THE HISTORY OF ALBINISM IN AFRICA- Myths, Legends, and Superstitions by Benaiah Orajereyor Agejivwie - HTML preview

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Within the tapestry of African traditional beliefs and superstitions, albinism occupies a significant place, entwined with spiritual and supernatural interpretations. This chapter delves into the captivating world of these beliefs, unveiling the unique perspectives surrounding albinism in different African cultures.

3.1. Exploration of the Spiritual and Supernatural Interpretations of Albinism

In various African cultures, albinism has been associated with spiritual significance and considered a manifestation of divine blessings or curses. Some believe that albinos possess heightened spiritual abilities or possess a closer connection to ancestral spirits.

Others view albinism as a result of spiritual imbalances or ancestral taboos, attributing it to a divine message or intervention.

Tanzania: In Tanzania, there exists a confidence in "zeru," which means "phantom like creatures." Pale skinned people are in some cases alluded to as zeru, and it is accepted that their body parts have mystical properties that can bring favorable luck or fix sicknesses.

Mogadishu (Somalia): In certain pieces of Mogadishu, pale skinned people are viewed as otherworldly creatures with profound associations.

They are accepted to can avoid underhanded spirits and carry gifts to the individuals who look for their presence or contact.


Benaiah Orajereyor Agejivwie 3.2. Role of Albinos in Traditional Rituals and Ceremonies Albinos often hold special roles in traditional rituals and ceremonies within African communities. Their unique appearance and perceived spiritual connection are believed to grant them the ability to communicate with ancestral spirits or serve as intermediaries between the spiritual and physical realms. Albinos may be called upon to participate in healing rituals, divination practices, or other ceremonies aimed at connecting with the supernatural realm.

Let us consider another instance in another African country.

Mali: In certain Malian communities, albinos are believed to possess unique spiritual powers. During special rituals, albinos may be asked to participate as intermediaries between the physical and spiritual realms, assisting in communication with ancestral spirits.

Ghana: In Ghana, albinos are sometimes included in traditional healing ceremonies. Their presence is believed to enhance the effectiveness of the rituals and increase the chances of successful healing or spiritual intervention.

3.3. Superstitions and Misconceptions about Albinism in Different African Cultures:

Unfortunately, alongside positive beliefs, certain superstitions and misconceptions surrounding albinism have persisted in some African cultures. These misconceptions may include unfounded notions that albinos are cursed, bring bad luck, or possess magical powers that can be exploited. Such beliefs have contributed to stigmatization, discrimination, and harmful practices against individuals with albinism.



Through a nuanced exploration of the spiritual and supernatural interpretations of albinism, the role of albinos in traditional rituals and ceremonies, and the presence of superstitions and misconceptions, we aim to unravel the intricate tapestry of African traditional beliefs surrounding albinism. By understanding these perspectives, we strive to foster awareness, challenge harmful stereotypes, and promote a more inclusive and compassionate society for individuals with albinism in Africa.

Uganda: In parts of Uganda, there are superstitious beliefs that albinos are associated with bad luck and misfortune. Some people believe that merely touching an albino can bring bad luck or even death.

Tanzania: Tragically, there have been cases in Tanzania where the body parts of albinos have been sought after for use in witchcraft rituals. These harmful beliefs have led to abductions, attacks, and killings of albinos in some instances.

It is essential to take note of that while these models show the presence of odd convictions and destructive practices, they don't address the convictions of the whole populace in the separate nations. Many individuals and organizations within these countries are actively working to challenge these harmful beliefs, promote understanding, and protect the rights of individuals with albinism.