Sovereignty over the Paracel and Spratly Islands by Monique Chemillier-Gendreau - HTML preview

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1994), 129 et seq.

Lafont, P.B. (ed.), Les frontieres du Vietnam, Paris: L'Harmattan, 1989. Lapique, P.A., A propos de iles Paracels, Saigon: Les editions d'Extreme

Asie, 1929. Lasserre, F., Le dragon et la mer. Strategies geopolitiques chinoises en Mer
de Chine du Sud,
Montreal: Harmattan Inc., 1996. Lechervy, C, 'Indochine: les nouvelles frontieres', Politique etrangere, No.
3(1992), 585 et seq. Le Thanh Khe, L'affaire des iles Paracels et Spratleys devant le droit
Institut International d'Etudes et de Recherches
Diplomatiques, 1958.
Lee Yong Leng, 'Offshore Boundary Disputes in Southeast Asia', Journal of
Southeast Asia
(November 1978).
Luchaire, E, 'Le probleme des frontieres chinoises', Bulletin de l'Institut
International d'Administration Politique
(October-December 1968). Madrolle, C, 'La question de Hainan et des Paracels', Revue Politique
Marston, G., 'Abandonment of Territorial Claims: the Cases of Bouvet and
Spratly Islands', British Yearbook of International Law, L VII (1986), 335
et seq.
Milivojevic, M., 'The Spratly and Paracel Islands Conflict', Survival (1989),
70 et seq.
Niquet, V., 'Le Vietnam face au monde chinois', Defense Nationale (January
1994), 131 et seq.
Ocampo-Kalfors, S., 'Easing towards Conflict', Far Eastern Economic
Review (28 April 1983).
O'Connell, D.P., 'The Status of Formosa and the Chinese Recognition
Problem', American Journal of International Law (1956), 405 et seq. Pan Shiying, The Petropolitics of the Nansha Islands - China's Indisputable
Legal Case,
published and distributed by Economic Information Agency,
July 1996, 196 pages.
Park, C-H., 'The South China Sea Disputes: Who Owns the Islands and the
Natural Resources?', Ocean Development and International Law, vol. 5,
No. 1 (1978) 28 Rousseau, C, 'Chronique des faits internationaux', Revue generale de Droit
International Public
(1972), 826 et seq. Saix, O., 'Iles Paracels', Terre-Air-Mer-La geographie, LX No. 5 and 6
(Nov-Dec 1933).
Samuels, M.S., Contest for the South China Sea, New York and London:
Methuen, 1982.
Sauvaire Jourdan, C, 'Les Paracels, infiniment petits de notre domaine
colonial', La Nature (1 November 1933).
Segal, G., 'Asie de 1'Est: le nouveau paysage strategique', Politique
etrangere, No.
3 (1992), 551 et seq.
Teh Juang Chang, 'China's Claim of Sovereignty over the Spratly and
Paracel Islands. A Historical and Legal Perspective', Case Western
Reserve Journal of International Law,
vol. 23 (1991), 399 et seq.

Thomas, B.L., 'The Spratly Islands Imbroglio: A Tangled Web of Conflict', in: International Boundaries and Boundary Conflict Resolution, conference proceedings, 1989.

Tra Dih Gian, 'The Geographical and Political Aspects of Eastern Asia. Problems and prospects', Southeast Asia (30 August 1990).
Tu Dang Minh Thu, Le differend des iles Paracels et Spratleys, Ses problemes juridiques, Paris: Memoire, 1976.
Valencia, M.J., South East Asian Seas: Oil under Troubled Waters, Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press, 1985.
Valencia, M., van Dyke, J. and Ludwig, N., Sharing the Resources of the South China Sea, Martinus Nijhoff, 1997.
van Dyke, J.M. and Bennett, D.L., Islands and the Delimitation of Ocean Space in the South China Sea, mimeographed paper.
Vo Long Te, Les archipels Hoang Sa et Truong Sa selon les anciens ouvrages vietnamiens d'histoire et de geographie, Saigon, 1974.
Yamane, H., 'Le Japon et la peninsule indochinoise', Defense Nationale (January 1988).
Zhou Jian, Les frontieres maritimes de la Chine, thesis, 2 vol., University of Paris X, 1991.

To this set of articles or chapters of books on the question of the Paracels and Spratlys must be added very many articles found in legal journals or in the press, in particular:

L 'Asie Francaise
Dong Thanh
Le Courrier du Vietnam
L 'eveil de l'Indochine
Far Eastern Economic Review
Le Figaro
Le Journal des Coloniaux - l'armee coloniale
Mer et Colonies
Le Monde
Le Monde colonial illustre
Le Monde Diplomatique
Pekin - Informations

La Revue generale de droit international public (international events column)
Temps nouveaux



