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Democrat to the presidency . During Cold War sense of security was jolted

this period, the majority of Ameri- by an unprecedented terrorist attack

cans—political affiliation aside—

that launched it on a new and

asserted their support for tradi- difficult international track .

tional family values, often ground-

ed in their faiths . New York Times


columnist David Brooks suggested


that the country was experienc-

ing “moral self-repair,” as “many of As the 1992 presidential elec-

the indicators of social breakdown, tion approached, Americans found

which shot upward in the late 1960s themselves in a world transformed

and 1970s, and which plateaued at in ways almost unimaginable four

high levels in the 1980s,” were now years earlier . The familiar land-

in decline .

marks of the Cold War—from the



Berlin Wall to intercontinental mis- sparked the emergence of a remark-

siles and bombers on constant high able independent candidate, wealthy

alert—were gone . Eastern Europe Texas entrepreneur H . Ross Perot .

was independent, the Soviet Union Perot tapped into a deep wellspring

had dissolved, Germany was unit- of frustration over the inability of

ed, Arabs and Israelis were engaged Washington to deal effectively with

in direct negotiations, and the economic issues, principally the fed-

threat of nuclear conflict was great- eral deficit . He possessed a colorful

ly diminished . It was as though one personality and a gift for the telling

great history volume had closed and one-line political quip . He would be

another had opened .

the most successful third-party can-

Yet at home, Americans were less didate since Theodore Roosevelt in

sanguine, and they faced some fa- 1912 .

miliar problems . The United States

The Bush re-election effort was

found itself in its deepest recession built around a set of ideas tradi-

since the early 1980s . Many of the tionally used by incumbents: expe-

job losses were occurring among rience and trust . George Bush, 68,

white-collar workers in middle the last of a line of presidents who

management positions, not solely, as had served in World War II, faced

earlier, among blue-collar workers a young challenger in Bill Clinton

in the manufacturing sector . Even who, at age 46, had never served in

when the economy began recover- the military and had participated in

ing in 1992, its growth was virtu- protests against the Vietnam War . In

ally imperceptible until late in the emphasizing his experience as presi-

year . Moreover, the federal deficit dent and commander-in-chief, Bush

continued to mount, propelled most drew attention to Clinton’s inexperi-

strikingly by rising expenditures for ence at the national level .

health care .

Bill Clinton organized his cam-

President George Bush and Vice paign around another of the oldest

President Dan Quayle easily won re- and most powerful themes in elec-

nomination by the Republican Party . toral politics: youth and change . As

On the Democratic side, Bill Clin- a high school student, Clinton had

ton, governor of Arkansas, defeated once met President Kennedy; 30

a crowded field of candidates to win years later, much of his rhetoric con-

his party’s nomination . As his vice sciously echoed that of Kennedy in

presidential nominee, he selected the 1960 presidential campaign .

Senator Al Gore of Tennessee, gen-

As governor of Arkansas for 12

erally acknowledged as one of the years, Clinton could point to his ex-

Congress’s strongest advocates of perience in wrestling with the very

environmental protection .

issues of economic growth, educa-

The country’s deep unease over tion, and health care that were, ac-

the direction of the economy also cording to public opinion polls,



among President Bush’s chief vul-

Avoiding ideological rhetoric

nerabilities . Where Bush offered an that declared big government to be

economic program based on lower a positive good, he proposed a num-

taxes and cuts in government spend- ber of programs that earned him

ing, Clinton proposed higher taxes the label “New Democrat .” Control

on the wealthy and increased spend- of the federal bureaucracy and ju-

ing on investments in education, dicial appointments provided one

transportation, and communica- means of satisfying political claims

tions that, he believed, would boost of organized labor and civil rights

the nation’s productivity and growth groups . On the ever-controversial

and thereby lower the deficit . Simi- abortion issue, Clinton supported

larly, Clinton’s health care proposals the Roe v. Wade decision, but also called for much heavier involvement declared that abortion should be

by the federal government than “safe, legal, and rare .”

Bush’s .

President Clinton’s closest col-

Clinton proved to be a highly laborator was his wife, Hil ary Rod-

effective communicator, not least ham Clinton . In the campaign,

on television, a medium that high- he had quipped that those who

lighted his charm and intelligence . voted for him “got two for the price

The incumbent’s very success in of one .” As energetic and as activist

handling the end of the Cold War as her husband, Ms . Clinton assumed

and reversing the Iraqi thrust into a more prominent role in the admin-

Kuwait lent strength to Clinton’s istration than any first lady before

implicit argument that foreign af- her, even Eleanor Roosevelt . Her first

fairs had become relatively less im- important assignment would be to

portant, given pressing social and develop a national health program . In

economic needs at home .

