JFK Assassination- The Last Book 11-13-22
John Kennedy probably suspected that he could be assassinated in his first term. Close to having just sworn in, his loyal intelligence agents told him of a monolithic worldwide conspiracy that had all of the functions of a small government, but that operated in the Black and threatened our way of life: he was the guest speaker at the National Publishers Association formal luncheon at the Waldorf Astoria in New York on 27 April, 1961 and said: ______________________________________________________________
“we are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies primarily on covert means for expanding its sphere of influence, -on infiltration instead of invasion, on subversion instead of elections, on intimidation instead of free choice, on guerrillas by night instead of armies by day. It is a system which has conscripted vast human and material resources into the building of a tightly knit, highly efficient machine that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific and political operations.”
“Its preparations are concealed, not published. Its mistakes are buried, not headlined. Its dissenters are silenced, not praised. No expenditure is questioned, no rumor is printed, no secret is revealed. It conducts the Cold War, in short, with a war-time discipline no democracy would ever hope or wish to match.”
It sounds sort of like what GHW Bush was up to in 1961, operating on an island off the coast of Cuba, he was running commando attacks on Cuba under cover of darkness. A brother in “Skull and Bones”
Fraternity at Yale gave him the island for use for his “Zapata Oil Company” as a cover for being there. But he was running commando raids on Cuba to help unseat dictator Fidel Castro. Jack Ruby (also a Bush associate) ran guns to the island to help the cause. Ruby was Nixon’s man (and GHW Bush’s man), a private eye for Nixon 1
in his Commie hunting days for congress in the late 40s. Ruby also worked for the mafia so he could be trusted to do espionage work without bitching for Nixon, who was owned by Prescott Bush. Nixon got Prescott’s support by answering an ad for “a malleable attorney interested in politics”, from Prescott and his other banking friends on the East Coast. It was posted on the west coast and Nixon responded yes. “They welcomed and supported Nixon and “guided” his mission in politics” in a radical right wing direction, covert takeover growth.
Meanwhile, J. Edgar Hoover ran the FBI. He had shadowy connections to Big oil and Clint Murcheson and vacationed annually at Murcheson’s resort in Del Mar, CA near the race track as Murcheson’s guest. It is likely that Hoover had his lover, Clyde Tolson, Associate Director of the FBI with him (Hoover being his sexual partner), so that Big Oil, I suppose, probably had film on them. And therefore had leverage on the Director of the FBI. Hoover had his agents shadow JFK so they were aware and had proof of JFK’s philandering with women outside of his marriage. Being a friend and neighbor with Lyndon Johnson, Hoover got Lyndon the VP spot under Kennedy by not disclosing JFK’s philandering nationally before the 1960 elections.
JFK knew he could retire Hoover in his 2nd term and blow out Johnson, (if he got a 2nd term), but meanwhile had to put up with Johnson, who was given no power as Vice President. But Johnson was de
termined to assassinate Kennedy during his f irst t erm so he would become president. LBJ’s attorney, Ed Clark would manage that plan that LBJ’s gunman, Mac Wallace, would flesh out into a scenario, (a little in-house project). GHW Bush would support with Cuban veterans from the Bay of Pigs invasion that he organized, who while hating Castro also disfavored JFK for his lack of air support for their Bay of Pigs landing. Nixon’s black OPS chiefs: E. Howard Hunt and Frank Sturgis would train the Cubans in Florida. But Kennedy could not support the CIA Bay of Pigs project with air support as that would 2
have been an act of war, yet undeclared by congress. Besides, Nixon did the government coordination for Eisenhower on this CIA plan.
