Naval Warfare in World War Two by Bill Brady - HTML preview

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HMS Hood! The battleship which was the pride of the British Royal Navy but in May 1941 was sunk in one blinding flash with one accurate hit.

Bismarck! The pride of the German Navy and Germany's latest battleship which sank Hood and in turn was hunted down mercilessly by the British Royal Navy a few days later and also sunk. These actions and events are beautifully described and told by Bill Brady, a master writer and lecturer of World War Two History.

Other battles and actions are also described in this very interesting history and without prolix. Up to then battleships were considered the major naval force only for it to be demonstrated once more on the 7th December 1941, when carrier based aircraft of the Imperial Japanese Navy bombed the American Pacific Fleet at Pearl Harbor that battleships were now anachronisms. The day of the battleship was over.

Bill Brady has already demonstrated, in his previously published works, that he is able to relate important war history in a manner which keeps the student of history avidly reading ever onwards and devouring the knowledge which has been imparted by this master historian. In respect of experienced and active historians the narratives they are about to read will assist in refreshing memories.

This is a work which no doubt will stand the rigours of time as it occupies rightful space in both official and personal libraries, and for all posterity ever available for reference, research or reading purposes.


Graham L Coggin

Business Process Re-Engineering Practitioner,

Writer and Author