2000, with her husband’s adminis-

On November 3, Clinton won tration coming to a close, she would

election as the 42nd president of the be elected a U .S . senator from New

United States, with 43 percent of the York .

popular vote against 37 percent for

Bush and 19 percent for Perot .





Clinton was in many respects the In practice, Clinton’s centrism perfect leader for a party divided be- demanded choices that sometimes

tween liberal and moderate wings . elicited vehement emotions . The

He ran as a pragmatic centrist who president’s first policy initiative was

could moderate the demands of designed to meet the demands of

various Democratic Party interest gays, who, claiming a group status

groups without alienating them .

as victims of discrimination, had



become an important constituency

President Clinton was more

for the Democratic Party .

successful on another matter with

Immediately after his inaugu- great repercussions for the domes-

ration, President Clinton issued tic economy . The previous presi-

an executive order rescinding the dent, George Bush, had negotiated

long-established military policy of the North American Free Trade

dismissing known gays from the Agreement (NAFTA) to establish

service . The order quickly drew fu- fully open trade between Canada,

rious criticism from the military, the United States, and Mexico . Key

most Republicans, and large seg- Democratic constituencies opposed

ments of American society . Clinton the agreement . Labor unions be-

quickly modified it with a “don’t lieved it would encourage the export

ask, don’t tell” order that effectively of jobs and undermine American

restored the old policy but discour- labor standards . Environmentalists

aged active investigation of one’s asserted that it would lead Ameri-

sexual practices .

can industries to relocate to coun-

The effort to achieve a national tries with weak pollution controls .

health plan proved to be a far larg- These were the first indications of a

er setback . The administration set growing movement on the left wing

up a large task force, chaired by of American politics against the

Hillary Clinton . Composed of vision of an integrated world eco-

prominent policy intellectuals and nomic system .

political activists, it labored in se-

Clinton nonetheless accepted

crecy for months to develop a plan the argument that open trade was

that would provide medical cover- ultimately beneficial to all parties

age for every American citizen .

because it would lead to a greater

The working assumption be- flow of more efficiently produced

hind the plan was that a govern- goods and services . His adminis-

ment-managed “single-payer” plan tration not only submitted NAFTA

could deliver health services to the to the Senate, it also backed the es-

entire nation more efficiently than tablishment of a greatly liberalized

the current decentralized system international trading system to be

with its thousands of insurers and administered by the World Trade

disconnected providers . As finally Organization (WTO) . After a vig-

delivered to Congress in September orous debate, Congress approved

1993, however, the plan mirrored NAFTA in 1993 . It would approve

the complexity of its subject . Most membership in the WTO a year

Republicans and some Democrats later .

criticized it as a hopelessly elaborate

Although Clinton had talked

federal takeover of American medi- about a “middle-class tax cut” dur-

cine . After a year of discussion, it ing the presidential campaign, he

died without a vote in Congress .

submitted to Congress a budget



calling for a general tax increase . stead moderated his political course .

It originally included a wide tax Policy initiatives for the remainder

on energy consumption designed of his presidency were few . Contrary

to promote conservation, but that to Republican predictions of doom,

was quickly replaced by a nomi- the tax increases of 1993 did not get

nal increase in the federal gasoline in the way of a steadily improving

tax . It also taxed social security economy .

benefits for recipients of moderate

The new Republican leadership

income and above . The big empha- in the House of Representatives, by

sis, however, was on increasing the contrast, pressed hard to achieve

income tax for high earners . The its policy objectives, a sharp con-

subsequent debate amounted to a trast with the administration’s new

rerun of the arguments between tax moderate tone . When right-wing

cutters and advocates of “fiscal re- extremists bombed an Oklahoma

sponsibility” that had marked the City federal building in April 1995,

Reagan years . In the end, Clinton Clinton responded with a tone of

got his way, but very narrowly . The moderation and healing that height-

tax bill passed the House of Repre- ened his stature and implicitly raised

sentatives by only one vote .

some doubts about his conservative

By then, the congressional elec- opponents . At the end of the year,

tion campaigns of 1994 were under he vetoed a Republican budget bill,

way . Although the administration shutting down the government for

already had made numerous foreign weeks . Most of the public seemed to

policy decisions, issues at home blame the Republicans .

were clearly most important to the

The president also co-opted

voters . The Republicans depicted part of the Republican program .