So Bay of pigs was a bad surprise that the CIA would launch, with or without JFK’s support, in his early presidency. So we can see both Nixon and his benefactor, GHW Bush (son of Prescott Bush) were closing in on the elimination of Kennedy and the furthering of the radical right wing covert world takeover that they were part of. And there were attempts on JFK’s life before Dallas: the last of which was in Chicago in September 1963. Agent Abraham Bolden worked in the Chicago office at that time. He had been invited by JFK, who ran into Bolden in a basement bathroom while on travel sometime early in his presidency, to join the Secret Service at the White House and he accepted this opportunity. Only his fellow agents were racists and they abused Bolden crudely/without respect, using the “N” word regularly with him, and got him fired in his first month or so while he was on probation as a new recruit. In 1964 Bolden, then, wanted to be a witness to the Warren Commission of his knowledge that Secret Service (SS) under JFK were racists, and obviously did not make improvements in JFK’s protection in Dallas, even after knowledge of the attempted coup in Chicago in September, ‘63. In fact JFK’s SS
eliminated his protection . They put him on a slow course, 10mph (where 35mph was the guide book minimum) in the center of Dealey Plaza among tall buildings with open windows (against protocol) by taking a right from Main onto Houston and subsequent slow wide turn onto Elm St.with a pause to proceed to the luncheon engagement at the Trade Mart in Dallas through the underpass, crowded with spectators on the overpass above (against protocols again). They moved the press way back and put in the SS car that failed on purpose to evacuate the president during the barrage of shots through the Plaza. They removed the rear bumper stand guards, and moved the motorcycle escorts protecting his flanks. The president was totally vulnerable. The 3
Police Chief and Sheriff and Mayor sped ahead of the limo and waited safely under the overpass while the attack began from the top of Elm street to the picket fence on the grassy knoll, to avoid being hit by live fire. It was a set up. In short JFK’s execution was supported by his SS, his CIA, Dallas Law enforcement, The City of Dallas, the state of Texas, and private shooters from various locations. Howard Hughes was one source of funding through Nixon to E. Howard Hunt, a paymaster for the JFK assassination. Maybe Operation 40, an assassination squad developed by Nixon kicked in support. Big Oil (Murcheson) ended up paying Ed Clark $4 million in oil producing land afterwards as his reward for the successful mission.
JFK’s wife knew of the planned kill in Dallas and she had no other opportunity like this one to be freed from her philandering husband, and get the respect of the people and freedom to remarry for a better life. I understand her position and her desire to retain the respect of the world and not live with a womanizing roue, like JFK. I blame the real conspirators even though she was most definitely an accomplice to the crime. It was made to look like help for her husband. (But she should have pushed him to the floor at the top of the street and laid on him to protect him), while screaming for the limo to evacuate, and force the conspirators to go off plan to get their job done. They might have killed her to get him in this case, but she had an opportunity to possibly save the president who was loved the world around. Instead she propped him up by his left arm/elbow after he was injured, to keep him a target for the kill. (It may have been her who was loved more around the world.) I’m pretty sure that he knew he
was under attack at the top of the street, because he jerked his hand
back from a near hit ; and slid toward Jackie pretty quickly. The
limo didn’t evacuate. Soon he heard a loud shot at Z170, and noticed
that they weren’t moving out. He may have complained but shortly
thereafter got hit in the back by a muffled subsonic rifle shot.
So he stood up and said he was hit, as if to tell the crowd. “Is
anybody supporting me” he must have thought. Kellerman, right
front seat in the limo testified to JFK saying he was hit, but he failed
to move out in a hurry to the hospital, and in another 15-20 seconds,
JFK was shot dead by his driver while Kellerman shielded his face
from shot blast with a blue binder per plan. The back wound was a
flesh wound and the bullet fell out easily during the autopsy at the
Bethesda, Md. Morgue. But the neck shot from the front (with no
exit) hit him at frame Z225 as shown in the Zapruder (Z) film, which
was fully edited (sanitized) by the CIA, and not seen in public for 12
years. TV anchorman Dan Rather saw the film within days of the
shooting and said on the air that the fatal shot thrust JFK forward,
but that was a lie that he may have been forced to tell, or was he a radical right wing conspirator, helping their cause? I deeply dislike
him for not correcting his comment. He was a co-conspirator for
that alone. I was ready to drop out of college and help pursue the culprits responsible as I was against my father’s racism. I suspected LBJ and his fellow racist/supremacist pals.
JFK’s neck shot opened his trachea and made it hard to breathe and disabled his voice. He held both hands at his throat until the right temple shot from the knoll that stuck into his skull on the inside left, causing great pain. He grabbed the left side of his head with his left hand. Then he saw Greer bearing down on him with his shiny 45, 4 feet away and raised his right fist but was shot dead in the right forehead near the hair line that blew out the back of his head 2.5inches wide by 4 inches tall, an oval hole that was fatal, so he couldn’t be revived at Parkland Hospital in Dallas and was pronounced dead at 1pm Dallas time. He had raised his right fist, his only defense, for the fatal shot. This forced the driver to pop up to fire over his fist while still hitting his forehead. A close up of a reprocessed Moorman photo shows the fist, a fraction of a second 5
post fatal shot,
that shows the
large exit