In the first volume, we learned how the nation began with individuals imposing their desire to separate from the forces of corporation married with the British government/banking cartel, operating in conjunction with a government inside collusion, completely ignoring citizen concerns. The great barrier of separation was the anointed Constitution; a document of divorce, if you will, concluding what could be labeled as a bitter public rite of dissolution. Guardianship over the land would be determined via an acrimonious custody battle, which also would determine how it was that the children of the land would be ruled.
We observed also a method utilized by the inherited arm of the same tainted collusion, managing to ease into a position of supreme authority first on the field of battle, then gradually into the office of first US President, beyond the interim. Most importantly, we observed that even in the days of the nations earliest organization, brute forces of the corrupted collusion held huge power and sway. Evidence of this power is tactfully tucked away inside the very document of the Constitution itself, as was clearly pointed out by the glaring fact that the US is a Representative Republic and not a true Democratic system! Where the advantage to the tainted collusion lies is inside the very fact that Representatives may be bribed via “campaign contributions,” and dozens of contributions made underneath euphemistic labels and the later establishment of “straw men” proxy organizations that virtually indirectly facilitated this determined corrupt cartel collusion {1}…; and we shall all take notice again that there existed no check on this forthcoming possibility, though there did exist many calls for the checks in conjunction with a stained history, that clearly demonstrated the necessity for having solid checks in place to protect the interests of plebeian citizens on the ground.
The first superlative hero of plebeian masses and liberated individual enterprise America, the great intellectual Thomas Jefferson, no doubt advocated checks on the possibility of corruption via bribes to Representatives colluding with banks and corporate interests, but apparently even he was forced to compromise amid an air of general reluctance, when confronted by the already discernible power of a growing elitist banking cartel. As a researcher, this author has yet to find hard recorded evidence of this compromise as it occurred, except that already mentioned which is locked away within the Constitutional document itself; but will gladly supply it as time betrays the verifiable existence of it, in lieu of the circumstantial evidence strongly suggesting the reality that most certainly, such a negotiated compromise did exist. We do possess documentation in minutes of the serious emotional debates preceding the proposed conclusions that make up the document known to us as the US Constitution, therefore providing it's own form of evidence for a great compromise {2}, even if clear specific notation of such a compromise does not exist in word describing it specifically as such. {3}
With the emergence of the Washington administration, we witnessed the first act to facilitate a consolidation of this power held by the corrupted cartel, and that act was the Presidential signing of the charter that established the First Bank Of The United States, with no call for checks of any type to be placed upon currency values via gold and silver. As we shall recall, the power locked in this action, now given over to the cartel, was found inside the ability to falsely inflate the value of national currency, then deflate this value with an unbridled self-serving liberty. Deflation caused mortgage holders to go into default, and allowed banks to foreclose on individually owned property.
Congress then could base the deflated currency value on government owned property, allowing their cartel inside corporate connections to snap up potentially valuable foreclosed bank properties and huge tracts of government land for pennies on the dollar, thus betraying the first to benefit. With a graduated manipulated increase in the value of the bank note by reinserting gold into the bank to back the issued bank notes and the corporate real-estate sell off that initiated from it {4}; the local centralized connected banks benefited from the cartel by making relatively easy to acquire loans available to the plebeian public as the property values were gradually inflated, but at deceptively high interest rates, placing the plebeians who desired to exercise their Constitutional right to own property in the position of being highly indebted and having to pay three times over the asking price in the course of the loan, just to actually own the property. {5} There was a property tax levied in the early days 6, but not to the extent of present day amounts.
In observance of the stated facts, we bear witness to the manner in which banks, real-estate corporations and government always win in this corrupt bargain. The obvious loser here being the individual plebeian citizen, a fact that Jefferson and others battled to neutralize, to the very best extent that doing so was possible. The failure of Jefferson and nearly half of the government body to neutralize the corrupt collusion betrays the negative power that had already ruthlessly dominated the halls of US Congress and government in general, even during those earliest days of the Republic. This dark conspiring cartel would never give up it's position of power without a fight to the bitter end, since it apparently felt that it was above all forms of retribution, although actions that manifested on the ground to clearly reveal this “untouchable” attitude were destined only to come later in time. In the initiative, rank and file plebeians were seldom aware of the power enthroning itself inside that grand calcimine mansion high on the hill above them.
