Lessons in Non-violent Civil Disobedience from the life of M. K. Gandhi and his Legacy by Arun J. Mehta - HTML preview

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Time Line


Events are not mentioned in chronological order in this book and a time line might help some readers.


Bhagavad Gitā BCE 3100

Gautam Buddha BCE 563 to 483

Mahavir Swami (Jain) BCE 540 to 468

British land in India CE 1608

Introduction of British Education in India 1835

Sepoy Mutiny 1857

Queen Victoria takes over control of India 1858

Birth of Mohandās K. Gāndhi 2 Octber 1869

Starts elementary school 1876

Family moves to Rajkot 1881.

Marrige to Kastur 1883 – age 13

Father Karamachand Gāndhi dies 1885

Joins Samaldas College, Bhavnagar, Gujarat 1887

Sails to London, UK for Law studies 1888 – age 18

Called to Bar 1891

Returns to India, starts Law practice 1892

Sailed for Durban, South Africa 1893

First Satyāgraha in South Africa 1894

Returned to Durban, South Africa with family 1896

Medical Volunteer in Boer War 1899

Starts Indian News Paper in South Africa 1903

Phoenix Āshram in South Africa 1904

Partition of Bengal by Lord Curzon 1905

Medical Volunteer in Zulu Rebellion 1906

Satyāgraha in SA against Transvaal Asiatic Registration Act 1906 September 11

Jailed in Johannesburg, South Africa 1908

Bonfire of Registration Certificates 1908 August

Writes ‘Hind Swaraj’ manifesto for independence of India 1909

Establishes Tolstoy Farm near Johannesburg 1910

Jailed again for crossing Transvaal border 1913

Gen. Smuts agrees to Indian Relief Act 1914 

World War I starts 1914

Returns to India 1915 January

Established Satyāgraha Āshram, Kochrab, Gujarat 1915 May

India 1915

Fights for Indigo farmers’ rights in Champāran, Bihar 1917 April

Successful fight for textile workers and farmers, Gujarat 1918

Jallianwala Baugh massacre, Amritsar, Punjab 1919 April 13

Editor of ‘Young India’ & ‘Navajivan’ 1919

Nation wide Satyāgraha against Rowlatt Act 1919

Elected President of All India Home Rule League 1920

Launched non-co-operation movement 1920

Khadi – promotes home spun cloth 1921

Mass civil disobedience movement 1921

Police Station burned in Chauri Chaura 1922 February 5

Satyāgraha suspended 1922

Jailed for six years 1922

Writes ‘Autobiography’ and ‘Satyāgraha in South Africa’ in jail 1923

Nagpur Flag Satyāgraha            1923

Borsad Satyāgraha             1924

Vaikom Satyāgraha initiated under the leadership of T. K. Madhavan    1924-25

Bardoli (Gujarat), Satyāgraha launched by Sardar Patel 1927

‘Purna Swarāj’ total Independence from Britain declared on 1930 January 26

Starts march against law prohibiting salt production in India 1930 March 12

Reaches the sea shore in Dāndi after walking 230 miles 1930 April 6

Gāndhi-Irwin Pact signed 1931

Sailed to England for IInd Round Table Conference 1931 August

Jailed again 1932 May

Fast protesting against British divide & rule policy for ‘untouchables’ 1932

British retract and sign ‘Yerwada jail pact’ 1932

Nationwide campaign against the practice of ‘untouchability’ 1933

Starts weekly paper ‘Harijan’ 1933

Starts All India Village Industries Association 1934

Starts ‘Sewagrama Āshram’ near Wardhā, ? Maharashtra 1936

Tours North West Frontier Province, near Afghanistan 1938

Rajkot Satyāgraha by Gāndhi & Sardar Patel          1938-39

World War II starts 1939 September

Japan joined WW II 1941 December

Failure of Cripps mission 1942

‘Quit India’ Movement 1942 August 8

Jailed in Pune 1942

Kasturba dies 1944 February 22

World War II ends 1945 September

Visits places of communal violence to bring peace 1946 - ‘47

Opposes partition of India 1947 May

India becomes independent nation in British Commonwealth 1947 August 15

Gāndhiji does not attend celebrations – busy with peace mission

Five day’s fast for communal unity in India 1948 January 13

Failed attempt at assassination in Prayer Meeting, New Delhi 1948 January 20

Assassinated at Prayer Grounds, New Delhi 1948 Jan. 30 (age 78)

Further Reading



Attali, Jacques: “Gāndhi ou l’eveil des humilies" (‘Gāndhi or Awakening of the Humiliated’).  Pub. Librairie Arthème Fayard. 2007.


Attenborough, Richard: “The Words of Gāndhi”. Pub. New Market Press, New York. 1982.


Axelrod, Alan: “Gāndhi, CEO: 14 Principles to Guide & Inspire Modern Leaders”. Pub. Sterling Publishing Co., Inc. 2010.


Badhun, P.: “Back to Basics: A J. C. Kumarappa Reader”. Pub. Odyssey Publications. 2011.


Balaji, Balamurali: “Is Gāndhi out-of date? - A study” <http://www.gandhitopia.org/profiles/blogs/article-is-gandhi-out-of-date-a-study>  31 January 2014.


Bharti, Bhanu: “Mahātmā betrayed”, play reviewed by Bajeli, D. S. in ‘The Hindu’.



Bilmes, Linda J. and Stiglitz, Joseph E: “The Three Trillion Dollar War: The True Cost of the Iraq Conflict”. Pub. W. W. Norton & Co. 2008.


Brown, Judith M. and Parel, Anthony: “The Cambridge Companion to Gāndhi”. Pub. Cambridge University Press, 2011.


