Outline of US History by U.S. Department of State - HTML preview

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to their draft-age contemporaries . provement Act, which assigned to

By the late 1970s, the student New the polluter the responsibility of

Left had disappeared, but many of its cleaning up off-shore oil spills . Also, activists made their way into main- in 1970, the Environmental Protec-stream politics .

tion Agency (EPA) was created as

an independent federal agency to


spearhead the effort to bring abus-


es under control . During the next

he energy and sensibility that fu- three decades, the EPA, bolstered by

eled the civil rights movement, the legislation that increased its author-

counterculture, and the New Left ity, became one of the most active

also stimulated an environmental agencies in the government, issuing

movement in the mid-1960s . Many strong regulations covering air and

were aroused by the publication in water quality .

1962 of Rachel Carson’s book Silent

Spring, which alleged that chemical


pesticides, particularly DDT, caused


cancer, among other ills . Public GOVERNMENT LIBERALISM

concern about the environment

continued to increase throughout By 1960 government had become

the 1960s as many became aware of an increasingly powerful force in

other pollutants surrounding them people’s lives . During the Great De-

— automobile emissions, industrial pression of the 1930s, new execu-

wastes, oil spills — that threatened tive agencies were created to deal

their health and the beauty of their with many aspects of American life .

surroundings . On April 22, 1970, During World War II, the number

schools and communities across the of civilians employed by the feder-

United States celebrated Earth Day al government rose from one mil-

for the first time . “Teach-ins” edu- lion to 3 .8 million, then stabilized

cated Americans about the dangers at 2 .5 million in the 1950s . Federal

of environmental pollution .

expenditures, which had stood at

Few denied that pollution was a $3,100-million in 1929, increased to

problem, but the proposed solutions $75,000-million in 1953 and passed

involved expense and inconve- $150,000-million in the 1960s .

nience . Many believed these would

Most Americans accepted gov-

reduce the economic growth upon ernment’s expanded role, even

which many Americans’ standard as they disagreed about how far

of living depended . Nevertheless, in that expansion should continue .

1970, Congress amended the Clean Democrats generally wanted the

Air Act of 1967 to develop uniform government to ensure growth and

national air-quality standards . It stability . They wanted to extend

also passed the Water Quality Im- federal benefits for education, health,



and welfare . Many Republicans derly, and create a new Department

accepted a level of government of Urban Affairs . And so, despite

responsibility, but hoped to cap his lofty rhetoric, Kennedy’s policies

spending and restore a larger were often limited and restrained .

measure of individual initiative . The

One priority was to end the reces-

presidential election of 1960 revealed sion, in progress when Kennedy took

a nation almost evenly divided office, and restore economic growth .

between these visions .

But Kennedy lost the confidence of

John F . Kennedy, the Democratic business leaders in 1962, when he

victor by a narrow margin, was at succeeded in rolling back what the

43 the youngest man ever to win the administration regarded as an exces-

presidency . On television, in a series sive price increase in the steel indus-of debates with opponent Richard try . Though the president achieved

Nixon, he appeared able, articulate, his immediate goal, he alienated an

and energetic . In the campaign, he important source of support . Per-

spoke of moving aggressively into suaded by his economic advisers that

the new decade, for “the New Fron- a large tax cut would stimulate the

tier is here whether we seek it or economy, Kennedy backed a bill pro-

not .” In his first inaugural address, viding for one . Conservative opposi-

he concluded with an eloquent plea: tion in Congress, however, appeared

“Ask not what your country can do to destroy any hopes of passing a bill

for you — ask what you can do for most congressmen thought would

your country .” Throughout his brief widen the budget deficit .

presidency, Kennedy’s special com-

The overall legislative record of the

bination of grace, wit, and style — Kennedy administration was meager .

far more than his specific legislative The president made some gestures

agenda — sustained his popularity toward civil rights leaders but did not

and influenced generations of politi- embrace the goals of the civil rights

cians to come .

movement until demonstrations led

Kennedy wanted to exert strong by Martin Luther King Jr . forced

leadership to extend economic ben- his hand in 1963 . Like Truman

efits to all citizens, but a razor-thin before him, he could not secure

margin of victory limited his man- congressional passage of federal aid

date . Even though the Democrat- to public education or for a medical

ic Party controlled both houses of care program limited to the elderly .

Congress, conservative Southern He gained only a modest increase

Democrats often sided with the Re- in the minimum wage . Still, he did

publicans on issues involving the secure funding for a space program,

scope of governmental intervention and established the Peace Corps to

in the economy . They resisted plans send men and women overseas to

to increase federal aid to education, assist developing countries in meeting

provide health insurance for the el- their own needs .