JFK Assassination The Last Book by John C. Dean - HTML preview

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Jack Lawrence, on the south end of the overpass got JFK in the throat through the windshield to his right of the rear view mirror.

And Frank Sturgis, a Nixon goon missed

from the north side of the overpass,

while Nixon's CIA man, E. Howard Hunt,

was paymaster for the team that day.

Nixon man, Ruby, with mafia ties, hit Oswald in a couple of days, who was an agent for us that Hoover set-up, to take the fall that day.

Cause Oswald's story would ruin the day for LBJ, et al.

Lt. Day, from the Dallas police took the Mannlicher rifle to the holding site of Oswald's corpse,

inked his dead palm, and impressed it on the rifle, and lifted the print which couldn't be read and showed it as Oswald's palm print,

where it was accepted as evidence in the Warren report, despite bad clarity in the print.

Over the years I worked and reworked the shooting scenario to try to make sense of the facts,

of missed bullet hits, sequence of wounds,

slow limo path, shooter spots, and recently got perfect agreement of all facts in the scene.

This is part of my story of 2019,