Within the time frame of the charter being signed and barely a year passing, the collusion did exactly what Jefferson had warned of, confirming the necessity for checks on currency values and inside the system at large. We witnessed this confirmation in “the great fraud” against The Revolutionary War veterans; States by having the national debt shifted back onto them with no apparent preconceived Federal plan in place to assist in paying it off, and individual farmers who had hard won personal property confiscated in lieu of States defaulting on their callously imposed responsibility to pay allotted national debt amounts, which was obviously presumed on part of those advocating the actions taken. Proof of this fact exists with the official historical record of inside connected speculators purchasing the worthless bank notes from desperate plebeian RW veterans and local citizens, who obviously knew before hand that the value of the banks notes was going to be manipulated from almost no value, to full face value, being a dollars worth of gold for the stated dollars value on the note {6}. The individual plebeian only received .10 to .20 cents on the dollar in gold from the speculator, who received the full face value per Hamilton’s appeal to congress for “assumption,” as we may recall..
Others who were on the floors of Congress and would later ascend into power were witnesses to this great fraud, and Congress eventually fell into two opposing groups as a result of what half bore witness to; either the individual congressman saw their own opportunity to satisfy their own insatiable lust for more wealth at all costs and the new nation of America be damned, or they were highly against the corruption, to be very blunt about the matter. This manifestation in the direction of our national leaders, not only revealed the place where their honest allegiances lay, but it also reveals their true concern for the citizen masses on the ground, no matter what these individuals said at the time when interviewed, or what our official historical record speaks of in this present day and time.
As time progressed, those two opposing groups evolved into two official political parties, The Federalists and the Jeffersonian Democrats. Eventually the Federalists evolved into the modern day Republican Party, and the Jeffersonian Democrats, later on transformed into the Jacksonian Democrats, which in passage of time became known simply as The Democratic Party. The DP represented the Constitutional right of individuals to excel by self enterprising efforts, although their influence in government {the representative body}was totally eliminated with conclusion of the Civil War; and their own side, the side that demanded checks on the corrupted cartel ruling the functions of government, losing.
A greatly modified version of the DP would emerge in 1875, but a complete destruction of it's supporting economic base rendered it largely impotent as far as the functions of national government go, with the DP only serving primarily as a State governmental body. From a practical point of view, the corrupted collusion literally lorded over the nation, and now did not even have to deal with a faction who opposed any of it's self-serving actions taken, transforming it into what is known as a collective absolute authority. Eventually the DP would descend into it's present day position; that being one of two legs supporting the US system of government, bearing a body supporting an outright Socialization of the masses as well as a Socialist agenda in general, favoring group concerns, with any concerns of prosperity and rights {constitutional and otherwise} of the individual plebeian being sacrificed on the alter of what has been euphemistically labeled as “progress” over the course of the last sixty years.
The Republican Party still maintains it's original stance, that being a party strongly advocating rule of corporation, centralized bank/The Federal Reserve, with an inside government collusion presently absent of all opposition standing to support plebeian/Constitutional issues{the corrupt cartel}, and no checks or balances to regulate the potential for corruption on either end or in their dealings with individual plebeians in the Federal, or even at the State level, in an overwhelming majority of instances {7}. Here, even in our present day, we may recall recent facts to reveal the demon hiding in the mist just before us:
Haley supports lower taxes (for corporations) and opposes regulation (corporate regulation). In inviting business (corporate entities) to move to South Carolina she has said:
" What I'm saying is, if you come to South Carolina, the cost of doing business is going to be low here. We are going to make sure that you have a loyal (regulate to discourage worker liberty of mobility), willing workforce (regulate competition from individuals until citizens have no other choice in life but to labor for the interests of the corporate aristocracy) and we are going to be one of the lowest union-participation (no check on the corporation to secure plebeian concerns) states in the country." 9
The obvious question here is just where does this reality leave the plebeian masses, who in effect, have no Representation what-so-ever in the government process, just as our Patriotic Revolutionary forefathers were to the British? Some plebeians on the ground may argue that we are simply “just at the mercy of corporate interests and all that we may do is live in it and accept their rule, embracing the push to categorize an individual's total lose of liberty as “progress,” rather than to stand and fight against it”; but the words of Jefferson remind us that such is never the case..., once we are keenly aware of where it is that the real power lies.
