Bible Of The Freeborn American Patriot by H.L. Dowless - HTML preview

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                                                                        Index terms




“Bounty” colony


“idealist generation”

“public funds”


“the modern era”

“unbearable” acts

“Utopian” society

“work makes you free”


Alaskan succession

Alexander Hamilton

alien diseases

American death march

Andrew Jackson


Aron Burr


backbone of the economy

bank notes

Battle of Chesapeake

Benjamin Robert Curtis

Boon Hall Plantation

Bower Hill

Burnside Plantation

business venture

Captain William Lewis Herndon

cash payments

Cavode Committee

centralized currency

Chinese debt

Christopher Columbus

citizen responsibility

colonial trade goods

compulsory labor camps

concealment of facts




corporate deception

critical thinking skills

crowd control technology

Crown colony

David Crockett

Demand Notes

democratic government

depletion of resources

divisive appeal to emotion


downsizing municipalities

Drayton Hall

East India Company

Electoral College

Employment Security Commission

English colonial strategic objectives

English ideology regarding land use

English land surveys

English organizational skills

Evergreen Plantation

fabled spice route

Fascist collective government

Fascist system

Federal Education Authority

First Bank Of The United States

first English massacre

four hundred year old war

Franklin Pierce

Frederick Douglas

French fur markets

French settlements

Gamble Plantation

General John Neville

general stores

George Washington

Girard College

Gladston Purchase

government subsidy to business

Greek and Roman business co-ops

growth of the plantation economy

guinea pigs

Henry Clay

Henry E Ford

Historian John Chester Miller

Hugh Maxwell

imperial capitol ventures


incendiary literature

incentive to produce

Indian Relocation

individual enterprise

James Buckanan

James K Polk

James Madison

James McHall Jones


John C Calhoon

John Glen

John Quincy Adams

John Randolph Of Roanoke

John Taylor Of Caroline

John Tyler

Joseph Hamilton Daveeiss

justification for succession

Kansas-Nebraska Act


La Navidad

Langdon Cheves

law against out-sourcing

Legal Tender Act

Lewis and Clark expedition

liaise-fare government

long rifles

Louisiana Purchase


Magnolia Plantation

mandates that violate the citizen's wmartial law

Martin Van Buren

metallic currency

military colony


Millard Filmore

Mingo Creek Association

minute men

Missouri Compromise

National Bank Act Of 1863 And 1864

National Bank Act Of 1865 And 1866

native land resource

native weaknesses

Nicholas Biddle

no incentive

no job security

Northwest Indian War

Odon Hoffman Jr.


official history twisted

Ohio Life Insurance And Trust Company

Old Independence Hall

one world government

Panic Of 1837


Paul Revere



primary theme of the book

problems of unchecked illegal immigration

propagandist dysphemism

Qualla Boundary

Queen Isabella


Report Of Manufacturers

representative government

Republic Of Texas

rights of succession

Roanoke colony

Santo Domingo


settler complaints

seven year drought in the south east

Sir Walter Raleigh

skeletons of a new nation

Socialist system

Spanish atrocities

specie circular

specie payments

Stephan Girard

Tariff Bill Of 1842

tax collection

The Bank War

the battle of Lexington

The Boston Massacre

the Boston tea party

The Cherokee

The coinage act of 1792

The compromise of 1833

the Declaration Of Independence

The Democratic Party

The Dred Scot Case

The Federalist

The First Party System

The Gag Rule

The Independent Treasury System

the military's abuses

The Morrill Tariff

The national mint

The National Republican Party

The Panic Of 1819

The Panic Of 1837

The Panic Of 1897

The Peel Banking Act

the regulators

The Removal Act

The Second Amendment

The Second Bank Of The United States

The Second Party System

The Tariff Of 1812

The tenth amendment

The Transcontinental Railroad

The whiskey rebellion

Thomas Jefferson

Topeka Constitution


US Revolutionary War

Veasy Bank Versus Fenno

Venus fly-trap reference

Walker Tariff Of 1846

War Of 1812

We, the people and our duties

Why people need to know

William Jones

witch trials

Yankee doodle


youpon tea (cassina)