Bible Of The Freeborn American Patriot by H.L. Dowless - HTML preview

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                                                                           Chapter 5

                                    Those Who Resisted, How And Why

                                                   It all started with Jefferson


    As we have discussed earlier, the first measure to impose rule via centralized currency came with the development of the First Bank Of The United States. The individual with the most standing who held as much clout, if not more than George Washington himself, was the intellectual, Thomas Jefferson. Before we go along here or in any such study of this material, one is forced by history and fact to begin with Jefferson and his reasoning to truly understand the resistance and see the reality that unfolded forth from it, eventually reaching it's ultimate climax on the field of battle. As the passage of time shall most assuredly reveal, the enormous travesty for future generations will result because the great corrupt conspiring collusion came out victorious five generations ago, over the interests of individual people.     Here is a short clip from wikipedia on the First Bank Of The United States located in the section under opposition:

   Secretary of State Thomas Jefferson and James Madison led the opposition, which claimed that the bank was unconstitutional, and that it benefited merchants and investors at the expense of the majority of the population.

    Jefferson among others, also were against establishing an official government mint without measures of checks and balances. Take a quick glance here at the reasons why gathered from the same source:

    They believed this centralization of power away from local banks was dangerous to a sound monetary system and was mostly to the benefit of business interests in the commercial areas of the nation, not landed property owner's interests, arguing that the right to own property would be infringed by these proposals. Furthermore, they contended that the creation of such a bank violated the Constitution, which specifically stated that congress was to regulate weights and measures and issue coined money (rather than mint and bills of credit).

    To repeat myself here once more again, since doing so is at a premium in the area of importance; all should be clear and evident by now that what this group truly desired was simply solid checks and balances placed on the currency and in the prevailing system, so that the value could not be manipulated to the advantage of an elitist few, whom it was known were in collusion with corporate interests. One of the chief primary check desired was simply that the face value stamped on the bank issued notes (dollar bills) be backed with an equal value in gold coin.

    Again, to repeat; the means by which this manipulation could favor a collusion was to crash the system {380}, causing widespread property foreclosure, while inside operators could hoard up on banknotes, knowing that the values would be later raised {381}. These inside operators, whom in many cases were members of congress themselves, could then race out and buy up all of the valuable foreclosed property that could be purchased, knowing well that the values on the notes would be later on raised. The purchased properties could then be resold to corporate representatives, netting the new owners profits beyond belief.

    As the value of the notes were still in an upward climb, the corporate representatives could work through the local banks, making loans simple for the plebeian masses to acquire, then dump all of their property holdings off for even a grater profit. Even the banks themselves would stand to profit from this collusion via a doubled or even tripling of values through deceptive interest charges, not too mention the government tax office. If the person failed to make payment at some future point, the bank simply just foreclosed again and resold it, keeping the money already payed out by the former owner.  The only real losers in the deal would be the average individual, who lost the real-estate to foreclosure as well as the new purchaser, who now had to pay the tax and the interest from the leveraged loan.     The primary check would come in value to value backing in gold or silver coin. This way the gold or silver value notated on the note could not simply be changed with a new printing of bills. An example might be if the note bore the stated value of .50 mg gold to the $1.00 note. The bill itself would bear the written value of $1.00 and the fine writing might state the exchange value in real gold value. A later printing of the notes might bear the exchange value of.10 in gold, while salaries and business had been conducted in a prior assumed, written dollar value.

    Such is the reason that people defaulted on their mortgages, since the property held it's value and demanded more of the diminished notes. Wages, however, were payed only in a stated amount of dollars within a period of time, be it by the day or the hour, never to increase or lower due to a reduction in gold or silver value. As a matter of fact, as the notation indicated, the Constitution was even against the issuance of note or bills, favoring a median of exchange in solid gold or silver coin.   What reveals was the methodology used by which a corrupt cartel collusion could work a system void of checks, to their own advantage. On these grounds Jefferson, Madison and the others, stood to demand that solid balances be issued, preferring to hold congress to the Constitution. With the signature of Washington to effectively give birth to the FBOUS, the conspiring collusion won out.


