US Truths and Remedies by John C. Dean - HTML preview

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probable shooters.=;

@shot number already


® - - - - witnessed bullet hit r.l\



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John C. Dean BSEE (UCSB)'67highhonors, MSEE Cal Tech '68

1---L.....L....J------L......J.......--L......L. ..... ..--

l.. j , '--'-LJ_ --'-' L......J.......l.. J , LL_L_wl Capt USAF honorable '72 Engineer :Artist 'i,


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ExtraBull ! !l:c: ; iri : : 9 Dealey Plaza

@LJnoTindsltield frarne






l\fA.!"'\'HOLE COVER ON so. SIDE OF ELM lO', 10·";':;l s Scientific proof of the JFK assassination scenatio requires the Identification of possible and known shooter positions, the witnessed nu positions of all shot,, knowledge of the path taken by the limo on Elm St, three dimensional modeling of each shot from scaled maps ofDealey Plaza with height information, knowl"edge of ballistics with real numbers and equations for bullet fiight time, fall due to gra,ity on a bullet in fiight, and air resistance and its effect on bullet velocity. Given this information and skills one also (leeds an understanding of1'ewtous laws of motion, and trigonometr ; and gfometry to hf able to calculate the shot trajectories and estimate which shooter tired and when and make sense out of the results fol' the overall sceoa1io. Those who do not follow and understand this full l'egimeo will fall short of scientific proof for their them-y of what happened that day.John Dean has evolved this regimen ovei· years to get the best scientific correlation he can with what happened.

July 1 ,2018JCD ll!


Image 20

I’ll lay out the map segment that includes the first shot, so I can demonstrate the sequence of calculations needed to accurately track the bullet for a typical shot. One can get the best accuracy by enlarging the image with it’s scale on the computer screen. Then I used a cm scale to measure horizontal distance to bullet hit point from the rifle on my computer screen to the nearest millimeter. This gives us the suspected horizontal distance rh from the suspected shooter to the bullet hit point. Then we take the difference between the HASL of the rifle to the HASL of the hit point. That gives us the fall f , how much the bullet fell in vertical height from the shooter to the hit point. The declination angle for the shooter A dcl is the inverse tangent or tan -1 f/ rh or the inverse tangent of the fall over the horizontal range to hit point.

This is trigonometry nomenclature to describe the fall on a bullet and the aim angle (if the bullet followed a straight line with no gravity effects, to the hit point). The straight line range, or slant range rsl is rh /

cosine A dcl . In reality, gravity will bring the bullet lower at the hit point as a function of the time it took for it to get there. The fall of a 23

Image 21

Image 22

bullet in feet due to gravity f g is 16.1 t 2 where t is the flight time of the bullet to the hit point in seconds. The time t is the distance of the bullet’s path divided by the average velocity of the bullet on that path or t= r sl / v avg. And the average velocity is the muzzle velocity of the shot minus the percentage loss on the path due to air resistance, which is a factor of distance of the shot.

The chart below is what I used for nominal 1100fps subsonic rounds. The first shot calculation

is shown on a

pictorial of the plot

map titled first

shot, after the air


information at left.

The horizontal

range to JFK

is 130 feet.

JFK’s head is

4 feet above

the street

under him

which looks to

be at 429.0 ft,

so his head is

at 433ft with a

drop of

446.5- 433 =

13.5 feet.

The shooter’s


is tan-1

(13.5/130) =

5.9o below the

horizon. So

where does it

strike the road

if he misses?


Image 23

Image 24

Let’s derive the equation for the horizontal distance r hit down the road.


4 cos 5.9o/sin 2.9o = 79’, so total horizontal range is 130 + 79 = 209’; But it measures 198’ total horizontal distance. So the slant range is 198/ cos 5.9 = 199. And fg is 16.1 (199/1096)2 = .53ft. If a 3o road falls .53 ft feet every x

feet horizontal range, what is x? x = 10.1ft So we subtract 10 ft. from the 209 calculation and get 199’ for perfect agreement on shot 1.

When considering the fall due to gravity.

For shot 2

4cos9.5/sin6.5 = 35 feet past

JFK’s head on the road,

which is right on the center of

the big red dot circled. Bull’s

eye, or slightly off right of

JFK. Again he hurries up his

slide to his wife . This would

be the hit near the door of the

TSBD, as written on the map

above the red dot. The 2nd

shot is right on the hit point.

The first 2 shots are verified

possibilities! The 3rd shot I

give to the cupola shooter

Who moves to the stub wall

for this shot. He misses left

and it hits towards LBJ’s car,

so his agent covers him. The

map for the first 4 shots is on the next page.


Image 25

The calculations are now shown on the multiple shot maps, 1-4 below 26

The 4th shot is the first loud rifle round fired from behind the near corner of the Pickett fence by Mac Wallace, LBJ’s hit man and assassination scenario designer. I believe that he fired this shot & #14 later to have control of the loud shots. The hit point HASL is ~428’, interpolated from HASLs above and below. It went left of JFK’s head at Z170 per Roberdeau. The calculations are shown on the shot maps. I have the ability to envision in three dimensions and with models draw what I envision accurately. That plus high school science and math enable the analysis accurately of bullet paths. All shots follow the same set of calculations. All math oriented teenagers could do this. The previous page showed the first 4 shots that show agreement for the physical layout, best shooter for that shot, and witnessed hit point for both people hits and background hits. A small red circled number refers to the shot number.

