Guardians of Faith: The Hospitaller Order of St. Thomas of Acon by James K. Cater - HTML preview

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Chapter 7:

1. Books:

- “The Crusades: A History” by Jonathan Riley-Smith


- “The New Knighthood: A History of the Order of the Temple” by Malcolm Barber

- “The Knights Hospitaller” by Helen Nicholson

- “The Crusades: The Authoritative History of the War for the Holy Land” by Thomas Asbridge

- “The Crusades Through Arab Eyes” by Amin Maalouf

2. Academic Journals and Articles:

- “The Military Orders and the Reformation: Choices, State-building, and the Weight of Tradition” by Dr. Jochen Burgtorf (Published in The Journal of Ecclesiastical History)

- “The Monastic Military Orders: The Templars and the Hospitallers” by Dr. Alan Forey (Published in The Cambridge History of Christianity)

3. Primary Sources:

- Chronicles and accounts from the time period of the Crusades, including works by chroniclers such as William of Tyre, Fulcher of Chartres, and other contemporary sources.

- Documents related to the activities and history of the Order of St. Thomas of Acon, including charters, letters, and official records.

- Historical institutions and libraries, including the British Library, the Bibliothèque nationale de France, and the Vatican Library, which may house valuable historical documents and sources related to the Crusades and the Order of St. Thomas of Acon.