US Truths and Remedies by John C. Dean - HTML preview

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Kennedy throughout shooting zone

b) shooting zone before Z133 to Z320

C)check height along path

@xvborlz r 393 /l. H,1.SL shooter 10 .JliK he•d1.2'

dowo. sl r 393', t = 393/1094 =.36 sec, g fall 2.1'

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adjusts up s.boul 1.3' and fires. The buUe.t pe.rfora.tes the llruo windshield and bits JFK In the center or hb 1hr at Just below tb adam's apple .8' low Crom bis lnte.n • d bll, a nic:e clean 4mm round entry wound.

windshield & neck



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as well (that probably couldn’t be sanitized). The president started to wave and suddenly jerked back his hand extremely fast (.22 second). I ran a test with my wife timing the 5 seconds, while I did as many cycles as I possibly could of quickly opening and closing my fist. I achieved 14 full cycles or 28

half cycles of either opening or closing my fist, so my average time was 5/28

= .178= .18 seconds, slightly faster than the president in his response to something obviously startling to him. A near miss of a bullet would induce such a response. My hand was a blur during my performance, which I reproduced for a radio broadcast from Brookings, OR, that the hosts commented about the blur of my fingers during my demonstration to them, to inform their listeners that I moved extremely fast. To me that indicated JFK’s startling reaction to a shot very near his right hand during an attempted wave to fans on the corner of Elm and Houston, when they passed very slowly on the wide turn onto Elm at the road divider curb. That was the first shot.

Another key point is that one frame of JFK’s right hand shown in the frames was half the size of all the other frames of that hand, in the wave. This suggests to me that the photo lab forgot to double the size of that hand in the transfer of the edited limo group to the new background scan to create the image of a tight turn of the limo onto Elm as the government edited film shows. They had to double the size of the images that show the limo group on the “real wide turn” in the original Towner movie to add them back against the conspiratorial moving background scan for their final print, showing a tight turn up close, which is what they almost spoofed perfectly. But I caught the error that shows their mistake. Other errors, e.g. felt pen cross outs of faces in the crowd, 4 frames missing, show their shoddy work. See my autobiography for that. Actually, 3/4ths of their frames had to be thrown out because of the slow movement around that corner gave them far too many limo group frames to be reduplicated for the 10mph turn of the new background scan to fit in. The jerk of the president’s hand still shows in the fabricated segment but the background shows where the shooters were, inferring that they fired in Tina’s direction to hit the president she had in the same frames on that corner. Her corner was packed with people and scores would have been wounded if the government remake of Towner was accurate in where they show the president’s frightful hand withdrawal reaction to a bullet while Tina captures both the shooters locations and JFK on that turn.

That implies that the shooters were shooting toward Tina Towner when JFK

jerked his hand while Tina saw the Dal Tex building and JFK in the scene at 30

the same time that the hand jerk occurred. Tracing lines from a known shooter position (2nd floor west facing~35 feet north of the Dal Tex SW corner) thru JFK brings the shots toward where she was filming. That could not have happened without injuring people near her at that crowded SW corner of Elm and Houston. So my account of the remake of the Towner movie proves the conspiratorial remake with bigger limo & occupants and a moving scan by a conspiratorial background photographer panning the scene right to left near (but not including) Tina Towner and after the limo is out of the scene. Then a sanitized and enlarged limo group is added to that scene that is panned, using mattes of the new large sanitized limo group to block transfer of the group from the copying of the new background in a bipack while optics perfectly align the running of the new limo group positive image to fill in where the limo group needs to be exposed while blocking the background on the second pass. I forget whether this required two passes thru the bipack. First they lay in the panned delayed background minus the new limo group (in mattes).

Then rewinding to the start frame they add the positive image of the new enlarged limo sync’d to the new background in time, plus the background mattes to expose only the limo group’s part of the film in the combo scene. I know that they accomplished this in those days in Hollywood and I’m sure the CIA photolab had the equipment and know how to achieve this overlay, perhaps, one frame at a time using an optical printer for perfect alignment.