The truth is, that while no checks securing plebeian interests presently exist in the halls of Congress, with the corporations who only continue to exploit our labor in search of new ways to purloin our sustenance, {8} {9} and certainly no one inside the White House really ever desired for plebeians to prosper {10}; there only stands one place remaining, where force of power is far greater than either of the corrupted three who stand to oppose us, our God anointed individual liberty and our sacred Constitution!
During the years between the signing of the FBOTUS, and commencement of the Civil War, was a war between the two opposing factions mentioned, inside the halls of US Congress and even inside the White House itself. The war started with a war of words, but erupted into fist fights inside the halls of US congress as the evil collusion swelled. At least one duel 13 and two possible Presidential assassinations, especially in regard to the death of Zachary Taylor: and an outright war between the US President and the cartel collusion forces of currency consolidation/centralized banking {11}designing to favor an elitist corporate aristocracy and their bought-and-paid-for inside Representative connections.
To facilitate support on the ground among the plebeians, for what was obviously a fore-conceived plan of future invasion, even as far back as the Jackson administration, the corrupted collusion created a distraction in the form of a divisive appeal to emotion directed toward the presumed opposing sympathies of the plebeian masses. This manipulative “appeal” was made via distribution of subversive inflammatory literature {12} among the masses on the ground, advocating an outright attack on the economic base supporting Representatives who demand solid checks on the banking system and functions of favoritism between corporate interests conjunctive with their paid-off Representative bodies; all of which who stood to gain financially from their cooperation within the dark cartel collusion.
The US President in office just preceding the Civil War, Buckanan, although he supported the Constitutionally endorsed right of the South {or any state} to succeed, declaring in a Congressional address that tariff “extortion” had been what facilitated the succession; with the exit of Confederated State representatives, he had no choice but to placate the opposing side, at least to an obvious degree. When the Representatives made their initial exit from the Democratic convention in Charleston SC, resigning to assume their new positions inside the newly forming Confederate Congress, The Morrill Tariff of 1861, favoring the interests of the corporate aristocracy, was ratified into existence; further intensifying the existing animosity and no doubt, an attempt to agitate a forceful, even violent response, since the looming conflict was presumed by the US Federal government, to only be a short one at best.
Inside the same span of time, the corporate dominated congress also endorsed a number of other acts via The Morrill Tariff that are worthy of a mentioning here inside this text. Since none of these acts were a true benefit to the plebeian American citizens of the day, the funds of which were extorted primarily from upon the backs of those inside the individualist realm residing within the newly forming boundaries of Confederating States; the same realm who supported Representatives that demanded checks on currency in the form of species, neutralizing interests of the corrupt collusion who designed to benefit from not having any in place. The Western states stood in the same situation as the South, but without risking an attack on a broad scale due to a very limited, unrepresented population base, who would stand with inconsequential opposition at their very best. The only possible exception in the notation of plebeian benefit here might be discovered inside The Homestead Act, but even here, one must proceed very cautiously before leaping into any rash assumptions.
The Morrill Act
The Morrill Act facilitated a program of land grant colleges. The MA was to fund a system of colleges by granting Federally owned land to the States/via corporations for them to sell, endeavoring to raise funds for the purpose of establishing schools. In theory these institutions were to instruct in “sustainable” agriculture, military science and engineering. Most land grant colleges became the large Universities of today, but some few did become famous corporate “influenced” private schools, such as Cornell University, The University of Delaware and the Massachusetts Institute Of Technology and there were many others as well.
