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ISBN 978-0-9794932-2-5

US Truths And Remedies 3/23/2024

US Truths And Remedies

The US government has failed to be truthful to We the People (WtP) of our Constitution and has evolved into a Private Covert Plutocracy (PCP) that is controlled by radical right wing policies of our now Covert Shadow Government (CSG), protected by our Intelligence Operatives of the CIA, plus the mighty US military. They exercise militaristic dominance with WtP plus allied nations around the world. This started with their murder of JFK, by Lyndon Johnson/CIA/ Secret Service with joint US military and industry support in 1963. Bogus wars followed to keep our military tuned up and transfer the People’s money to the radical right wing private sector through our over spending. The Bush family: Prescott, son GHW Bush, and grandson G.W. Bush guided the evolution of excess national debt with private industry to strip the government of its power financially by it borrowing beyond its means to enrich private conspirators in the CSG, while ruining the credit of the US government and democracy in general. Bogus wars from Vietnam through Iraq/Afghanistan have terrified our young citizens who were drafted pawns in these wars, while the economy was made terribly lopsided in favor of the financial elite and at the cost of the deprived lives at the low end of the economy. The poverty at the low end helped drive poor people into joining the US military where opportunity looked better. This economic evolution is against God’s commandment of loving neighbor as self, where the joy of

living on this gorgeous God-made Earth is shared by all neighbors (God’s


I'll prove the lies and offer remedies to help save us and the planet.

GHW Bush was operating on an island off the coast of Cuba in 1961, running commando attacks on Cuba under cover of darkness for the shadow government. A brother in “Skull and Bones” Fraternity at Yale gave him the island for use for his “Zapata Oil Company” as a cover for being there. But he was there to help unseat dictator Fidel Castro for the C.S. Government.

On April 27th, 1961 JFK gave a speech at the National Publishers Association luncheon at the Waldorf Astoria, saying in part: “we are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies primarily on covert means for expanding its sphere of influence… “It is a system which has conscripted vast human and material resources into the building of a tightly knit, highly efficient machine that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific and political operations.” “Its preparations are concealed, not published.... No expenditure is questioned, no rumor is 1

printed, no secret is revealed”. This is the conspiracy that killed JFK. It has been privately run with the support of industry/banking, our military hawks, our intelligence network (CIA/NSA/Secret Service/ FBI), with the Bush family managing key spots in its operation over the 80 + years since the beginning of WWII. It is evil and self serving, and doesn’t support the lower

~99% of humanity, nor life on Earth. It is the Shadow Covert Government and the Private Covert Plutocracy that need to be dissolved with: a reboot of democracy, better God consciousness in our nation under God, and peace and prosperity for all life on Earth. Let’s begin with the truth on the JFK


Richard Nixon was launched into the radical right political arena by Prescott Bush by answering his ad for a malleable attorney interested in politics. Nixon did well with early anti-communist propaganda in congress and made California state US senator with this popularity for bashing communism. Then Prescott Bush got Nixon the vice presidential nomination for his golfing partner, Dwight Eisenhower in 1952 to support Ike as his V.P.

candidate during Ike’s run for president. Ike had national fame as supreme allied commander in WWII and was a shoe-in for president in 1952. GHW

Bush helped Nixon and his black OPS managers: E. Howard Hunt and Frank Sturgis, with the Bay of Pigs invasion planning and troops training to start the assault on communism in the Western Hemisphere with Cuba / Fidel Castro in 1961. GHW also provided 3 landing ships he named, the “Barbara” (his wife), the “Houston” (HQ for Big Oil) and the “Zapata” (GHW’s oil company). The poorly planned and badly backed assault was preapproved by Eisenhower and would take place whether or not congressional approval of War against Cuba was provided. It wasn’t. So it became a fiasco and a failure, angering some survivors to join the assassination plot in 1963 against Kennedy that GHW

Bush and his radical right covert conspiracy concocted, after blaming JFK for

"Pigs" failure. This ludicrous plan was supported by big oil and big banking, the joint chiefs, the CIA (that Kennedy was going to fragment and reduce), the FBI with J. Edgar Hoover, and the Secret Service, which was sick and tired of accommodating JFK on his extramarital affairs outside the White House that forced overtime and defiled the First Lady, Jackie Kennedy. JFK thusly became a doomed man despite bold action to stop a nuclear war with Russia over the Cuban Missile Crisis in 1962, and his Commencement “peace”

speech on 10 June of 1963 at the American University in Wash D.C. which 2

offered a sort of peace that enabled improvements in both the Soviet Union and western democracies while maintaining mutual tolerance. But it became a fiasco and a failure, angering some survivors to join the assassination plot in 1963 against Kennedy This JFK assassination plan was supported by big oil and big banking, the joint chiefs, the CIA (that Kennedy was going to fragment and reduce), the FBI with J. Edgar Hoover, and the Secret Service.