I mention in my notes that I believe that Mac Wallace may have had the supersonic rifle, as that gave him control of the timing of the 3 loud shots, which needed to be spaced apart long enough to simulate a single rifleman kill, where time to eject a shell casing and reload another round plus aim for the next shot needs to be implemented between shots. But Mac didn’t have real time control for coordination of shots with Bill Greer for plan B, where the driver takes over the kill shot. So they accidentally fell on each other with the loud bang-bang for the last two shots, too close together for one bolt action shooter to achieve. This ruined the plan to make it sound like a single shooter assassination. So it had to be a conspiracy. (2 or more shooters). Not recognizing this error in the JFK assassination research community has given the government 59 years of grace for its complicity in JFK’s murder. And the complicity of 5 future presidents for their knowledge and participation (minus G.W. Bush) in JFK’s murder and cover-up: LBJ, Nixon, Ford, Bush1 & W

(knowledge) are real bad guys. The chiefs of staff of all the armed forces 31

(minus, perhaps the commandante of the Marine Corp) consented to JFK’s removal by force. The Army Chief of Staff, Gen. Lyman Lemnitzer introduced the military tactic of shooting one’s self in the foot and blaming it on another country to force war upon them. George W. Bush brought that plan into fruition on 911 with his demolition of the twin towers, Bldg7, and the Pentagon missile attack which led him on a hunt for weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, and Osama Bin Laden in Afghanistan and the Afghanistan War for their harboring of this international terrorist. This 21 year long evil war in Iraq/Afghanistan is just part of the covert takeover of the world as discussed in the beginning of this book. And the way that the Nazi-like radical right took over is by appointments into government of civilians in private industry who in the right numbers and locations can channel borrowed money of the government into private hands (by joining in the conspiracy and over contracting with conjoined private industry) and bankrupt the federal government with a debt the same size as their cash contracts into private contractor’s hands in the economy. They appoint and swear in all help to do this and use black Ops killers and torturers to enforce it against the lives of these employees’ treasured friends and family. They’ve been writing checks to themselves for about 40 years since the disgraceful Reagan tripled our historic debt. It started too big and kept doubling with new Administrations.

The 3 generation Bush family: Prescott- GHW- “W” are the premier family, all bonesmen, who dreamt up all sorts of horror for this organization. They helped kill JFK. They demolished the towers, killing ~3000. If no debris gets in the way the buildings can come down in as little as 10 seconds, AND

THEY DID!, -all covert activities. Pretty amazing and very horrific. Wars: Vietnam, Iraq 1, Iraq2/Afghanistan, 31 years worth waged by Bushes. They frag those in their way and are richer than Croesus. May all the seed of Prescott Bush perish from the Earth naturally. May Big Oil become Humongous Solar & Wind and be owned by We the people. May we shrink armies and use black ops for black hardware development and spy capture only! May we share in the celebration of life by implementing wealth and income controls and raise the rich sides’ taxes to balance the budget plus raise the pay at the low end of the economy to enable their celebration of life, plus pay off the existing debt over 50 years? Love neighbor AS SELF so we may all celebrate life! Clean up the oceans and fresh water sources, and diminish human population by natural attrition while increasing wild animal habitat?

Stop landfills of poison (e.g. rotting plastics)? Crush supremacists and racist 32

behaviors! Liberate sports from gambling interests! Do more Peace work.

Above all, make all improvements SUSTAINABLE ! Make all organized faiths mutually compatible or tax self serving and evil doing religious activities (any activity against people’s rights in the subject state or federal rights within the nation). Crush organized crime! Allow citizens (or store personnel) deadly force in defending against gang thefts (of 3 or more violent thieves)? --

Customer disputes don’t qualify as violent gang thefts.-- Let women’s concern for their own health govern abortions in the earlier phases of pregnancy!

Keep the CIA out of domestic affairs: of controlling news sources or destroying private property; out of creating news, forcing news to shut down, any leverage/force against news operations or civil matters of the people at large, no bogus badges ever, no murders, no removal from or hiding of data in private computers, (as done with me); Use no phone taps, no computer taps, nor any surveillance. Same for the FBI unless they present their complaint and evidence supporting it to their suspects in advance of any action by 2 days to enable a preparation of a defense or counter argument by the suspect to clear that action in court. No FBI removal of any records from suspects computer, only copy them if the appropriate warrant is signed by a judge with the jurisdiction/authority over the FBI action and the suspect. Distrust of the FBI / CIA / SS has to be rampant with their complicity in the JFK

