News from No Man's Land by James Green - HTML preview

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I am indebted to the Rev. James Green for the privilege of writing an introduction to his book, in which he gives a lucid and interesting description of the life of our gallant soldiers of the A.I.F. In his capacity as one of our Chaplains to the Force, all of whom have done such noble work during the war, he has been able to enjoy a close personal touch with our men—more particularly perhaps at Gallipoli; the record of his sympathetic observation and experience will, I am sure, be heartily welcomed by all who are interested in the welfare of the A.I.F.

Previous publications have, I know, chronicled the incidents of our campaign in Egypt and on the Gallipoli Peninsula—deeds in which the greatest courage, determination, and self-sacrifice have been displayed by our men from the Southern Seas, many of whom, alas! have made the supreme sacrifice in the cause of Justice and Freedom. Chaplain Green's work will, however, be an interesting sequel in that he describes what one may call our second phase of operations on the Western Front.

Here, in France, our Australian troops have continued to show that magnificent bravery and spirit which has enabled them to undergo cheerfully the severest hardships, and even to enhance their fine reputation as soldiers, which now stands second to none in this huge Army. No words of mine can adequately express my admiration and affection for them. I am proud to think that for nearly three years now I have been privileged to serve with them, during which period they have made traditions which will live for all time in the history of Australia.

I wish all success to Chaplain Green in the publication of his book.


FRANCE, May 13, 1917.