                                                                     Andrew Jackson;                                                    

the plebeian’s knight in shining armor


    While there were many who stood for the interests of individual and constitution, matter of fact, a majority, none made a more solid stand for the interest of the common man than did Andrew Jackson; although in the end, he himself was still forced to concede on his basic principles {382} {383}  412to the power of big money, government collusion and the perverted insatiable greed of the corporate aristocracy. As we shall recall, the bank came under attack at the onset of Jackson's presidency in 1829. Jackson's justification for this attack was that the centralized bank had failed to produce a stable currency, and that it was unconstitutional. Both houses launched an investigation, determining that the centralized bank had Constitutional backing and that it held a pivotal role in providing for a stable currency, even though it possessed no hard solid measure to check that currency values could not be manipulated to the advantage of an elitist few. Jackson rejected the findings, by observing the record of corruption mentioned before hand, that had already occurred at the expense of the American citizens. He labeled the centralized bank as a corrupt institution that threatened individual liberties of the citizens at large, the same label as had Jefferson before him. 

    Biddle, president of the SBOUS made an appeal to Jackson for reconsideration of the recharter. Jackson held his ground. Henry Clay's political ultimatum to Jackson sparked the Bank War {384}, the ultimatum being that if Jackson did not recharter the bank, then those in power with the bank would see to it that Jackson's next election did not go through. The provoked response came in where Jackson withdrew the Federal deposits, diverting them into private bank holdings, ending the SBOUS ability to dictate fiscal value. In response to this, Biddle induced a financial crisis {385} that was blamed on Jackson's executive action. A backlash in congress against Biddle's currency crash caused all efforts at rechartering the bank, to subsequently end. In 1836 the bank became a private charter under Pennsylvania Commonwealth Law ...and the grand effort to centralize America's currency in absence of all checks to regulate a guaranteed face value equivalent in gold, appeared to have died on a limb.     Response to Jackson's efforts at forcing the bank to accept checks and balances on it's ability to manipulate currency value, was to simply withdraw the gold and silver to be redeemed on the face value of the bank notes. Such action rendered the notes virtually worthless, upon depositors attempting to reclaim the value of bank notes in gold or silver. Prices skyrocketed as the notes devalued, leading to a seven year depression known as the Panic of 1837.  The panic was particularly hard on individuals who owned large landed estates not under the authority of the banks, and the prices of produce derived therefrom. Upon realization of the facts stated, we may observe the true intent of the crash all along; to destroy the economy supporting those who persist in demanding checks and balances on banking, corporations and their representative base in government. Only when money once again became backed by gold, because of the California Gold Rush 1848, did the situation economically improve, completely reviving the economy by 1850.

    In addition to gold being discovered in California that was used to pay down the national debt and stabilize the currency, the newly appointed national treasury president, James Guthery 1853, bore skills on par with Alexander Hamilton. Due to observations of corruption in the national bank, treasury and among managing officials, Guthery did not believe in centralized banking without hard checks and balances, such as notes having backing in gold equal to the face value. Guthery also moved to purge the treasury of corrupt employees, managing officials and tariff collectors, all of whom were withholding funds from the government to their own enrichment. All of these positive developments served to allow the economic boom to continue for the next seven years.

    This fiscal improvement reinforced the wisdom in backing bank notes with species, or redeemable gold and silver. The problem with it was that it wrested the ability to manipulate currency values away from the self serving elitist representative base in government working in collusion with the corporate aristocracy, who designed to rob the American citizen of all that he held dear or had ever labored to have. Without a doubt, a negative response would come all too soon as the desires of greed once again rose to turn those whom had vowed publicly to serve and protect their voting constituency, against the very ones who had voted them in.

