Thinking Leadership in Africa by Allan Bukusi - HTML preview

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…going global

As Africa has developed so has the rest of the world. Others have been developing in their own contexts with reference to the global stage and world affairs. It would be interesting to find out how others have fared on the journey. We shall summarize  a few of these by determining the leadership platforms they have used. This is new terminology and so we will have to explain what we mean by “leadership Platform”. It is the dominant theme of (any) leadership initiative(s). It is the underlying philosophy governing leadership activity. The continental evaluations enable further understanding:


It is not difficult to see that Leadership in Europe is built on a platform of “dominance” hence the desire and need to dominate world affairs. Europe has been at it for centuries it is unlikely to change tack or track this late in the game even though the empires have dwindled. The latest maneuver to create a European union is a move to ensure they win the current toss up for the number one slot on the global agenda in which North America has made significant gains over the last 100 years.


America has built leadership on the platform of economic  might. Its capital bullies all other currencies and everyone can feel the pervasive presence of the dollar. They have empowered their people economically all the way to the world stage. They have been at it for 200 years it has served them well again they are unlikely to change tack in the next fifty years.


Asia has an emergent secret that the world admires. In their isolation, brushed aside and dismissed they chose self-reliance as their global platform. Asian economies command attention though they are “far” away. The nuclear capability of Asian countries is recognized globally and they are called respectfully to the negotiating table. This they achieved in the last 50 years. A commendable achievement. The platform has served them well. They may vary their strategy a little to increase and leverage their advantage on the global stage but they chose  well and should remain close to the original track


SEA invested in technology and has managed to transform their societies into enviable economies. With limited natural resources they have pulled off a near impossible feat. Their products dominate continents and many have become a standard of excellence and quality. Their leadership thinking has global influence. They have done well and now sit firmly on the donor table


Somehow this land seems to have been on the perimeter of the global stage for a long time without making a commanding entry. I think Africa gets more attention than South America from the global stage. Not that this translates into much. But South America has one definite edge over Africa. If South America could translate concepts from its football heritage into its economic, political and social spheres, they would be a roaring success and bring color and carnival to the world stage  in the process. South America needs a global entry strategy development plan. The platform it has built on is shaky but it is up to them to decide what they want to do.


Africa cannot compete on other people’s platforms they are light-years ahead. The path to the global agenda is having something to present not to ask for. We need to develop a leadership platform. There is no denying that Africa’s resources are immense what is needed is a platform for leadership to translate the vast potential into value for the people and which can be shared with the rest of the world. Africa must select a platform carefully, as seen in the comparisons it is not easy to change platforms once they become established. But Africa in many ways is only just emerging on the world stage and still has the flexibility to make a considered choice and construct a  viable platform to the future.