Weight Loss Tips by John Templin - HTML preview

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Many of the tips in this guide are specific. You need to eat less, exercise more, control portions etc... Those are all very valuable tips and will help you immensely. This tip is more cerebral. Much like tip #3 - Persist through Failure, this tip is more about your state of mind.

A persons personality, attitude and state of mind is just as important as the exercise and portion control in my opinion. Of course, eating less and exercising more is the key, but how do you get in the right mood to accomplish that? You have to train your mind along with your body, or you will never sustain weight loss.

Visualization is an amazing tool for motivating yourself, and keeping that motivation high at all times.

By definition visualization is:

A technique involving focusing on positive mental images in order to achieve a particular goal

No matter what goal you want to accomplish visualization can help. It will help keep you motivated, as well as potentially train your subconscious to work with you rather than against you.

Some visualization tips include:

  • Envision your ideal body in your mind everyday.
  • Envision all of the great activities you will do wit your new boy.
  • Envision how it will feel to shop for normal clothes
  • Envision how people will treat you differently.
  • A great time to visualize is before bed or when waking up. Spend 10 minutes doing visualization as often as you can.
  • Create a vision board! Post pictures of healthy foods and physiques on a cork board that you have in your office or house.
  • Change your desktop background to an edited picture that is your head on a healthy body. Every time you sit at your computer you will see it and be motivated!

Visualization isn’t some magic pill. It won’t let you lose weight on it’s own. It isn’t some fairy tale either. There is science to prove that visualization helps improve results and keep you motivated. All high achievers visualize there success.

Visualization can help with any of your goals, and since weight loss can be one of the most important, there is no reason to not use it. Visualize your future body to stay motivated.