A GREAT many good people are now engaged in teaching you to read and write. This is very important; for then you can read the Bible and other good books, and see your way to heaven clearer. Besides, some learning is very necessary and useful in business, in writing letters, and in many ways. While you were slaves, you were for the most part not permitted to learn to read and write; but now you have the opportunity, and you must give your attention to it.
It is a new thing to you, this learning to read and write, and it may come hard at first; but if you keep on, it will soon become easier. And when you have once learned these, what a pleasant thing it will be to you to write a letter, or to sit down in your own house and read all about Jesus and salvation!
You must see that your children learn also. Perhaps they will take it quicker, and then they can read to you. How nice it will be, after your day’s work or on the Sabbath, to listen to your children reading to you out of the precious Bible! This will be one of the best blessings connected with your new-found freedom.