While New Year’s may be the trigger for your resolution-setting, motivation-gaining lifestyle change, it’s important to understand that being well is a 24/7/365 job.
By finding ways to stick to fitness, by partaking in physical activities you love and eating foods that are not only healthy but that you enjoy, you will find yourself on a path to a much healthier life.
Believe in yourself and your capabilities and before you
know it, you’ll be blowing past those New Year’s
Resolutions and into even healthier territories.
So in saying that, the following things will help you incorporate health into your daily lifestyle so you are living it every day of your life rather than a fly by night fad.
Practice Moderation-
Denying yourself from eating sweets ever again in your whole life just isn’t fun, let’s face it. Allow yourself treats in moderation. If you want a cupcake, have one, just have it after a hard workout.
Plan smart and you’ll still be able to enjoy what you love without derailing your progress or maintenance.
Expand your Palate-
Try different foods on a regular basis. You may find that the broccoli you despised as a kid is actually now one of your favorite vegetables. Keep your taste buds on their toes and incorporate new healthy foods to keep things from getting boring.
Drink Lots of Water-
Often times we think we’re hungry when we’re actually just thirsty. In addition to staving off hunger, drinking water helps regulate body processes and keeps skin hydrated. If you’re a coffee or tea lover, be sure to drink equal amounts of water per ounces of coffee or tea. So, if you have an 8 ounce serving of coffee, also drink 8 ounces of water.
Eat Small, Frequent Meals-
Eating regularly helps control and maintains blood sugar, so you won’t have any sudden drops or spikes, which often signal us to eat. Cortisol, the stress hormone, also rises after we don’t eat for a few hours. Have small, healthy snacks with you wherever you go to avoid finding yourself inhaling a Big Mac.
Be a Picky Diner-
Don’t be afraid to ask for modifications to menu items when dining out at restaurants. If you order vegetables, ask that they be cooked in olive oil, not butter. Ask for half of your entrée to be boxed before it’s even brought out. Ask for sauces and dressings to be served on the side instead of on the dish or salad. There are tons of calorie traps lurking at restaurants, but if you’re smart, you can work your way around them.
If you incorporate these little lifestyle tips now, you will be well served in your future health.
Well we’ve reached the end of our super simple guide to kick start your weight loss journey successfully; hope you’ve picked up some great tips that will ensure long term healthy weight loss.
Get started today!