Clinton and the Democrats as un- In his State of the Union address

reformed tax and spenders . Clinton of January 1996, he ostentatiously

himself was already beleaguered declared, “The era of big govern-

with charges of past financial im- ment is over .” That summer, on the

propriety in an Arkansas real estate eve of the presidential campaign, he

project and new claims of sexual signed a major welfare reform bill

impropriety .

that was essentially a Republican

In November, the voters gave the product . Designed to end perma-

Republicans control of both houses nent support for most welfare re-

of Congress for the first time since cipients and move them to work, it

the election of 1952 . Many observers was opposed by many in his own

believed that Bill Clinton would like- party . By and large, it would prove

ly be a one-term president . Appar- successful in operation over the

ently making a decision to conform next decade .

to new political realities, Clinton in-




nesses, greatly enhancing productiv-

IN THE 1990s

ity and creating new opportunities


for profit . Fledgling industries that

y the mid-1990s, the country fed demand for the new equipment

had not simply recovered from the became multi-billion-dollar compa-

brief, but sharp, recession of the nies almost overnight, creating an

Bush presidency . It was entering an enormous new middle class of soft-

era of booming prosperity, and do- ware technicians, managers, market-

ing so despite the decline of its tradi- ers, and publicists .

tional industrial base . Probably the

A final impetus was the turn of

major force behind this new growth the millennium . A huge push to up-

was the blossoming of the personal grade outdated computing equip-

computer (PC) .

ment that might not recognize the

Less than 20 years after its intro- year 2000 brought data technology

duction, the PC had become a fa- spending to a peak .

miliar item, not simply in business

These developments began to

offices of all types, but in homes take shape during Clinton’s first

throughout America . Vastly more term . By the end of his second one

powerful than anyone could have they were fueling a surging economy .

imagined two decades earlier, able When he had been elected presi-

to store enormous amounts of data, dent, unemployment was at 7 .4 per-

available at the cost of a good refrig- cent . When he stood for re-election

erator, it became a common appli- in 1996, it was at 5 .4 percent . When

ance in American homes .

voters went to the polls to choose

Employing prepackaged software, his successor in November 2000, it

people used it for bookkeeping, was 3 .9 percent . In many places, the

word processing, or as a depository issue was less one of taking care of

for music, photos, and video . The the jobless than of finding employ-

rise of the Internet, which grew out able workers .

of a previously closed defense data

No less a figure than Federal Re-

network, provided access to in- serve Chairman Alan Greenspan

formation of all sorts, created new viewed a rapidly escalating stock

shopping opportunities, and estab- market with concern and warned

lished e-mail as a common mode of “irrational exuberance .” Investor

of communication . The popularity exuberance, at its greatest since the

of the mobile phone created a huge 1920s, continued in the conviction

new industry that cross-fertilized that ordinary standards of valu-

with the PC .

ation had been rendered obsolete

Instant communication and by a “new economy” with unlim-

lightning-fast data manipulation ited potential . The good times were

speeded up the tempo of many busi- rolling dangerously fast, but most



Americans were more inclined to signed to balance the budget, fur-

enjoy the ride while it lasted than to ther reinforcing the president’s

plan for a coming bust .

standing as a fiscally responsible

moderate liberal .


In 1998, American politics en-


tered a period of turmoil with the


revelation that Clinton had car-


ried on an affair inside the White

resident Clinton undertook his House with a young intern . At first

campaign for re-election in 1996 the president denied this, telling the

under the most favorable of circum- American people: “I did not have

stances . If not an imposing person- sexual relations with that woman .”

ality in the manner of a Roosevelt, The president had faced similar

he was a natural campaigner, whom charges in the past . In a sexual ha-

many felt had an infectious charm . rassment lawsuit filed by a woman

He presided over a growing econom- he had known in Arkansas, Clinton

ic recovery . He had positioned him- denied under oath the White House

self on the political spectrum in a affair . This fit most Americans’ defi-

way that made him appear a man of nition of perjury . In October 1998,

the center leaning left . His Republi- the House of Representatives began

can opponent, Senator Robert Dole impeachment hearings, focusing on

of Kansas, Republican leader in the charges of perjury and obstruction

upper house, was a formidable leg- of justice .

islator but less successful as a presi-

Whatever the merits of that ap-

dential candidate .

proach, a majority of Americans

Clinton, promising to “build a seemed to view the matter as a pri-

bridge to the 21st century,” easily vate one to be sorted out with one’s

defeated Dole in a three-party race, family, a significant shift in public

49 .2 percent to 40 .7 percent, with attitude . Also significantly, Hillary

8 .4 percent to Ross Perot . He thus Clinton continued to support her

became the second American pres- husband . It surely helped also that

ident to win two consecutive elec- the times were good . In the midst

tions with less than a majority of the of the House impeachment debate,

total vote . (The other was Woodrow the president announced the largest

Wilson in 1912 and 1916 .) The Re- budget surplus in 30 years . Public

publicans, however, retained control opinion polls showed Clinton’s ap-

of both the House of Representatives proval rating to be the highest of his

and the Senate .

six years in office .