JFK had reduced nuclear tensions and committed to getting us out of Vietnam by January-December 1965 with National Security Action Memorandum 263 of October, 1963.

But after his assassination in 1964 SS agent Abraham Bolden wanted to Be a witness to the Warren Commission of his knowledge that Secret Service (SS) under JFK were racists, and obviously did not make improvements in JFK’s protection in Dallas, even after knowledge of the attempted coup in Chicago in September, ‘63. Abraham Bolden was then framed by the government and jailed for many years to get him out of the way. In JFK’s case his SS set him up and the driver killed him with one shot through his head that spectators thought was being fired in defense of JFK.

But no, t hey put him on a slow course, by taking a right from Main onto Houston and then a slow wide turn onto Elm St., with a pause, way against policy, to proceed to his luncheon engagement at the Trade Mart in Dallas at 10mph with 2 stops via the underpass, crowded with spectators on the overpass above (again, way against protocols). They moved the press way back so they couldn't film the murder and put in the SS car, after the limo, which failed on purpose to evacuate the president during the barrage of shots through the Plaza that injured him. Then the driver stopped the car and turned around and popped up and shot him in the head over his fist like a magic trick and then quickly sped off like nothing happened.

The SS eliminated his protection. They put him on a slow course. and failed on purpose to evacuate the president during the barrage of shots through the Plaza even after the back and neck hits. They removed the rear guards and moved the motorcycle escorts off his flanks.

He was set up at all angles and killed with a stop and a quick trick

shot by his driver in a flash.


The Police Chief, Sheriff, and Mayor had sped ahead of the limo and waited safely under the overpass while the attack began from the top of Elm street to the picket fence on the grassy knoll, to avoid being hit by live fire. In short JFK’s execution was supported by his SS, his CIA, Dallas Law enforcement, The City, and the state of Texas. Howard Hughes was one source of funding through Nixon to E. Howard Hunt, a paymaster for the JFK assassination.

Maybe Operation 40, an assassination squad developed by Nixon kicked in support. Big Oil (Murchison) paid Ed Clark $4 million in oil land afterwards as his payment for their success. Ed was LBJ's attorney & business partner, and Lyndon gained the most (the presidency) by this, and Jackie was freed from her playboy husband and allowed to continue her decent life in style.

Jackie knew of the planned kill in Dallas and she had no other opportunity like this one to be freed from her philandering husband, and get the respect of the people and freedom to remarry for a better life. I understand her position and her desire to retain the respect of the world and not live with a womanizing roué, like JFK. But she was assisting in his murder. See 10

witnesses sloughing off the neck hit next pg.

I blame the other conspirators, even though she was most definitely an accomplice to the crime. It was made to look like help for her husband.

(But she should have pushed him to the floor at the top of the street and lay on him to protect him), while screaming for the limo to evacuate, to force the conspirators to go off plan. They might have killed her to get him in this case, but she had an opportunity to possibly save the president who was loved the world around. Instead she ignored the first loud shot, his back and neck wounds, and propped him up, after he was injured, to keep him a target for the kill. (It may have been her who was loved more around the world.) I'm pretty sure that he knew he was under attack at the top of the street because he jerked his hand back at the first shot. The limo didn’t evacuate.

Soon he heard a loud shot at Z170, and noticed that nobody reacted. He may have complained but shortly thereafter got hit in the back by a muffled subsonic rifle shot. So he stood up and said he was hit, as if to tell the crowd.

“Is anybody supporting me?” he must have thought.

Kellerman, right front seat in the limo testified as to JFK saying he was hit, but he failed to move out in a hurry to the hospital, and in another 15-20

seconds, JFK was shot dead by his driver while Kellerman shielded his face from shot blast with a blue binder, per plan.

The back wound was a flesh wound and the bullet fell out easily during 4

Image 2

the autopsy at the Bethesda, Md. Morgue. But the neck shot from the front (with no exit hit him at frame Z225 as shown in the Zapruder (Z film, which was fully edited (sanitized by the CIA, and not seen in public for 12 years.