We must keep in mind that these colleges were financed on the backs of the most debt free States at that time and the most resilient financially via the Morrill Tariff {13}, who only demanded checks on a cartel collusion determined to facilitate it's own self serving designs at the expense of plebeian masses. In addition to the statements already made, the land grant system of financing colleges had no solid Constitutional backing, since it was endorsed by the Federal government directly into the hands of a corporate elitist aristocracy. In the end individual States possessed the right to determine the grant and college establishment, since only the citizens inside an individual State could determine what was in their own best interests; but not the Federal government to impose it's own order, subject to ramped corruption without the system of hard checks. Examine the very words of Buckanan himself to make a further analysis:
"The Federal Government, which makes the donation, has confessedly no Constitutional power to follow it into the States and enforce the application of the fund to the intended objects. As donors we shall possess no control over our own gift after it shall have passed from our hands. It is true that the State legislatures are required to stipulate that they will faithfully execute the trust in the manner prescribed by the bill. But should they fail to do this, what would be the consequence? The Federal Government has no power, and ought to have no power, to compel the execution of the trust.”
In other words, the fears of Buckanan were that the college system would only stand as a clandestine method of misappropriating funds to serve the interests of a collective elitist few in government and the corporations that these “educational” entities stood to represent in many cases, as it undoubtedly would and still does to this very day. 17 The deceptive euphemism made back down to plebeians was that the schools would serve their own best interests; the broad community therefore would be anticipated to embrace the concept, especially when the appeals were made to the least represented or educated masses, primarily being native Americans {14} and the recently “freed” slaves {15}. Without any hard check on the appropriation of funds, then who would be around to facilitate their rightful application, such being that total funds appropriated would serve valid plebeian interests?
For those among the readership who may have other more pressing questions develop in lieu of the information above, since the information presented runs so counter to the propaganda that we are fed almost on a daily, if not hourly basis; then we are forced to conclude with this final word from Buchanan himself once more again:
"It is extremely doubtful, to say the least, whether this bill would contribute to the advancement of agriculture and the mechanic arts--objects the dignity and value of which can not be too highly appreciated."
The Homestead Act
The Homestead Act was designed to distribute land to individual farmers, primarily in the West. The idea was that individual farmers would populate the area and would serve as a thriving customer base to the anticipated corporate ventures designed for the area. The question being posed was; would these interests be served best by the Federal government or by individual States, as far as plebeian interests were concerned, and at whose expense were they to be served? An obvious answer was at the expense of Southern plebeian citizens {16} and the native populations who already occupied and owned the Western lands. There again, advantageously omitted from the official scholastic historical record, Buckanan rightly vetoed the bill {17}, initially, but the bill resurrected upon the Representative base in opposition being eliminated; thus he then had no choice but to concede.
The Pacific Railroad Acts 1862
This act authorized the Federal issue of land and bonds directly to private railroad companies. No doubt the corruption here was that interests within the tainted collusion could be served, with the interests of individual people being largely ignored, except only in surface appearance with the intent of garnishing plebeian support. Before this act was passed, the Federal government issued grants only to the States, then did the States do so back to the corporations, if such was deemed to the advantage of the plebeian masses on the ground. By engaging the financing process in such manner, State authorities could keep up with money appropriations, where it would best serve the true interests of plebeian people and not only those of the corporation and a government inside collusion.
The National Banking Act
This was the act that facilitated the centralization of currency, but held no demand for any type of solid check. There again, the real insult in these acts passed was that they were made on the backs of the Jeffersonian Democrats {retrospectively} who only wanted the ability to gauge specifically where it was that the currency went and to the benefit of whom, or that the face value of the currency was equal to the same amount in gold or silver backing. At present there existed no unaffiliated body to safe guard these basic concerns; and still yet to this day, there is no solid body in place to demand equal value in gold or silver for the stated face value on the issued bank note.