    When Buchanan was elected president, the hope and feeling among centralized banking constituents was that the next president would allow the wishes of big money to continue on as they pleased, without having to answer to any call for checks on that ability in any way. When the situation was observed that Buckanan would continue on in the Jeffersonian tradition, then the alliances proposing centralized banking and non-specie backed currency determined that some sort of event must occur to convince him of the wisdom in doing otherwise. After all, he haled from Pennsylvania, an area dominated by the centralized banks and their corporate collusion.

    In an obvious effort to destroy the presidency of Buckanan, the currency values again were manipulated by withholding the gold and silver coin backing the banking notes, causing the Panic of 1857. Since the interests of banking had now expanded offshore, a tainted collusion had developed between the US central bank and the bank of England, as well as the centralized banks of other European nations. Trade that benefited the huge landed estates in the areas of the nation outside the sphere of domination by the centralized bank, primarily in the South, Mid-West and the raw lands of the West, was known to be conducted between those areas and the ports of England. This time when the currency was crashed, not only would the pain be felt on the home front at large, but there would be no means of escape by simply shipping product offshore. In spite of the negative strike at those liberated areas by the forces of centralized banking, the economy dipped sharply, then rebounded just as quickly, more than likely due to British central banking officials not getting satisfaction in their end of the back room bargain from high end American banking officials. Only the {386} sinking of the SS Central America would cause the collapse to reinstate on the American end and hold for any extended time. Even then, however, the Southern economy proved itself at being astonishing resilient in a relativly short span of time.

     In the end, when the democratic national convention of 1860 met in Charleston, South Carolina, and the southern wing walked out, confirming their intention of succession, Buckanan had no alternative choice but to gradually shift sides over to the forces remaining in the national office. He had attempted to negotiate a settlement between the opposing sides, but the corrupted collusion of banks, corporations and their inside government connections, were simply just way too powerful by the time his term of office ended with the election of Lincoln.

    Matter of fact, the power of the cartel was so great at this point, that with the ship Star Of The West {387} being stationed near Charleston Harbor, the Captain, Major Robert Anderson, was induced  417 to force the hand of the South by shipping supplies for military reinforcement of Fort Sumpter, in-spite of Buckanan's deal with the Governor of South Carolina that such would never occur. Buckanan had been previously warned in the course of the contacts with Pickens, that South Carolina would open fire should any attempt at reinforcement occur. {388} This announcement paved the way for the cartel to make the initiation that would herald the manifestation of their true intentions all along, which were to destroy the economic base of those representatives calling for checks and balances on currency and in government; thereby the goal being to render the dark cartel an absolute authority, dictating United States Government and eventually it's relationship to the plebeian masses on the ground to it's own, self-serving benefit.

    With the election of Lincoln, there was only a single side to contend with in office. Lincoln knew his duty and the only choice that he had was to execute it; although it is this author's deductive conclusion, that this choice was far more than just one of a compliant attitude on Lincoln's part, as we shall examine in the second volume. His duty was to preside over the conflict that intentionally designed to effectively destroy the only economy that produced any representative opposition to the corrupted collusion running US government, force consolidation of the currency in absence of that opposition, then with the backs of America's plebeian citizens turned, move to adulterate the Constitution to embrace the new corporate and banking absolute authority presently running the nation and dictating the very intimate lives of plebeian citizens on the ground.

    Since conscripted labor was the most valuable product of any nation then, as it still is now {389}, the legal right to own conscripts was simply transferred over from the individual to the corporation and centralized government. The individual's Constitutionally endorsed right to cast aside their imposing, extortionist government by popular vote, was then eliminated. By 1867 the Federal government could impose it's will against the Constitution or the people, manipulate the currency to force them into deep debt, since all other currency except centralized national currency had been outlawed in 1863. Then when the people protested their extortion, the forces of government backed military and corporation could freely move against them in an effort to purloin all privately held resources and to compel them into maintaining the infrastructure, and/or force those who continued to stand outside of the imposed system into existing as an expendable resource for corporate profits, in complete absence of any incentive what-so-ever. {390}

    All that was now needed were for the checks preventing any president from imposing himself as an absolute authority be removed, and the land of America would effectively have a corporate backed mono-authority who owned all privately held resources, where the people of the land themselves are reduced into an expendable product 421. This change would come about in a much later era of time, but would all be executed in accordance with a prior ordained plan of action designed to bring it about that originated in the administration of George Washington, with Washington's signed charter for establishment of the First Bank Of The United States establishing the glowing precursor.


