What Happens Next by National Institute on Aging - HTML preview

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Ways to Cope


Being diagnosed with dementia will create some changes. These are some of the ways that we cope:

“I’ve absorbed my diagnosis into part of who I am . It’s not as important to me now that I’ve come to terms with it . Getting over that hurdle is the hardest part .” - Jenny

“Changes happen . They can be good changes . I was never a helping person, now I have learned to help others .” - Les

“Laughter is the best medicine .” - Jenny

“I find that keeping busy is terribly important . You have to keep looking forward .” - Jenny

“I’m still me with kinks .” - Joan

“After all, a kink is just a twist . It’s not a horrendous thing .” - Jenny

“I have found it extremely positive to find out as much as I can about others who are affected .” - Jenny

“I’m going to have to make the best of this, and that’s what I’m doing .” - Elizabeth

“Activity is the best thing .” - Les
