Thinking Leadership in Africa by Allan Bukusi - HTML preview

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…a deteriorating condition of organization

Does culture have anything to say about organization? One of the strongest organization impactors and influencers is culture. The behavior found in an organization influences the behavior of those who join. Culture is interaction based and contextual in nature. Culture is remitted from one person to another. Culture is also a deteriorating condition it does not remain constant. Anyone can tell a story, few people can repeat a story properly, even fewer can tell you the meaning of the story. Inevitably bits and pieces get left out as the story is repeated. In the organization context decay inevitably overcomes internal business practices. This rate of decay does not even take into account the changes in environmental circumstances that affect business practice.


Cultural values make up culture. Traditions are instituted for a purpose. Purpose may expire in which case the value of the traditions diminish. When purposes expire traditions become memorable decorative pieces with a lot of meaning and symbolism but are empty shells without current application. There are many organization traditions and practices that will make the more colorful section of our leadership Museum.

Values on the other hand sustain tradition. There are values and principles of behavior that are timeless. Whenever an organization undergoes change or a culture update some values may need to be retained and formulated into (new) desirable organization practices. To trash everything that is cultural is to erode (dismiss) the value of culture in creating order in society. Both formal and informal organizations require suitable working culture. Managing organization culture is a powerful leadership tool for directing organization development and facilitating corporate growth.


Culture is behavior. Tradition is habit. Culture is principles of behavior. Tradition is exercise of habit  Culture  needs revamping. Tradition needs changing. Tradition is associated with incidents. Culture is a pattern of behavior. Though culture may deteriorate, tradition can remain fairly stable. Tradition marks culture. Culture makes tradition.

It is quite possible to exercise tradition outside of culture. Any organization or conference of people associated for any length of time will develop a culture and may form some traditions by allowing certain behavior to become established. Aspects of culture allowed to become tradition form conditions of reliability and permanency. If the traditions add value to organization growth and development they remain beneficial. If traditions no longer add value for any reason they can become inhibitors of organization growth and development.


Training regulates culture. Tradition commits culture to memory. Training regulates behavior, tradition programs behavior. Training is necessary in an organization because it stops cultural decay, revamps the organization, (re) forms behavior and facilitates leadership development. It also keeps management and strategic communication current throughout the organization. Effective training maintains a profitable (value adding) corporate culture. Training monitors, maintains and mentors informal order in formal organizations.


What is not commonly appreciated is that culture is a creation and tool of leadership. It is a condition of organization that can be addressed. It can be both learned and communicated. It is not a permanent feature of people and organization it is a created or formed element of organization. It can therefore be influenced and directed by leadership. Leadership in an organization must take full responsibility to monitor  and manage cultural influences that would be detrimental to the organization. Culture can be interpreted as corporate or organization discipline. Its regulation can and should be taken in hand and addressed by leadership. It is one of the many issues  in organization management that can be addressed without technology or extra funding. If leadership does not take the initiative to monitor and revamp (desirable) culture it will soon slide into unprofitable behavior. Culture easily influences people, productivity, performance and profit.


There are organizations that leave Leadership development to the mercy of organization culture. There are few organizations that have developed strong traditions and business practices that have been able to sustain them for generations, but they will also have taken care to ensure that they have remained relevant over time. However, organizations should by no means leave the leadership development to culture alone leadership development should incorporate training to factor in and internalize environmental developments to ensure continued growth relevance and success.


Culture is a feature not a permanent condition of organization. An organization is not condemned to its culture but leadership must align it to realize the full value of organization, corporate activity, support and participation of staff in corporate affairs. Larger organization numbers present an added challenge and require greater effort to realize returns on investment in corporate culture. But there is no reason to allow corporate objectives to suffer or become undone because of incompatible behavior that compromises the organizations ability to meet its social commitments.