                                                            The Productive Landed Estates

   A majority of the productive landed estates were started by men 422 who began with a land purchase from a distant property owner, who had made purchase of huge tracts of land from one of the Lord's Proprietors 423 or he possessed a charter directly from the Crown itself, very rarely being the case. Let it be noted here, that a huge majority of those who possessed the charter were the ones cutting the land tracts up and selling them out to the planters, whom would one day construct the big house and build up the estate enterprise.

    Other individuals who owned the estates were business men, ship Captains who were also ship owners, who desired to make landed purchase for the purpose of constructing rice plantations, for example or tobacco plantations. People who made these types of purchases, in time tended to possess the largest and most valuable plantations, such as Drayton Hall {391}, in Charleston South Carolina.     Many of the these plantations also yielded produce other than cotton, rice and tobacco, which provided for additional business ventures. Most produced spirits for private purchase, export and consumption. There were food crops of nearly every variety and types, both freshly gathered and already prepared in the estate bakery, for private purchase and consumption. There was also an estate blacksmith, who in-fact might be a skilled tradesman just as aptly as a conscripted servant, who would produce wares utilized by the surrounding community at large. An itinerant silver smith might also drop by for a while, to craft a few items of quality for the estate display and facilitate customer financed mercantile sale thereof. All of these products were made for sale in the estate general store {392}, as well as for export.

    Regulation and taxes on profits or products were non-existent for the most part back in this day and time, in the area of the nation where the estates were most numerous to the point of creating this sole, highly functional and most efficient economic base, as far as the individual person in concerned. In this manner, the wealth was unadulterated and generally went back into improving the estate grounds, caring for the needs of workers who were so vital to the survival of the estate, and to the general well being of the family in charge.

    From an ideological point of view, the landed estates, in all actuality were an independent microcosm of perfect socialism, in it's truest sense. Consider the facts first, then accept the obvious conclusion. Huge tracts of productive land were controlled by a family elite or a union of family elites. A human majority, in many cases, was absolutely controlled by this elite; although at the same time, a certain amount of individual liberty was allowed {393}. All clothes, food, shelter and the best of available medical care, was provided for by the ruling elite. All that the controlled human majority was required to do, was simply supply the effort to extract the valuable product from the land, as well as maintain the estate for the purpose of doing so. The compelled majority was denied the liberty to exit the estate grounds, yet if he did possess the liberty to leave, where would he have gone to when all of his needs were met right where it was that he stood? He would have needed to labor anyway just to provide the basics of life, and a majority of what he made would have wound up right back in the hands of those who provided the shelter, services and the consumable products. Where would this reality, then, leave the liberated individual? We must presume that he would have been employed by the same identical estate system, which is exactly what happened upon the assumed Federal liberation therefrom in a huge majority of instances.

    Over the course of time, many of the conscripted servants were actually granted their freedom. {394} Some did so via quality dutiful service to the estate. Others managed to obtain freedom as a result of some heroic deed or being able to capture the favor of the estate children. As stated earlier in above sections, in some areas where these freemen gathered, forty percent and even more labored with the skills that they had acquired while on the estate, purchased land and conscripted servants themselves! This ability to excel by ones own unlimited effort is what caused the privilege for individuals possessing the liberty to do so, to be a cherished right that eventually hundreds of thousands were willing to fight, sacrifice endlessly via horrible deprivation and die for  {395} {396} {397}.