When it’s next to a shooter shown by a black T it indicates that that shooter fired that numbered shot. The same number next to the rear segment of the limo with a red line thru JFK’s seat position (rear right tiny black dot) indicates that’s where that shooter aimed his shot to kill JFK. The big red circled dots are based upon multiple reports from people at the parade who witnessed where bullets hit the street (3+), sidewalk (1), manhole (3) cover, concrete pad of manhole cover, grass near manhole cover; limo (3+), Windshield frame(1), limo windshield(1), curbs (2+?), JFK (4+), post mortem 3-4?), Connolly(2), Tague (1), freeway sign (1), grass south of Elm (3+?), innocent bystanders (1?) = 18 shots for sure, plus a few more in the limo, on the grass, bystanders(?), & post mortem, plus what I may have overlooked. There is no doubt about this being a major conspiracy that framed Oswald. On later diagrams I include some shooters who were named by Dr. James Fetzer, a major JFK researcher for many years.

I was trained as an Air Force Radar Officer at Radar technical school in Biloxi Mississippi, in 1969. I was made class leader for a group of young officers with EE degrees who completed the 1 year course in 6 months and all graduated with honors. Then they assigned me to the Air Force Communications Service HQ at Scott AFB, Ill. in Satellite Systems Division of the Requirements Directorate under Col. (General elect) Iannicito. There I joined in monitoring the end of the TACSAT-1 test program and made plans for utilization of the satellites(TACSAT-1 and LES 6) in a joint service program, TACSATCOM IOC, using joint service developed terminal 27

equipment (plus procurements) to create the first Joint Service UHF and SHF

SATCOM system for very high priority military requirements. I learned all terminal specs to be able to specify the power levels of any terminal talking to any other terminal with voice or teletype in a matrix of power settings that would maximize utilization of the power limited satellite assets across all users in the presence of non linear small signal suppression. For that the JCS

picked the Air Force as the lead service responsible for creating a control center to monitor satellite operations to ensure planned performance enabled maximum utilization of the spacecraft (using the power tables). For that the Air Force sent me to the control site to help in its development and bringing it on line for operations. The new Commander was Major Ralph Maruca of the detachment. He made me the OPS officer. I got my staff educated on power control and helped overcome problems early on, so that it all ran well and OPS/Maintenance men were promoted as deserved for their fine performance.

We ran 24/7. Two men were referred to OTS. My Master Sgt got his Senior Master Sgt stripe and my chief scheduler (a man of color) got his Master Sgt stripe, for their great work at minimizing conflicts among users. My Officer Ratings were excellent. In my autobiography, referenced on page 15, the JFK

summary discusses the errors in the government remake of the Tina Towner movie at the top of the street. Of particular note is the fact that her remake uses a conspiratorial background scan that followed the limo so it shows the shooters shooting toward her where a big crowd was on the SW corner of Elm and Houston. That didn’t happen. Shots 5 thru 9 on next page.

The Tina Towner remake by the government edited the limo group to appear the size appropriate for a normal turn onto Elm, by changing the size of the people in the limo group and the limo to make it as big as it should be if they were in the middle left lane going onto Elm. And the conspiratorial follow up pan around that corner was swept by the camera person to simulate the moving of the background with respect to the limo to make the limo appear to be turning left smoothly at a constant velocity. Then with mattes for the edited limo group they could expose their final background the conspiratorial moving scan of the background behind the actual limo long enough after the real pauses and stops to get a mostly disinterested crowd who already saw the president pass (with lots of faces crossed out for follow-on reactions to what they saw in the actual wide slow turn). It had to be clear to those people on the periphery of that turn, both inside the turn and around the outside that an attack was on the president while turning onto Elm. A segment was cut out 28

Image 26

Image 27

Image 28

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d"'o£ 3.8' sl ,-=,6

g rau 49' .o.a1ru.5.. 1.,.

almL 4.3deg dwn,bullet

18. 't...h,..-UOl;No:I' bu.Utt bl(@



or1 = .23 •••, 16.l(,130r•g

so bullel dtons to 427..

(DC) bortz r205', drop 523 4p=9 .5', do9.l9 12

= 2• , sl r=205/ cos(25

should be almlng"l3oe1('

. t= 226/1096= .21 sec, g ran= .7' ~8" Oepoly sberilfll•r · WeaUJerrord a...,, the shot wllbour dwn to bit K wllllllilssti


_-.-,.-;:_-:,-:,-:,;.:: adjUstlog ror g (all, o be bit JFK io the back. Jle troc"ed our wbate,·er speed error with a slight f'[l],f,90

lud, but forgot lhal be, ""•'t DriJlg a hig, h·elodry bullet; lostoad, he had a sabot round lo bl, 30-06

Oeon b<

wllh a w••·" load aod tbt rlDc bad a silencer. Al range with Ills normal bullet be wouUIba,·e O.5\udd m!Misr-d \ Ith .5

"""---+--kllled JFKuitb a shot to lbe bead. But lhe llgbl round IeU and 1111 JFK In the bar"Just lo the right ol lo tlttOl'I olf th• ,boc, I

tbor.acic ve:rtabrae, T-3 with lr"2 " pe.netraHou, and Darr.,· ejected the c.artridge. i\'13U)" }·esrs later and


a\f JF

somebodr found • erimped cartridge OD lhe roof. JFK cried OUI"I'm•tt''•od RO)' Kellenuao beard b tb ,boorer 'lflto m

iDl as be re tined to tbe Warren Commlssloo, bul F All,ED to e1·acuate him. SherllfDecker,

'he 'TD<Al lCHOOL00

o accomplice lo mui·der assigned Har11·10 that roof and to Inspect the Grassy knoll parking lot up R

;::,' langth of car trunlcs • Utile later,'IJJca,e any ortbe bad guys jumped into the tru.nlcs or par"ed Gtte


cars 1·0 svo1d capture. Harl")' could let lhem out. AFTER HAR.RY

