The Chronicles of Enguerrand de Monstrelet, Vol. 7 [of 13] by Monstrelet - HTML preview

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In this year, friar Thomas Conette, of the order of Carmelites, whom we have before noticed in this history, made many preachings in divers parts of Champagne, the which had induced numbers of ladies of high rank to lay aside their ridiculous dresses.

He thence journeyed to Rome, during the popedom of Eugenius IV. and arrived there with the venetian ambassadors. He was lodged at Saint Paul's, whence the pope ordered him to come before him, not with any evil intentions toward him, but for him to preach, for he had heard much of his renown. He refused twice to attend the holy father, under pretence of being ill; and the third time, the pope sent his treasurer to bring him.

Friar Thomas, seeing the treasurer enter the house, instantly leaped out of the window to escape,—but, being directly pursued, was taken and carried before the pope in his palace. The cardinals of Rouen and of Navarre were charged to examine him and his doctrines, who, finding him guilty of heresy, and of death, he was in consequence sentenced to be publicly burnt in the city of Rome.