assassination / cover up these last 60 years. Post mortem surgery on JFK

discussed in the presence of FBI agents at Bethesda denied, denial of Mac Wallace fingerprint in TSBD by FBI, Hoover’s claim on Oswald before he was identified as “in custody & with no evidence in hand”. False dead body print on Oswald from his mortuary, denounced by an FBI expert in latent finger print identification was still called “Oswald’s palm print on the rifle” in the Warren Report. CIA made badges for film collectors & gave false info re: Oswald & Mexico/Cuban connection before they helped kill JFK. and FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover/CIA David Atlee Philips were felons to get a fellow felon, LBJ, the VP spot under Kennedy and help kill JFK. LBJ was a murderer (through orders to his hit man, Mac Wallace) to kill his sister, kill the federal agent for cotton allotments, kill JFK, the assassination scenario, give up a finger print in the TSBD and most likely fire 2 of the 3 loud shots in Dealey Plaza in an attempt to kill JFK on 22 November, 1963. And what happened to the 3 poll workers at the voting site where 200 votes were added to LBJ’s senate primary contest with a senior senator from his state who lost 33

Image 29

by a close margin to LBJ in 1948...? LBJ’s ticket to Wash DC should never have been endorsed by the FBI/CIA. Hoover enabled murders of JFK and Martin Luther King Jr. and participated in racism/ advancement of the RAD RIGHT. CIA/LAPD killed Robert Kennedy. See the visual proof next.

Hoover and LBJ need to be defamed and their names taken off any of the peoples’ buildings, roads, highways, etc. and illicit wealth returned by inheriting family and friends; the same with the Bush family threesome and their beneficiaries ad infinitum.

Make businesses of private armies /

militias / forces of any type

illegal ! everywhere, except in the limited protection of money/valuables/and human transport protection in peacetime.

Allow no use of private forces to support our military anywhere, because this allows the covert members to use these forces for their evil purposes. The dark acts passed by W, e.g. the “Patriot Act”, gets foreign or U.S.troops to attack neighborhoods in America for insurrection that may well be the liberation of “we the people” from world covert conspirators against them.

Eliminate this “Traitor’s Act”

This should include

elimination of the threat of Trump’s armed political supporters against “We the People”. Racist and supremacist forces may revolt against all order and kill innocents in the cause of re-instating Trump as president, something that 34

he’s predicted, if he is arrested for real crimes and misdemeanors that he perpetrated pre-, during, and post- 6 Jan, 2021, including his theft of classified information for use at his private property, as if he owned these classified documents . These are essential for the protection of the US security, and now compromised by him, for not being protected in a vault as some of the documents required. He is, therefore a major traitor against our country! Arrest him and press charges in court to continue his incarceration.

Remove judges who protect crooks.

And racism and supremacist


need to be outlawed within our country and not allowed as part of free speech, because : Free speech should not include arousal of illegal actions against We the People. Trump is an inciter of violence against our own government/people, and should be jailed for the rest of his natural life. The armed forces may be needed against his immoral and dangerous supporters. Trump’s far right wing adventures are very reminiscent of Adolf Hitler in the thirties when he became chancellor and the parliament building, the old Reich Stag, burned, so he used martial law and the SS to become “Der Fuhrer” to quell riots and beat back the communists and other insurrectionists against him, while declaring Germany a National Socialist country; only to kill millions of innocent Jews, to amass treasures for himself, and to allude his killing/capture.

So after WWII, Truman instituted the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and Allen Dulles was appointed as its first Director . Dulles imported ex-Nazi intelligence officers to help train our new agency in covert operations and all kinds of dirty tricks and schemes to black mail people into continued evil service acts so as not to be prosecuted for their first evil acts. I suspect that a good president, Bill Clinton, was also blackmailed by GHW Bush after he may have approved some secret missions to assassinate evil foreigners during his terms as president. He ended up becoming apparent friends with GHW

Bush; Bush being a total Nazi from a Nazi supporting family. His dad, Prescott, was censored for his work to raise money in American investments using Nazi funding, perhaps gold, and support the huge industry run by the Nazis to crush opponents, usurp opponents’ economies and separate out the Jews to send to forced labor or death camps on captured soil. Prescott was censored many times repetitively for raising funds for the Nazis, who, by the way, had the support of international star, Charles Lindbergh as well. Soon the Nazis were bombing England, so the US geared up industrially to help the world, and everybody knows the end of that story. Both Hitler and the 35

Imperial Japanese were defeated by the US and its allies. The US became actively involved in the fighting after Pearl Harbor in December 1941. And thanks to women who joined the work force: Rosie the Riveter and millions of others who helped build the ships and airplanes and bombs and bullets plus the service they gave to win that war. So the idea of supremacist’s control of the world lived on in the minds of the Bushes and the new CIA with Nazi influences after they killed JFK. The combination of hard to locate covert operators with intelligence training offered a subversive force within the US that targeted our nation and the world for takeover, during peacetime.