Caden, Catherine: “Peaceable Revolution through Education”. Pub. Baba Tree, Carrboro, North Carolina, 2009.


Chenoweth, Erica and Stephan, Maria: “Why Civil Resistance Works: The Strategic Logic of Non-violent Conflict”. Pub. Columbia University Press, New York, August 2011.


Chitturi, Romila: “Relevance of Gāndhi today”. <M. K. Gāndhi.org>


Dharamapal, “The Beautiful Tree”. Pub. Biblia Impex, Delhi, 1983.


“453 prisoners take exam on Ahimsā, Gāndhi's autobiography”, DNA.  5 July 2009. <http://www.dnaindia.com/mumbai/report-453-prisoners-take-exam-on-ahimsa-gandhis-autobiography-1271252>


D’Souza, Dr Eugene: “History of British in India”, in Daijiworld.com - Mangalore, India



Durant, Will: “The Case For India”.  First published in1930 but was banned by the British. Republished by Strand Book Stall, Mumbai. 2007.


Edberg, Henrik: “Gāndhi’s 10 Rules for Changing the World” at



Editorial Staff of Hinduism Today: “History of India” magazine, April, May, June 2010 issue, Chap. 4, I 1-6.


Easwaran, Eknath: “Gāndhi the Man”. Pub. Nilgiri Press, California, USA, 1978.


“Mahātmā Gāndhi, my inspiration: Obama” in Expressindia.com - New Delhi, India



Feinstein, Andrew: “The Shadow World: Inside the Global Arms Trade”. a former member of the South African Parliament. Pub. Farrar, Straus, and Giroux. 2011.


Fischer, Louis: “Gāndhi: His Life and Message for the World”. Pub. The New American Library, New York,1954.


Fischer, Louis: “The Life of Mahātmā Gāndhi”. Pub. Macmillan, Collier Books, 1962.


Fullop-Miller, René: “Lenin and Gāndhi”. Pub. Putnam, London, 1930.


Gāndhi, M. K.: “Hind Swaraj or Indian Home Rule”, 1909. <http://www.mkgandhi.org/swarajya/hindswaraj.htm>


 Gāndhi, M. K.: “Satyāgraha in South Africa”. Pub. Navajivan Press, Amdavad, 1928.


Gāndhi, M. K.: “Autobiography - The Story of My Experiments with Truth” (in Gujarati). Navajivan Press, Amdavad, 1928.


Gāndhi, M. K.: “Ethical Religion”. Pub. S. Ganeshan, Madras, 1930.


Gāndhi, M. K. “Mohandās K. Gāndhi – Autobiography” (in English).  Translated by Mahadev Desai.  Pub. Dover Publications, New York, 1983.


Gāndhi, M. K. “The Removal of Untouchability”.  Compiled and edited by B. Kumarrapa.  Pub. Navajivan Publishing House, Amdavad, 1954.


Gāndhi, M. K.: “Sarvodaya” (The Welfare of All). Pub. Navajivan House, Amdavad, 1954.


Gāndhi, M. K.: “Delhi Diary” (Prayer Speeches from 10-9-47 to 29-1-48), Pub. Navajivan Publishing House, Amdavad, 1948.


Guha, Rāmaachandra: “The Absent Celebrant”. The Telegraph, 15 Aug 2009.



Guha , Rāmaachandra: “History of Congress Party”. Calcutta Telegraph, Calcutta, India. 11 April 2009. <http://www.telegraphindia.com/1090411/jsp/opinion/story_10792426.jsp>


Haqqani, Husain: “Magnificent Delusions: Pakistan, the United States, and an Epic History of Misunderstanding”. Pub. Public Affairs, New York, 2013.


“Gāndhian studies catching on at Punjab University” in ‘Hindu’ - Chennai, India. 


India Together: “Education Policy”, The history of education in the 18th and early 19th century.



Itzkin, Eric: “Gāndhi's Johannesburg, birthplace of Satyāgraha”. Pub. Witwatersrand University Press, August 2000.


Jha, Shreekrishna: “Mahātmā Gāndhi - An Environmentalist With A Difference”.



Johnson, Richard L.: “Gāndhi’s Experiments with Truth: Essential Writings by and about Mahātmā Gāndhi”. Pub. Lexington Books, Lanham, USA. 2006.


Johnson, Richard L.: “Three 9/11s: Satyāgraha or Terrorism” in “The Philosophy of Mahātmā Gāndhi for the Twenty-first Century”, p. 99 - 120. Pub. Lexington Books. Lanham, USA. 2008.


King, Mary: “Mahātmā Gāndhi and Martin Luther King Jr. - The power of nonviolent action”. Pub. Mehta Publishers, 2002.


Kinzer, Stephen: “The Brothers: John Foster Dulles, Allen Dulles, and Their Secret World War”. Pub. Times Books, New York, 2013.


Kinzer, Stephen “Overthrow: America's Century of Regime Change from Hawaii to Iraq”. Pub. Times Books, New York, 2007


Kripalani, Krishna (Editor): “All Men are Brothers: Life and Thoughts of Mahātmā Gāndhi as told in his own words”. Pub. Navajivan Publishing House, Amdavad, 1958.


Kumar, Dr. Ravindra: “Gāndhi: Freedom and Democracy”, Scoop.co.nz, Sat, 21 Jun 2008.  <http://www.scoop.co.nz/stories/HL0806/S00303.htm>


Kumar, Dr. Ravindra: “India: Democracy versus Mobocracy and Gāndhi”.



Kumar, Dr. Ravindra: “India, Gāndhi and Relevance of his Ideas in the New World” in Media For Freedom – Nepal. <http://www.mediaforfreedom.com/ReadArticle.asp?ArticleID=10878>


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