Origins of the Celts by Cryfris Llydaweg - HTML preview

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Caucasus Mountains
Author: Richard Mcall. Source: Pixabay

Nel and Scota

It all starts in the Caucasus where Aitech and Baath are said to have lived. The latter has a grandson, Nel, a Fenni prince (an Indo-European population of the region whose leader is his father, Feinius Farsaid). Nel married one of the daughters of the pharaoh at the time. This girl was called Scota and her name is said to be the etymology of the word Scythian and of the word Scot. But Nel and Scota only travelled between the Caspian and Red Seas and never set foot in Western Europe. It is worth noting that 3,000 years ago, the Mediterranean Sea and the Red Sea were connected by an arm of the sea that was hazardous to navigation. And this seemed to be linked to the shallow water and the presence of quicksand.

As for Scota, she is said to have met the famous Moses in her homeland. The encounters between Scota and Moses are so realistic that this addition by medieval copyists can be considered a masterpiece. Nel and Scota had a first son, Gaedel Glas, who was nicknamed the Green. His name is said to be the etymology of the term Gael, the people who carried out the last invasion of Ireland. But Gaedel the Green will never see Western Europe, let alone the green of Ireland.

Let’s leave Baath’s descendants aside for the moment and return to his brother Aitech. If we consider Aitech’s generation as the first generation, it is one of his descendants in the 6th generation who will lead the second invasion of Ireland.