US Truths and Remedies by John C. Dean - HTML preview

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The Final Coordination

The evening of the 21st of November 1963, Clint Murcheson hosted a party at his ranch for key individuals in the management of the assassination planning.

Guests in attendance included Richard Nixon, GHW Bush and father, J. Edgar Hoover, and LBJ. After dinner a meeting was held where the “go ahead” was given for the assassination the next day. LBJ, who brought his longtime mistress. Madeleine Brown, came out of that meeting and announced to Madeleine in a loud voice:“Well, after tomorrow those SOBs won’t embarrass me anymore”. She took that as possibly threatening, but on the next afternoon, she was convinced that LBJ had something to do with the Kennedy murder; and over the years since, she was filmed in interviews (probably after LBJ’s death), and at the time of the kill she got him to respond to her accusation that he was involved. He said the CIA did it; which has quite a bit of truth to it as they knew JFK was planning on reducing them to intelligence gathering only with no more military type operations. This is a result of the Bay of Pigs debacle hosted by the CIA. JFK fired Allen Dulles the 1st Director of the CIA and the general in charge of their “Air Force” for the invasion, whose brother was the mayor of Dallas who sanctioned JFK’s assassination. JFK was hated in Dallas for his racial equality/integration stand. All law enforcement officers in Dallas were required to have membership in the KKK or the John Birch Society. They’re all committed to racial killing support, discrimination, and supremacist philosophy. Both officers in the assassination, Dep Sheriff Harry 54

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Weatherford and officer Roscoe White of the Dallas Police Dept. got hits on JFK that day. CIA alone wouldn’t stand for him to have another term. The Murchisons partied for a week after JFK was killed. Their maid and chauffeur identified attendees later. Roscoe White bragged openly that he killed JFK and he wrote it his diary and shared that with his son. After dad died the son called the FBI and they came and took the diary.

Bad Guy Witness on 11-22-63

A photo was taken on the 22nd showing a man who resembled GHW Bush on the steps of the Book Depository front door. See pictures below. On a trip to Dallas in 2011 We visited Dealey Plaza my wife took pictures of me on the steps of what used to be the TSBD. It showed the man to be 6’ 2” which is a match to GHW Bush. He was debriefed on JFK per the memo on page 56 on the next day. He denied it. But the only George Bush on CIA records was support. And to become Director one needs a lot more experience, and he had it. Somebody’s lying. GHW Bush is my call. His sponsor for the presidential primaries in

1980 was John

Hinkley Sr.

When Reagan

got the

nomination, it

was 6 weeks

after his

inauguration that

John Hinkley Jr.,



namesake son,

got a security

pass to be there

on the street and

shoot at Ronald

Reagan as he

departed the

building by his

Secret Service


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secured path. I wonder how he was able to do that? Right. Vice President Bush cleared him.


This Bush dynasty: Prescott, GHW and W have to be senior devils

in the worldwide Rad Right Wing takeover. Nowadays Hinkley Jr.’s a free man despite his horrific shooting spree. He got well from his insanity and somehow lost his criminal guilt too. And Sirhan Sirhan, who was hypnotized

(by CIA MK-Ultra mind control experts) into doing and forgetting his attempt on Bobbie Kennedy, still rots in prison. And he didn’t even fire the fatal shot. Lies and Racism enable such injustice.