The Revenue Act of 1861
This act facilitated the Federal extortion of funds to fight a war against the plebeian people of the United States who only stood in opposition of the dark cartel seeking absolute authority, and forcing them to finance and facilitate the conflict via what amounts to the nation's first hard income tax. As has already been notated, a majority of plebeians residing within Northern states, who possessed a colonial heritage opposed the war as we may clearly deduce; resulting in a Federal appeal to thousands of uneducated foreign immigrants, who had no such heritage concerns or conception of such an idea as individual liberty, or an insurance of that liberty via Constitution.
Here it is that the facts are revealed, betraying the real need for checks and balances safeguarding plebeian interests; since the obvious truth remains in place, that if the Federal government had not given so much money away to serve corporate interests via the land grants and other more indirect means, then it would have possession of enough revenue to fight a hard fought war against America's plebeian population! Checks and balances forcing corporate interests to operate through States would have guaranteed that this crass misappropriation of funds would have never occurred, consequently preventing an overt extortion from the plebeians in both belabored gold and the precious blood of their innocent children.
There are other notations to make..., and make no mistake about it, these notations betray manifestations that reach down to us even in our own day, and should facilitate a body of analytical concern among the masses in lieu of that revelation. As has been already notated with discussion of the Buchanan administration in volume one, Buckanan spoke publicly in regard to the Constitutional backing of the slavery institution, as did Frederick Douglas himself. Franklin Pierce did so as well, both presidents respecting the Constitutional rights of individual citizens who made the choice to own slaves, and direct their own lives through an unsuppressed effort of individual enterprise.
Obviously, the plebeian masses residing in the home States of these two US Presidents; and we may presume a majority of other Northern States, {18} who bore a blood connection to the time of the British colony, the American Revolution and the development of the Constitution, had similar thoughts that were being represented in both President's public stance, among a number of others already mentioned. As has already been demonstrated, an entire majority body of US Presidents openly or privately backed the notion of individual's freedom to choose, and that notion being a Constitutionally endorsed liberty, during the years preceding the Civil War. In lieu of this great revelation, the question immediately precipitates as to “how”..., just how were the masses compelled to go against what the majority inside the same exact region obviously viewed as an endorsed Constitutional right and personal choice based on moralistic opinion?
Such is a matter of official historical record, that during the course of the first two and a half years that the Civil War progressed, the Federal government had a difficult time getting people to sign up for the fight {19}. For just this reason, the first national military draft was called {20} and literally thousands chose to vacate the premises beyond reach of the draft {21}. The Southern army excelled to a splendor in the field of battle, winning virtually every primary engagement, even though initially the fight was perceived to be a short one at best by Federal leaders.
Once the fight was over, the corrupted cartel reasoned, the Constitution could then be infringed upon to guarantee a future lordship of centralized banking and corporate interests, over any concerns of plebeian prosperity or welfare in general. The obvious question in lieu of this revelation is that something happened to facilitate an abruptly changed direction among native born Northern citizens with an American colonial heritage; almost an instant “about face,” if you will. Why did the citizens who were residences of the Northern States suddenly change their own personal convictions? Or did a new body of individuals arrive on the scene who possessed no such understanding of the Constitution, let alone any blood connection to the days of American Revolution and Constitutional debate/ratification?
The research reveals an astounding “yes” in reply to this analytical question, though no official educational history dares ever to make mention of the fact from the angle presented. The internet/computer, both a plebeian blessing and a dark curse of ever increasing surveillance, shall reveal all truth unto those who dare to analytically question and examine from an objective point of view; although that same truth may be deductively anticipated via succession of circumstantial evidence, as has already been demonstrated..
What suddenly occurred was that the element of the population in Northern States, who possessed a colonial blood heritage connection with the Constitution, was intentionally displaced by huge waves of Federally invited immigrants {22}! These immigrants could th