Mandalay to Momien by John Anderson - HTML preview

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The objects of worship contained within the walls of this temple are well worthy of note, more especially as they illustrate the curious manner in which the deities representing the various faiths of Chinamen—Buddhist, Taouist, and Confucianist—are often intermingled. As the subjoined list shows, Buddhas, Buddhisatwas, Devas, Arhans, and Buddhist patriarchs, stand side by side with “True Men,” “Masters of Heaven,” and princes of the Taouist faith; while Confucianism finds a solitary representative in the Deva of Scholarly (i.e. Confucianist) Youths (No. 15). This grouping together of the deities of the “Three Religions” might appear strange to those unacquainted with the phases which these faiths have assumed in China. From the first, however, Taouism was but another form of Buddhism, and the gradual weakening, which has been going on for centuries, of the distinctive doctrines of the two sects, together with the introduction of purely Chinese superstition into both, have tended to obliterate the uncertain line of demarcation which originally separated the one from the other. Indeed, the power of absorption, whether of races or of creeds, which so peculiarly belongs to the Chinese, has served to fuse together the dogmas of Buddha and Lao-tsze with the teachings of Confucius to such an extent that, as far as the masses are concerned, they may be treated as the foundations of a common faith, and the objects set apart by each for worship are to be found not unfrequently standing in positions of equal honour—as in the present instance—in the national Pantheons.

The following is a list of the eighty deities who are enthroned in the temple:—

  1. Yun lai tseĭh teen = the Deva of the Gathering Clouds.
  2. Jĭh kung tsun teen = the honoured Deva of the Sun Palace.
  3. To wăn tsun teen = Vaishravana.
  4. Keen-na-lo Wang tsun teen = the honoured Deva, the King of the Kinnaras.
  5. Ta hĕh tsun teen = Mahâ Kala.
  6. Sing kung tsun teen = the honoured Deva of the Star Palace.
  7. Tae suy tsun teen = the Chinese Cybele.
  8. Luy shin tsun teen = the honoured Deva of Thunder.
  9. Hoo-kea-lo Wang tsun teen = the honoured Deva, King Hoo-kea-lo.
  10. Po-kiĕh-lo-tsew (?) tsun teen = the honoured Deva Po-kiĕh-lo-tsew (?) (Bhaskaravarna?).
  11. Same as No. 8.
  12. Lŭh chai pă Wang tsun teen = the honoured Deva, the Eighth King of the Six Fasts (?).
  13. Hing ping kwei Wang tsun teen = the honoured Deva, the Disease-transmitting Demon King.
  14. Hwa-kwang-meaou-keĭh-tseang tsun teen = Manjusri.
  15. Joo tung te teen = the Imperial Deva of Scholarly (i.e. Confucianist) Youths.
  16. San chi tsun teen = the Glory-scattering honoured Deva.
  17. Mi-tseĭh-kin-kang tsun teen = the Vajra-holding honoured Deva.
  18. Mo-le-che tsun teen = Maritchi.
  19. Să chin jin = the True Man Să (Taouist).
  20. Kŏ chin jin = the True Man Kŏ (Hang?) (Taouist).
  21. Yuh te = the Jade Ruler (Taouist).
  22. Chang Teen sze = the Master of Heaven Chang (Taou-ling?) (Taouist).
  23. Heu chin keun = the Prince Heu (Taouist).
  24. Ho-le-te-nan tsun = Hariti.
  25. Yen-lo te teen = Yama.
  26. Kwei tsze moo teen = the Demon Terrestrial Deva.
  27. Poo-te-shoo teen = Buddhisatwa Druma.
  28. Keen-lo te teen = the Firm and Strong Terrestrial Deva.
  29. Mo-he-lo tsun teen = Maheshvara.
  30. Kwang mŭh tsun teen = Virupaksha.
  31. Tsăng chang tsun teen = Virudhaka.
  32. Chĭh kwŏ tsun teen = Dhritarashtra.
  33. Same as No. 8.
  34. Kwan shing te teen = the God of War.
  35. Te shĭh tsun teen = Buddha.
  36. Ta fan tsun teen = Brahma.
  37. Tsze tung te teen = the Deva of the Tsze and Tung Trees.
  38. Ta peen teen = the Great Deva of Disputation.
  39. Kung tĭh tsun teen = the honoured Deva of Good Works.
  40. Hoo fa tsun teen = Dharmarakshita.
  41. Heuen teen shang te = The Sombre-Heaven God.
  42. Pin-too-lo tsun-chay = the Arhan[44] Pin-too-lo.
  43. Choo-cha-pwan-to-kea tsun-chay = the Arhan Choo-cha-pwan-to-kea.
  44. Fa-na-po-sze tsun-chay = the Arhan Fa-na-po-sze.
  45. Na-kea-mow-na-lo tsun-chay = the Arhan Na-kea-mow-na-lo.
  46. Pwan-to-kea tsun-chay = the Arhan Pwan-to-kea.
  47. Fa-chay-fŭh-to-lo tsun-chay = the Arhan Fa-chay-fŭh-to-lo.
  48. Po to-lo tsun-chay = the Arhan Po-to-lo.
  49. Soo-pin-to tsun-chay = the Arhan Soo-pin-to.
  50. Peen-nŏ-kea-fa-tso tsun-chay = the Arhan Peen-nŏ-kea-fa-tso.
  51. Kan heen = the Watching-the-Righteous (Deity).
  52. Kea-che = Kâsyapa.
  53. Chay-nŏ Fŭh = the Protecting and Answering Buddha.
  54. Shŭh-kea Fŭh = Sakya Buddha.
  55. Pe-loo Fŭh = Vairoshana.
  56. A-nan = Ananda.
  57. Wăn choo = Mangusri.
  58. Pin-tow-loo-to-chay tsun-chay = the Arhan Pin-tow-loo-to-chay.
  59. Kea-kea-po-tĭh-to tsun-chay = the Arhan Kea-kea-po-tĭh-to.
  60. Nŏ-keu-lo tsun-chay = the Arhan Nŏ-keu-lo.
  61. Kea-le-kea tsun-chay = the Arhan Kalika.
  62. Shoo-foo-kea tsun-chay = the Arhan Shoo-foo-kea.
  63. Lo-hoo-lo tsun-chay = the Arhan Lo-hoo-lo.
  64. Yin-këĕ-to tsun-chay = the Arhan Yin-këĕ-to.
  65. A-she-to tsun-chay = the Arhan Asita.
  66. King-yew tsun-chay = the Arhan King-yew.
  67. Tă-ma tsoo sze = the Patriarch Dharma.
  68. Kea-lan Poo-să = the Sam˜ghârâma Buddha.
  69. Same as No. 41.
  70. Kwan-yin Poo-să = Avalokites’vara.
  71. Wăn-chang te keun = the God of Literature.
  72. Hoo-fă Wei-to = Veda, the Defender of the Law.
  73. Tsëĕ yin Fŭh = Amita.
  74. Same as No. 3.
  75. Same as No. 30.
  76. Same as No. 32.
  77. Same as No. 31.
  78. Has no name attached.
  79. Shwuy ho kin kang = the Water and-Fire-Varja-(throwing Deity) [an impossible title].