   The estate serviced the surrounding community, providing the local church building for the owner, his family and his surrounding neighbors to attend. Individuals could purchase all of his daily living demands from the estate general store; his food, imported coffee or locally grown yaupon tea; his tools, saddles, clothing, general hardware, arms and the like.  Some estates even crafted buggies for sale, but few locals could afford it. For reasons of affordability, the local estates began lending money out for purchases, taking land, golden leaf cured tobacco, quality livestock or gems as collateral, when it was that they could do so. In other words, this uninhibited liberty to produce and engage free enterprise was how men ascended into a staggering wealth known only to the greatest elites among the European gentry aristocracy in numerous examples scattered inside the pages of US history.

    Another extremely valuable product that linked the entire web network of the landed estates into an enterprising web, was that of lumber production, second only to that of tobacco and cotton, where it could be widely grown. On innumerable occasions, if not universally, one estate would allow another to gather timber and process lumber into usable boards for construction projects of various types or sale inside the estate general lumber store. Payment for processing it could be made in retaining processed lumber, obviously at high percentages, distilled whiskey if high quality run was known to be produced on the exchanging estate or it's value in gold coin leveraged from the bank or even another estate. Obviously the value, more than likely, amounted to two thirds of the value in timber, since the estate being employed exerted the effort and resources as well as labor gathering in and processed the timber.     The accumulated gold or product could then be traded for product of more value or the gold coin lent out at one third value to the two thirds in collateral. The larger and more productive the landed estate, then the more influence it had inside the surrounding community. The majority of estate owners were fair and honest people and there were very few local complaints;  so in the overall scheme of things, the banks at large were seen as imposing obstacles, rather than assets, inside a number of local communities. These realities were why simply handing absolute control over to a centralized bank, owned and operated by a centralized government, heavily backed by huge impersonal corporations and without checks and balances…,was simply out of the question. 

   As time passed, when these local privately owned banks arose across the land, these huge landed estates invested into them on many occasions, either under a single family owner or multiple cooperational family owners from the surrounding estates. The value in the coin was always stable, being valued at what the stamped amount on the bank note was in weight of the golden coin. A dollar was a dollar, whether the amount was one fifth an ounce or one sixteenth an ounce in gold. When notes were beginning to be issued, the value of the gold dictated the stated amount on the dollar note and it seldom fluctuated. When it did move, then the note could be redeemed for the declining amount at liberty of the holder.

   The imposed addition of what amounted to IOU notes not backed by gold in weight by a corporate backed centralized bank, allowed the values to be manipulated by retracting the gold and silver backing the notes and printing more notes, intending to saturate the market with notes or ceasing production of notes and adding in more gold and silver coin. When the market crashed, foreclosed real-estate holdings would suddenly drop in value to attract possible buyers, who would then take the property off the market.

   Insiders who knew that the intentional crash was eminent would begin collecting all of the devaluing notes that they could possibly get their hands on  {398}. When the property values plummeted to rock bottom, these notes could then be utilized to purchase property for nearly nothing in anticipation of a climb in value that insiders already knew would occur and probably specifically when. In this manner, the rank and file on the ground were beguiled out of the property that they had legally acquired via diligent labor and virtual spartan lifestyles, if they owned money on it or some sort of imposed tax in general, since businesses tend to reduce employment opportunity during times of financial adversity.


                                           A Rich Culture Of Enlightenment And Wealth


    One weekend trip into Charleston South Carolina or Savanna Georgia will show the glitter that is still left to astound us as we are merrily told the stories lingering on behind the glorious sights. According to the tour guides, the least productive of the rice plantations generated eight times more wealth for it's owner than even the most lavish Bostonian mercantile enterprise. As was intimated earlier, cash generating produce in situations where established markets have already been developed, can at times generate more return than the purest of gold. When that return born from the produce is free from the forces of extortion and liberty for owners of estates unsuppressed, then wealth for the individual is limited only by the powers delegated to him from the hand of nature itself. Such unsuppressed liberty represents the most lucid form of subm