The influence that Washington DC congressmen and government employees at high levels, must have fostered the idea of strengthening the covert grip on the US government, and with the freedom of executives in government and military to appoint people to run their endeavors, this cult-like monster

was born! And JFK was the first president that needed to be taken out to continue to allow stronger bonds with industry and a stock piling of wealth to grow the covert conspiracy quickly

to take over the government for the

benefit of private citizens.

Truman regretted forming the CIA after the JFK

assassination. Participants included Big Oil, Big Banking, defense industries (e.g.Smith brothers and Howard Hughes) far right wing billionaire H.L. Hunt; and politicians who would work in the far right wing like Richard Nixon and Gerald Ford got support. Prescott Bush owned Nixon for his willingness to be the maleable attorney interested in politics, so he integrated well with these very rich power mongers, and since Dwight Eisenhower (AKA Ike) golfed with Prescott Bush, Nixon (through his flamboyant Commie hunting in congress and becoming a senator from California), got the call to be Ike’s VP

in ‘52.

Ike would have won with Walt Disney as his VP in ‘52, resulting in peace and prosperity and a celebration of life for all.

JFK was planning to cut Big Oil’s “Oil Depletion Allowance” and make a Central Bank for America and ditch the privately run Fed.

These intentions in Oil and Banking were needed to strengthen the Federal Government and cut back private sucking on the Federal money pipe. Both Big Oil and Big Banking would covertly participate at the top level in the assassination of JFK. They both looked forward to even greater crippling power over the world with these private controls.


The tripling of gas prices in the early-mid 70s came from a 3% decrease in the supply of crude oil; whatever algorithm they were allowed to use, implemented highway robbery. The banking scheme to make stock on real estate was bogus from the beginning, as lenders held 1st position. So the crash of 2008 was expected and rich banks should never have been bailed out:


(with no stipulations).

A crime against We The People.

That is idiotic! And it proves national control by private rulers before Obama. So Big Oil needs to be National Energy (among nations) with banking regulated by governments everywhere. CIA/Homeland Security need to be under presidential / People’s Representative joint control. They lie and cheat and likely use (drug/human) smuggling for black program income. That needs to cease with illicit drugs availability. In the 60s another scam was invented to suck rare natural resources from poor countries by bating them with economic improvements enabled by improved infrastructure to grow into major producers for the world with major industries springing from the new infrastructure. Like all construction projects, problems occurred that required modifications in specifications to fix the problem. So costs went up and before you know it, the foreign nation has more costly infrastructure with larger monthly payments than expected. And the new businesses did not produce what was expected from the US corporate estimates in their proposals. So this giant shell game steals from poor nations. And we sense the nation’s frustrations so the US Company that built the project offers to make payments to the International bank in exchange for the poor nation’s rare natural resources (at cheaper exchange rates?). The foreign nation does not get the growth they expected and becomes stuck in debt while exchanging their valuable resources to make payments on that debt. Complicating this relationship the government of the small nation gets involved in negotiations and bribes or threats are used by the US to get what it wants and, if not, to send in the “Jackals” (CIA covert killers), if the country reneges on any of its agreements. The book “ Confessions of an Economic Hit Man ” by John Perkins , copyright 2004, explains this business in much more detail than my brief summary, and the US Government has continued to do this around the globe, necessitating the placement of US troops into 130 foreign nations.

Stop this crime and bring back our troops.

In the courts, we need a complete overhaul of the law to enable justice in the first place. Facts and deductive & inductive logic with these facts should be 37

used to determine guilt, not a jury of peers (who may be bought, or who are not logical enough to sort out the facts from their biases or their momentary likes and dislikes, threats or bribes. And precedence in law should not escape logic/fairness either. Stop the current fairy tale justice system and institute one based on truth with facts to support (and testimony), using logic with acceptable premises. And base the law in moral principles of right and wrong as should be the custom.