Aves Island case

Netherlands - Venezuela
Award of 30 June 1865
Bulama Island case

United Kingdom - Portugal


Award of 21 April 1870

Case concerning the frontier between British Guiana and Brazil United Kingdom - Brazil
Award of 6 June 1904
Island of Palmas case
United States - Netherlands
Award of 4 April 1928
Clipperton Island case
Mexico - France Award
of 28 January 1931
Minquiers and Ecrehos case
France - United Kingdom Judgment of the International Court of
Justice of 17 November 1953
Eastern Greenland case
Denmark - Norway
Judgment of the Permanent Court of International Justice of 5 April 1933
Western Sahara case Opinion of the International Court of Justice of 16
October 1975
Case concerning the delimitation of the maritime frontier between Guinea
and Guinea-Bissau
Judgment of 14 February 1985



Ad hoc documents produced by the Vietnamese government to explain its position;

- Note by the Foreign Ministry of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam on provocations and incursions into Vietnamese territory by the Chinese authorities in the frontier region, Bulletin du Vietnam, Paris, 15/31 March 1979.
- Vietnam's Sovereignty over the Hoang Sa and Truong Sa Archipelagos, Information and Press Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Hanoi, 1979.
- Les archipels Hoang Sa and Truong Sa, territoire vietnamien, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, 1981.
- Les archipels Hoang Sa et Truong Sa (Paracels et Spratley), published by the Courrier du Vietnam, Hanoi, 1984.
- Les archipels Hoang Sa (Paracels) et Truong Sa (Spratlys) et le droit international.

Documents expressing the Chinese positions

- Les nouvelles sinologiques, 1988, No. 5,6,7,8,9,10.
- La souverainete incontestable de la Chine sur les iles Xisha et les iles Nansha, document published by the Foreign Ministry of the People's Republic of China, 30 January 1980.

Documents relating to the draft peace treaty with Japan and the San Francisco Conference (1951)

- Note to the Soviet government from the Chinese government, 22 March 1951.
- Statement by the Foreign Minister of the People's Republic of China, Chou en-Lai, on the draft peace treaty with Japan and the San Francisco Conference (Beijing, 15 August 1951).
- Report of debates in the Parliamentary Assembly of the Union Francaise, 25 March 1952.

United Nations documents


-A/43/346/2 May 1988 A/43/363/16 May 1988


ARCHIVE DOCUMENTS The main documents concerning this affair were found:


In the archives of the French Foreign Ministry

Series Asia 1918, 1929
AS- 18-40 China 797, 40-55 China
N.S. China 96, 126, 559-568, 608-612, 597-601
N.S. Indochina 4, 5, 6, 7, 11, 17,18, 19-25, 31, 33, 34 volume No. 312 Asia-Oceania, series E, box 117

In the overseas archives (Aix-en-Provence)

Boxes Indochina 32, 34, 35, 36
N.F. 225, 268, 271, 610, 684, 662, 1010, 1018, 1024, 1025, 1026, 1859 I.C. boxes 306, 308, 227, 261, 309

MAPS After a systematic trawl through the card-index of the maps department of the National Library in Paris, the following maps were consulted:

Ge D 9210 Guillaume le Testu, 1554
Ge D 8693 Netherlands, possessions, 17th century Ge B 220 Dutch naval chart, 18th century Ge FF 13341 (89) Indochina, 17th century
Ge FF 7909 German map, 1867
Ge D 7552 Tonkin and Cochin China, Paris 1863 Ge D 24950 Indochina, naval charts, 1880
Ge C 21797 Naval charts, 1881
Ge D 817 De Lanessan, 1888
Ge C 3067 Indochina, 1893
Ge B 372 Paire expedition, 1893
Ge AA 25 Vidal Labloche, 1897
Ge C 15245 Girard and Barrere
Ge D 20526 IGN, manual for the use of troops, 1947 Ge CC 3506 Indochina, administration, 1939 Ge D 21832 Indochina, airstrips, 1951
Ge C 5904 Aeronautical Indochina, 1936 Ge D 21831 Indochina, aviation, radio, 1951 Ge DD 2987 China Sea, 1745
Ge D 3610 China Sea, 1792
Ge CC 2301(23)China Sea 1821
Ge C 10431 China Sea, coasts, 1712
Ge C 17228 Indochina, bathymetric and fisheries map Ge C 18375 Political map of Indochina, 1951 Ge C 16640 Provinces of Indochina, 1940 Ge C 4272 Indochina, typhoons

Ge DD 2987 (7212)China Sea, 1643


Res. Ge AA 1318 China Sea, Peter Goes, 1680

Res. GeB219 Nautical chart, China Sea, late 17th century Res. Ge B 220 Nautical chart, China Sea, late 17th century Res. Ge B 214 Dutch nautical chart, late 17th century Ge B 1509(6836) Hydrographical map, 18th century

Ge DD 2987 B (7160.61)China Sea, 1740
Ge 2301/17
Paracels (Western Group) by D. Rops, Lieutenant of the Bombay Marine, 1808

Ge C 2280 GeIGN, 1945


C 15165 Ge C Air infrastructure of Indochina, 1939 4269 Ge CC Geographical Service of Indochina, 1911 556 April 1903


The following portfolios were also consulted at the National Library (maps department):


Portfolios 180, 181, 182


The following portfolios were also consulted at the National Library (maps department):


Portfolios 180, 181, 182