US Truths and Remedies by John C. Dean - HTML preview

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run in reverse.


It's a private force with links worldwide and knowledge in every field

that doesn't care, how overmanned;

they bloat the departments with glee.

Cause that's a bill they won't pay.

When it's all said and done, they’ll just flee.

I call it Black Cloud, the covert international fleece by the rich that's ravaged the resources on Earth

to increase their self centered worth,

while leaving behind the poor and the blind

and not sharing their find with all mankind,

but destroying the power of governments installed, to protect our equal rights.

This greedy double whammy defies the spiritual rights of our founding in equality guaranteed for all, and life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, Something forbidden to those below subsistence,

who die for loss of their needs.

The triple whammy comes with the carbon footprint, that threatens death To the planet itself and too soon.

They infiltrate and make the system run for them.

This works great with deficit funding that adds

great depth to the national debt

to deepen their pockets and the hole we're in.

It makes industry rich for contracts they get

from governments, borrowing funds,

while having the nerve to say that the debt,

is something the people must earn.

So industry's day brings in the hay

while the government starts to decay,

with the people below on a steep ledge

fearing what's on it's way.

It all started in '63.

Johnson and Nixon and Ford were involved

with CIA Bush #1, in a business plan for Dallas, to turn the nation around,

from peace and progress to war and distress,

just before lunch, in that town.


Cause murder's just business in Texas, where they answer to no government.

so Governor Connolly did more than oblige.

He helped set it up for the hit.

He changed the fast path through,

to a right on Houston, and knew

it slowed'm then, and would slow'm again

with a wide turn left up ahead;

a dog leg left on Elm forced the first stop,

where fire began from the Dal Tex in line,

with the path along Elm, thru the back of Jack's head who's far right, in the back of the car.

This saved hits on others in the limo

and hits to the crowds on each side.

How Jack missed this bee hive of stings so slow and so close with the limo at rest, ..... suggests a mole in the plot, who adjusted the sights a bit off.

I suspect Oswald, himself, who was FBI n CIA

and part of the plot all along.

Only, he liked JFK.

Or maybe the FBI look alike program,

which he was in, had his twin lay down tracks

on the patsy he'd become later on.

and the limo traveled slow, and added another stop, by the driver once more, after failure to kill,

by the shooters around,

with cross fire that just wouldn't quit.