Getting back to the JFK Assassination we need to complete the shot calculations for the remaining 7+ shots. The next page shows shots 10, 11 and 12. 10 is the set of shots (10, 10’, and 10”) that hit the manhole cover, the concrete pad south of the cover, and the grass north of the cover. These 3

shots required 3 shooters on the west facing Dal Tex building as discussed earlier. The misses were either due to lack of gravity compensation or scope/operator error. 11 and 12 were vulnerable to cross track velocity while the bullets were in flight. Both errors are easy to understand when one looks from the shooter’s perspective at the target. I provide the art that shows the view of the County building shooter when he accidentally hits Connolly in the back. He probably led JFK by ~2 inches and caught the governor in the right armpit on his 28 degrees down angle, causing the same angle wound before exiting below his right nipple to hit the floor in the limo. Connolly showed intense pain with his open mouth yell at Z 297 as he faced Zapruder and was then hauled back by his wife onto the floor. The bullet was on the carpet.

The wrist shot was almost simultaneous from Harry Weatherford on the Records building roof, as in the geometry (upper right and lower right (next page) while the bullet was in flight. The amount of limo motion at 4mph would move the shot over JFK’s right shoulder and hit Connolly’s wrist as shown in the equations:( upper right view of the 2 cars on the next page).

Harry compensated for fall due to gravity pretty well on this shot, after hitting JFK in the back earlier while ignoring fall due to gravity. In his defense, he was used to firing 2850’/second full load rounds that would have killed JFK

on his back shot #7 with less fall and earlier arrival to his head where he aimed. But with his sub-sonic rounds he was a full 4 mph off on limo velocity that moved the limo 4” left so his bullet went over JFK’s right shoulder near his neck when it reached the limo and hit Connolly again by mistake.

Connolly was definitely not a target. He was LBJ’s best friend. But you can appreciate this analysis for its thoroughness and accuracy in showing what was the probable shot sequence on JFK that day that produced the results 38

Image 30

witnessed. My work on this is painstaking and I haven’t found any errors to negate it. I’m only writing what I believe to be the truth. So far I haven’t made any errors that I’m aware of, that bias the rest of the shots in anyway. I’m 39

going in sequence of where shooters could have crossed the path of JFK’s head (in the limo) as it progressed through the Plaza one shot at a time as he forwardly passed from the top of Elm Street to the underpass ahead, while minimizing any collateral damage to spectators. It’s obvious, though, that subsonic rounds were more susceptible to error with limo motion than the high speed bullets. JFK also slid right to left toward his wife on the rear bench seat as if to avoid being hit near the top of the street where a big flurry of shots assaulted him from the Dal Tex Building to begin the siege to kill him.

He may have gestured angrily to his wife right after the neck shot as if to say

“all of your BS about firecrackers and ignoring my back & neck hits shows total limo group complicity in this”! I created this cartoon, left side pg. 40, to show how JFK publicly embarrassed her and how she may have reacted. He had the weakness of his father who defiled his marriage with Jack’s mother so Jack was ill directed in his youth to think that this continued to be acceptable behavior for him. Jackie’s agreement to support the murder in a “kindly sort of way”, seemed less evil. They

were going to kill Jack regardless of her

actions and mysteriously she survived the barrage of bullets and got her wish.

This’d make an incredible movie, especially with the actual shooting sequence and sympathy to Jackie’s situation. The world should see such a movie

I also found in my research that slightly different pictures of events existed on the internet. I suspect that loyal patriots working as techs in the CIA photo lab would sneak out basically clobbered photos of the president at his final moments. But they gave sneak views in different photos with bits of evidence as shown in Cover Up and Release on page 41. I show the sequence of right temple hit in shot 13, smoky loud shot that missed and hit the curb on the south side of Elm near Jean Hill in 14, and the fatal shot from his driver that he saw coming 15, and put up his right fist, his only defense against this brutal attack to try to block the fatal shot. The temple shot came from police officer Roscoe White, who became active at the Dallas police station about 2 months before the assassination. He was a braggart and claimed that he fired the fatal shot. It might have been over time but #15 caught JFK in the right forehead 40

Image 31

Image 32

near the hair line as Kennedy was slightly cowering down left while looking at Greer when hit and the bullet, a special low caliber sabot round backed by the full 45 load of gunpowder caused a concussion wave that blew out the lower back of JFK’s head 2.5 inches wide by ~4 inches vertically and killed him instantly, The narrower, lighter bullet would have greater muzzle velocity than one of his 45 rounds out of the same

gun, and it’s this higher velocity (squared) that

creates much greater energy to blow his brains

out. Lower

caliber, higher

velocity rounds

have more kill


At the autopsy a

triangular flap in

his skull is bared

on the right side

due to wound

alterations done at

Walter Reed

Army Hospital

before Bethesda.

