Presidents' Body Counts: The Twelve Worst and Four Best American Presidents by Al Carroll - HTML preview

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Table of Contents


Introduction: How to Judge a President, or the Presidency If Human Life Mattered


Section One: Presidents' Roles in Genocide

Nixon and Cambodia

Reagan and Central America

Jackson and the Trail of Tears


Section Two: Turning a Blind Eye to Genocide

Franklin Roosevelt and the Holocaust

Nixon and Genocide in Bangladesh

Clinton and Rwandan Genocide

Polk, Fillmore, Buchanan and Genocide Against California Indians

Ford and East Timor

Jefferson and the Haitian Revolution

Nixon's Betrayal of the Kurds

The Worst American Presidents on Slavery


Section Three: Presidents’ Roles in Wartime Atrocities

McKinley and the US Conquest of the Philippines

Franklin Roosevelt and Truman Target German and Japanese Civilians

Truman Drops the A-Bomb

Polk Provokes the US-Mexico War

Obama Orders Drone Assassinations

Nixon's Pardon in the My Lai Massacre


Section Four: Mass Deaths Because of a President's Incompetence or Ideological Blindness

Deregulation From Reagan to GW Bush

Truman and the Cold War

Lyndon Johnson, Nixon, and the US-Vietnam War

GW Bush and the Iraq and Afghanistan Wars

James Buchanan and the Civil War

Reagan and Bush Sr.'s War on Drugs

James Madison and the War of 1812

Teddy Roosevelt and the Panama Canal

GW Bush and Hurricane Katrina

Bill Clinton and the Branch Davidians


Section Five: Presidents' Roles in Other American Wars of Aggression

Indian Wars Were Really American Invasions

The Many Other US Invasions of Latin America

US Government Use of Biological and Chemical Warfare and Presidents' Roles

The Post Cold War Invasions of Somalia and the Gulf War


Section Six: Ignoring Terrorism in America

Andrew Johnson and White Supremacist Terrorists in Reconstruction

Cuban-American Terrorists: Organized by Kennedy, Pardoned by Bush Sr.

Right Wing Terrorism From Reagan to GW Bush

Fillmore and Know Nothing Anti-Catholic Terrorism


Section Seven: Homegrown Repression

Nixon and Operation Condor

Lyndon Johnson, Nixon, and the Phoenix Program

GW Bush and Torture Deaths

Franklin Roosevelt and Japanese-American and Aleut Internment

US Repression in Colonies: Guam, Hawaii, Micronesia, Puerto Rico, and Samoa

Woodrow Wilson Crushing Dissent in World War I


Section Eight: The Good Records of Presidents

Jefferson Ended the US International Slave Trade, Avoided Wars with Britain and France

Van Buren Avoided Wars with Britain and Mexico, Delayed California Indian Genocide

Lincoln, the Civil War, and Emancipation of Both Black and American Indian Slaves

Grant's Reconstruction and Peace Policy with American Indians

Franklin Roosevelt's New Deal, the Good Neighbor Policy, and World War II

Lyndon Johnson and Nixon on Civil Rights and the War on Poverty

Carter and Human Rights

Bush Sr.'s Rescue of the Kurds of Iraq

GW Bush and AIDS in Africa

Obama's Wars, the Great Recession, and Healthcare

The Best American Presidents on Arms Control


Section Nine: What If? Who Would Have Been Far Better at Saving Lives as President?

John Quincy Adams or Henry Clay Avoid the Trail of Tears

Willie Mangum Avoids the US-Mexico War and California Indian Genocide

Hannibal Hamlin and a Successful Reconstruction

Benjamin Wade and a Successful Reconstruction (Maybe)

William Jennings Bryan Avoids the US-Filipino War and American Empire

Henry Wallace Avoids the Cold War

Adlai Stevenson Ends the Cold War

Robert Kennedy Ends the US-Vietnam War and Avoids Cambodian Genocide

Al Gore Avoids the Iraq War and Most Hurricane Katrina Deaths


Section Ten: What If? Who Would Have Been Far Worse in Presidential Body Counts?

Jackson as President in 1824

McClellan’s Failed Civil War and Reconstruction

Custer's Many Wars

McKinley Survives Assassination

The American Liberty League's Irenee Dupont and Gerald McGuire

MacArthur Starts a Nuclear War

Reagan as President in 1976

Ross Perot in 1992

Cheney's Many Wars

McCain and Palin's Many Wars

Hillary Clinton’s Many Wars

Romney Tries to Return to War in Iraq and Torture


Section Eleven: Why Weren't These Included?

John Adams' Alien and Sedition Acts

The Lie of “Genocide Against Whites” in Haiti, Algeria, Kenya, and Zimbabwe

Some Atrocities Overseas Before 1890, 1917, or 1941

Sherman's March Through Georgia

Indian Boarding Schools


The Cuban Missile Crisis

Sterilization of American Indian Women

Animal Rights and “Eco Terrorism”

Sanctions Against Iraq

Bosnia: War or Genocide?

Alleged Conspiracies: The Long List of Nonsense Many Believe With Dubious or No Proof

Bill Clinton's Clemency for Puerto Rican Nationalist Terrorists

The Patriot Act

The Congo Wars

Darfur Genocide



Adding Up the Numbers: Best vs Worst Presidents and Historians' Rankings

What Can and Should Be Done? The Presidency If Lives Matter More Than Ideology


Appendix: The Best and Worst Ex Presidents

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