Clinton never stated much of a

That November, the Republicans

domestic program for his second took further losses in the midterm

term . The highlight of its first year congressional elections, cutting

was an accord with Congress de- their majorities to razor-thin mar-



gins . House Speaker Newt Gingrich Iraq to sell enough oil to meet hu-

resigned, and the party attempted to manitarian needs, proved relatively

develop a less strident image . Nev- ineffective . Saddam funneled much

ertheless, in December the House of the proceeds to himself, leaving

voted the first impeachment resolu- large masses of his people in misery .

tion against a sitting president since Military “no-fly zones,” imposed to

Andrew Johnson (1868), thereby prevent the Iraqi government from

handing the case to the Senate for deploying its air power against rebel-

a trial .

lious Kurds in the north and Shiites

Clinton’s impeachment trial, in the south, required constant U .S .

presided over by the Chief Justice and British air patrols, which regu-

of the United States, held little sus- larly fended off anti-aircraft missiles .

pense . In the midst of it, the presi-

The United States also provided

dent delivered his annual State of the main backing for U .N . weapons

the Union address to Congress . He inspection teams, whose mission

never testified, and no serious ob- was to ferret out Iraq’s chemical,

server expected that any of the sev- biological, and nuclear programs,

eral charges against him would win verify the destruction of existing

the two-thirds vote required for re- weapons of mass destruction, and

moval from office . In the end, none suppress ongoing programs to man-

got even a simple majority . On Feb- ufacture them . Increasingly ob-

ruary 12, 1999, Clinton was acquit- structed, the U .N . inspectors were

ted of all charges .

finally expelled in 1998 . On this, as

well as earlier occasions of provo-


cation, the United States responded


with limited missile strikes . Sad-


dam, Secretary of State Madeline


Albright declared, was still “in his

ill Clinton did not expect to be box .”

a president who emphasized foreign

The seemingly endless Israeli-

policy . However, like his immediate Palestinian dispute inevitably en-

predecessors, he quickly discovered gaged the administration, although

that all international crises seemed neither President Clinton nor former

to take a road that led through President Bush had much to do with

Washington .

the Oslo agreement of 1993, which

He had to deal with the messy af- established a Palestinian “authority”

termath of the 1991 Gulf War . Hav- to govern the Palestinian population

ing failed to depose Saddam Hussein, within the West Bank and the Gaza

the United States, backed by Britain, Strip and obtained Palestinian rec-

attempted to contain him . A Unit- ognition of Israel’s right to exist .

ed Nations-administered economic

As with so many past Middle

sanctions regime, designed to allow Eastern agreements in principle,



however, Oslo eventually fell apart cess but left many details to be

when details were discussed . Pales- worked out . Over the next several

tinian leader Yasser Arafat rejected years, peace and order held better in

final offers from peace-minded Is- Northern Ireland than in the Mid-

raeli leader Ehud Barak in 2000 and dle East, but remained precarious .

January 2001 . A full-scale Palestin- The final accord continued to elude

ian insurgency, marked by the use negotiators .

of suicide bombers, erupted . Barak

The post-Cold War disintegra-

fell from power, to be replaced by tion of Yugoslavia—a state ethni-

the far tougher Ariel Sharon . U .S . cally and religiously divided among

identification with Israel was con- Serbs, Croats, Slovenes, Bosnian

sidered by some a major problem Muslims, and Albanian Kosovars

in dealing with other issues in the —also made its way to Washing-

region, but American diplomats ton after European governments

could do little more than hope to failed to impose order . The Bush

contain the violence . After Arafat’s administration had refused to get

death in late 2004, new Palestinian involved in the initial violence;

leadership appeared more receptive the Clinton administration finally

to a peace agreement, and Ameri- did so with great reluctance after

can policy makers resumed efforts being urged to do so by the Euro-

to promote a settlement .

pean allies . In 1995, it negotiated

President Clinton also became an accord in Dayton, Ohio, to estab-

closely engaged with “the troubles” lish a semblance of peace in Bosnia .

in Northern Ireland .