Outline of US History by U.S. Department of State - HTML preview

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In the 18th century, the intel- primitive cabins, were firm devotees

lectual and cultural development of scholarship, and they made great

of Pennsylvania reflected, in large efforts to attract learned ministers to

measure, the vigorous personalities their settlements .

of two men: James Logan and Benja-

Literary production in the colo-

min Franklin . Logan was secretary nies was largely confined to New

of the colony, and it was in his fine li- England . Here attention concen-

brary that young Franklin found the trated on religious subjects . Ser-

latest scientific works . In 1745 Logan mons were the most common

erected a building for his collection products of the press . A famous Pu-

and bequeathed both building and ritan minister, the Reverend Cot-

books to the city .

ton Mather, wrote some 400 works .

Franklin contributed even more His masterpiece, Magnalia Chris-

to the intellectual activity of Phila- ti Americana, presented the pag-delphia . He formed a debating club eant of New England’s history . The

that became the embryo of the most popular single work of the day

American Philosophical Society . His was the Reverend Michael Wiggles-

endeavors also led to the founding worth’s long poem, “The Day of

of a public academy that later devel- Doom,” which described the Last

oped into the University of Penn- Judgment in terrifying terms .

sylvania . He was a prime mover in

In 1704 Cambridge, Massachu-

the establishment of a subscription setts, launched the colonies’ first

library, which he called “the mother successful newspaper . By 1745 there

of all North American subscription were 22 newspapers being published

libraries .”

in British North America .

In the Southern colonies, wealthy

In New York, an important step

planters and merchants imported pri- in establishing the principle of free-

vate tutors from Ireland or Scotland dom of the press took place with the

to teach their children . Some sent case of John Peter Zenger, whose

their children to school in England . New York Weekly Journal, begun in Having these other opportunities, the 1733, represented the opposition to

upper classes in the Tidewater were the government . After two years of

not interested in supporting pub- publication, the colonial governor

lic education . In addition, the diffu- could no longer tolerate Zenger’s sa-

sion of farms and plantations made tirical barbs, and had him thrown

the formation of community schools into prison on a charge of seditious

difficult . There were only a few free libel . Zenger continued to edit his

schools in Virginia .

paper from jail during his nine-

The desire for learning did not month trial, which excited intense

stop at the borders of established interest throughout the colonies .

communities, however . On the fron- Andrew Hamilton, the prominent

tier, the Scots-Irish, though living in lawyer who defended Zenger, argued



that the charges printed by Zenger Christian churches that believe in

were true and hence not libelous . personal conversion and the iner-

The jury returned a verdict of not rancy of the Bible) and the spirit of

guilty, and Zenger went free .

revivalism, which continue to play

The increasing prosperity of the significant roles in American reli-

towns prompted fears that the dev- gious and cultural life . It weakened

il was luring society into pursuit of the status of the established clergy

worldly gain and may have contrib- and provoked believers to rely on

uted to the religious reaction of the their own conscience . Perhaps most

1730s, known as the Great Awaken- important, it led to the proliferation

ing . Its two immediate sources were of sects and denominations, which

George Whitefield, a Wesleyan re- in turn encouraged general accep-

vivalist who arrived from England tance of the principle of religious

in 1739, and Jonathan Edwards, who toleration .

served the Congregational Church

in Northampton, Massachusetts .


Whitefield began a religious re-


vival in Philadelphia and then moved

on to New England . He enthralled In the early phases of colonial de-

audiences of up to 20,000 people at velopment, a striking feature was the

a time with histrionic displays, ges- lack of controlling influence by the

tures, and emotional oratory . Reli- English government . All colonies ex-

gious turmoil swept throughout New cept Georgia emerged as companies

England and the middle colonies as of shareholders, or as feudal propri-

ministers left established churches to etorships stemming from charters

preach the revival .

granted by the Crown . The fact that

Edwards was the most prominent the king had transferred his immedi-

of those influenced by Whitefield ate sovereignty over the New World

and the Great Awakening . His most settlements to stock companies and

memorable contribution was his proprietors did not, of course, mean

1741 sermon, “Sinners in the Hands that the colonists in America were

of an Angry God .” Rejecting theat- necessarily free of outside control .

rics, he delivered his message in a Under the terms of the Virginia

quiet, thoughtful manner, arguing Company charter, for example, full

that the established churches sought governmental authority was vested

to deprive Christianity of its func- in the company itself . Nevertheless,

tion of redemption from sin . His the crown expected that the com-

magnum opus, Of Freedom of Wil pany would be resident in England .

(1754), attempted to reconcile Cal- Inhabitants of Virginia, then, would

vinism with the Enlightenment .

have no more voice in their govern-

The Great Awakening gave rise ment than if the king himself had

to evangelical denominations (those retained absolute rule .