stress this enough. Processed foods play a huge role in obesity as well as many other health problems such as diabetes. Consider staying away from all white carbohydrates, as well. At the very least minimize them by only allowing yourselves these treats once in a while such as on a reward day.

White carbohydrates include bread, rice, potatoes, cereal, pasta, fried food with breading, tortillas and anything else white that falls under this category.