It didn’t show in

the Z film well but

a lot of his skull

was shattered by

the fatal sabot

round. The Army

doctors at Walter

Reed did a quick

brain removal on

the right side by

cutting through

flesh to expose the

shattered skull and

then working the


3/4th brain out of their entry post mortem wound, because when the body reached Bethesda in an army ambulance, Paul O’Connor, the Navy corpsman responsible for doing the craniotomy saw that JFK had no brain. Paul saw JFK’s head as shown on pg 46. JFK came from Walter Reed in a plain gray shipping casket after doctors there enlarged his wound, removed his brain, exposed the Skull flap, and perhaps, removed some bullet fragments.

Navy Doctors at Bethesda noticed post mortem surgery and commented about it in front of the 2 FBI agents present at the autopsy, who reported this fact in their reports to their superiors in the FBI. This immediately smelled of wound alterations to make the body seem to be a result of one devastating bullet to the rear of his skull that blew the gigantic hole, where they removed the brain at Walter Reed. A helicopter landed on the right side of AF-1 at Andrews AFB while the bronze casket was taken off the left side for transport by ambulance to Bethesda. JFK’s body, which was stored in a forward right compartment on AF-1 was picked up by the helicopter and flown to Walter Reed to start the cover-up work on the corpse, while Jackie accompanied an empty bronze coffin to Bethesda. X-ray techs were taking the 3rd set of JFK

head x rays to the lab to process when Jackie arrived at Bethesda. David Lifton, author of “Best Evidence”, copyright 1980, figured all of this out with his interviews years later of techs Paul O’Connor, and the x ray techs, and mortuary rep who helped place the body of JFK in the bronze casket at Parkland hospital in Dallas. See his “Best Evidence Movie” of these interviews. I believe that the limo driver Bill Greer and his sidekick right front seat, Roy Kellerman, who requested 10 minutes alone with JFK’s body at Parkland to “pay their respects,” pulled the body out of the coffin and put it in a shipping casket and sent it to AF-1 for storage up front right as “some anonymous Air Force Lt Colonel’s body to Andrews as well as the presidents body“, to enable the spoof at Andrews to fool people into believing that the body was still in the bronze casket. This gave service doctors, both Army and Navy time, to alter the head wound and remove bullet fragments. At least 2

bullets penetrated JFK’s head: the temple shot from the right and the fatal shot to the right forehead near the hair line from the front. But a cupola shooter had the same shot as Roscoe White had and Frank Sturgis thought he hit Kennedy in the head as well, from JFK’s front right. A photo of the head at the autopsy 42

Image 33

shows the skull flap above. I composed a view of the skull to show how the flap may have been formed on the next page, which traces the sequence of shots that could have created the skull flap of bone that is shown above, from shots known to have happened, so it’s plausible and, with no other explanation, the likely cause of the triangular piece of skull exposed. Also, there does appear to be a small hole at the bottom of the concussion blow out marked by dashed lines to show it as covered up by the government, although the wound doesn’t show an exit bullet hole underneath toward his neck, we know that chunks went flying out the back onto the trunk of the car and over to Mr Brehm and in the face of officer Hargis and left a big oblong hole for the doctors to see at Parkland that shows in the back of JFK’s head in Moorman and testimony years later at the house hearings when the nurses and doctors accounted for their memories of the exit wound as variations of a big hole in JFK’s head. Crenshaw’s memory seemed to be the most accurate in agreeing with Moorman’s photo as I depict on the next page.


Image 34

Image 35

Image 36

Image 37

Image 38

Image 39

Image 40

suggested sequence: .Roscoe

Dean art to explain skull

White fires shot 13 just befor•e

flap below.

eer fires 15. 13 fractures