Sephardic Farewell/Ancestors by Joseph Hobesh - HTML preview

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Chapter 11


July 1492

Baptism, a Sacrament of the Christian church. Where petitioners are immersed in, or sprinkled with holy water. The rite derived from the practice of John the Baptist. And probably from the Jewish practice of the Mikvah or ritual bath.

For Joshua and the hundred or so other future Christians, the ceremony about to be performed, was not entirely unfamiliar to them. Most remained patient and quiet, waiting for the clerics to begin, keeping their thoughts and fears to themselves.

Joshua’s thoughts were focused on one subject only—Elena!

Would she be here? Would her father allow them to marry? If not, what arguments could he offer to change Don Fernando’s mind?

Thoughts of the catechism he was required to learn were far from his mind, suddenly bells began to chime. The doors of the church of San Pedro were thrown open. A melodic choir began to chant some ancient melody.



Realization and fear of what was about to happen fell upon the aspirants like a chilling winter rain. Murmurs of Hinay el Yishuati—Behold, the Lord is my salvation—began to ripple through the crowd. Some fell to their knees repeating passages from the Havdalah service, and refused to move along. This caused the priests and friars to push and shove them, while calling out.

“Do not be afraid, move along, no harm will come to you.”

After much coaxing, pushing and chattering, all the yet to be Christians were finally settled in the church. Standing close to each other along the pews, some fearful, some ashamed. Their lives being wrenched in a direction not of their choosing.

A hush fell as Bishop Julio made his way to the lectern, followed by Monsignor Abate, two alter boys, and two scribes.

The bishop began the services reciting the Pater Noster, ending with the Hail Mary.

One by one, each man, woman, and child moved to the font, kneeled, and placed their heads above it. Then Bishop Julio sprinkled the holy water and intoned, “I baptize thee in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost, and christen thee…”

Monsignor Abate pointed out to Bishop Julio each new name from the list he carried. The bishop then repeated the name aloud for all to hear. The scribes then recorded each new name along with the person’s old one, thus completing the church records in a befitting manner.

As Joshua’s baptism approached, he began to experience some remorse at what was going to happen. Glancing around the church, he thought he saw Elena. And his mood quickly turned to elation, kneeling at the font, experiencing the water trickle through his hair, hearing his new name being announced by Bishop Julio.

Diego de San Gil.” Joshua realized there was no turning back now, the die was cast.



When all the supplicants had completed the baptismal ceremony, the choir again began their chanting, and the chapel bells their pealing. As each new Christian left the church they were greeted and welcomed by the priests, nuns, and friars who had come to observe the ceremony. They also admonished the newly baptized to adhere to the church’s teachings.

Leaving the church as quickly as he could, Diego de San Gil began searching for Elena. He was sure he had seen her. Looking about, but not finding her, he began to walk away from the church. As he did so, he heard someone calling, “Diego, Diego, wait.”

Continuing to walk away, he stopped abruptly when he realized. “Diego!” was his new name. Turning, he saw her, and his heart skipped a beat. Running to her, he had to fight the urge to sweep her up into his arms, and smother her with kisses.

Instead, he kneeled before her and kissed her hand. For the first time in weeks Elena experienced true happiness. She was filled with joy as she gazed at Joshua…! No not Joshua, Diego de San Gil, that’s who he was now. They both began to speak at once, but realizing where they were, they simply began to walk away from the church and crowds. Not speaking at all, just gazing at each other.

* * *

Walking towards the Guadalquivir river, Diego and Elena enjoyed the fresh breezes and warm sunshine. Setting out for their favorite meeting place, a slight rise along the river, sheltered by a single pomegranate tree.

Once in the shade of the tree, they clung to each other and passionately kissed. Diego whispering softly words of his love for her. Elena fighting back the tears she knew would flow once she told him of her father’s decision.

“Joshua…? Diego, my father refuses to let us become betrothed. He refuses to discuss our plans, he’s closed his mind 90


and hardened his heart. I don’t know how to make him understand. “I…I…” She began sobbing sorrowfully, all the while clinging to Diego.

Cara mia, my darling, please do not cry, seeing you this way fills my heart with an agony I cannot even bear to speak of.”

“But, Diego what are we to do? I cannot live without you.”

“I will speak to him, maybe I can convince him to reconsider.

I am a Christian now, maybe he will listen to me.”

“No, Diego, if the Lord himself spoke for us, my father would not change his mind. It’s useless.”

“Then I have no choice. I leave with Colon in a few months, to what, I do not know. But I pray Colon is successful searching for this…this passage to the Indies. If we find treasure, and I can return safely with it, the glory your father feels is so important will be mine. He will no longer refuse us. In fact I’m sure he will be most eager to discuss our wedding plans.”

Elena, not convinced, shaking her head, said, “But what if you do not return, Diego. I cannot bear the thought of losing you, I don’t think I could go on living without you.”

Cara mia, my love for you is deeper than the ocean I must sail. My life is meaningless without you, but you must be patient. Promise me you will not to do anything foolish. Wait for me, but no longer than a year. If I do not return by that time, you can be sure Colon and his passage to the Indies is a myth. And we have all gone to meet our maker.”

Hearing the man she loved voice the one thing she feared most, Elena rushed into his arms and passionately began kissing him, pressing her body against his.

“Don’t leave me, Joshua, don’t go,” she whispered as she continued to kiss him.

Startled at her outpouring of emotion, Diego tried hard to control his passion, without success. Feeling her body press against his, her lips moving from his mouth to his cheeks to his neck, aroused him so completely that all control was gone, returning her kisses as passionately as they were given. Quickly 91


he removed his breeches, lifted her skirts, gently spread her legs and entered her. Pain and pleasure, exploded into one immense hot-blooded passion, consuming them both. Love for each other now became the most important act of their lives.

* * *

Drained of all energy at the climax of their love, they lay side by side. Elena thinking, He is truly mine now, and I am his. Still I have committed a mortal sin, and I will surely be severely punished.

Diego, almost sensing her thoughts, softly whispered, “Cara mia, don’t blame yourself for what’s happened. We may never see each other again, but more important, we love each other.

And no one, neither God nor man can deny us that. Now hurry, we must return to our families before someone sees us.”

But someone already had, and that along with act itself would cause future events to change Elena’s life forever.