TV anchorman Dan Rather saw the film within days of the shooting and said on the air that the fatal shot thrust JFK forward, but that was a lie that he may have been forced to tell, to suggest that the fatal shot came from behind by Oswald. I dislike him for not correcting his comment. He was a co-conspirator for that alone. I was 18 and ready to drop out of college and help pursue the culprits responsible as I was against my father’s racism. I suspected LBJ and his fellow racist/supremacist pals.

JFK’s neck shot opened his

trachea and made it hard to breathe and disabled his voice. He held both hands at his throat until the right temple shot from the knoll that stuck into his skull on the inside left, causing great pain. Then he grabbed the left side of his head with his left hand, and then he saw Greer aiming his .45 at him, 4 feet away and raised his right fist but was shot dead in the right forehead near the hair line when Greer popped up and fired around his fist. That shot blew out the back of his head 2.5inches wide by 4 inches tall, an oval hole that was instantly fatal, so he couldn’t be revived at Parkland. The bullet was a narrow light weight sabot round made by the CIA that caused a concussion wave in JFK’s head to blow out his brains out. He had raised his right fist, his only defense, for the fatal shot. This forced the driver to pop up to fire around his fist. A close up of a reprocessed Moorman Photo (next page left side) shows the fist, a fraction of a second after the fatal shot. It also shows the large exit wound from the shot. His body hadn’t been slammed against the rear seat yet

& Greer popped back down and is retrieving his .45 while keeping it low.

Then he quickly passes his .45 to Roy Kellerman as will be decoded from a blurry picture later, who stashed it into the glove box. A strip of bright metal on the lower front edge of the glove box is caught by the bright sun to show it open. This one frame is evidence of CIA frame removals. It can’t be seen in the moving film, only as a separate frame. I analyzed the Zapruder film and others one frame at a time. Greer’s left hand then advances the .45 across Roy’s lap. I decoded frame Z-318, and show it later to demonstrate the loyalty of some fearless patriot photo technicians. (Let’s bust this conspiracy of the devil bonesmen) and recover trillions, as an “aside” while jailing the 6

Image 3

Image 4

Instant After

Kill Shot


Image 5

Image 6

murderous thieves.) Below are Zapruder frames 303-316 with a shiny object coming into the scene opposed to the top of Roy Kellerman’s head and then moving forward with its angle flattening out to point in the direction of the president while becoming flat above the top of Kellerman’s head as a flat topped shiny object. All human beings have rounded domes in the shape of their skulls.This includes Kellerman as shown in frame Z285, for instance, when all occupants looked at JFK, saw a bloody president holding his

throat and didn’t rush off to the

hospital in a hurry! He would have

survived the neck and back shots

easily, but all in the limo and most in

the SS car following knew of the

assassination plan for the day, so

Greer and Kellerman looked at each

other at Z290 and Greer brought the

limo to a standstill again for a few

seconds to kill JFK. Officer Roscoe

White hit JFK in the right temple

from behind a stub wall 75 feet away.


Image 7

Bill Newman witnessed the

hit. Proof’s on the next

page. Witness testimony is

at the top, left to right. Then

the Mary Moorman scene

reprocessed by me in Light

Room with NIK Pro

Sharpener 3, and color

enhanced by me. Marie

Muchmore ’s film also had

segments that showed Greer

pointing his .45 at JFK and

again with Pro Sharpener 3

it disclosed the muzzle of the .45 indicating that the flat topped shiny object was a .45 automatic (Greer’s personal fire arm, a shiny .45 automatic).

Moorman captured the .45 being retrieved by Greer while Kellerman is shielding his face with the blue trip folder to avoid being burnt by the hot gases of the kill shot discharge. So we have two views identifying the weapon that killed JFK from ~4 feet away showing the muzzle of the flat topped shiny weapon pointed at JFK. Also the horizontal blur in Greer's head at Z313 is caused by the jolt of his .45 moving his head back to make it copy wider in that frame only while JFK’s head explodes in the same (1/40 second exposure of) frame Z313. This is due to the kick of his .45 expanding the apparent width of his head, and the time coincidence nails Greer as JFK’s assassin.

Why else would a grievously injured Kennedy raise his fist in front of his face before the frame? He saw his killer, his driver, who shot him like a rat who was trapped in a corner. Many frames were removed to speed up the action. In their edit they removed evidence, then pasted the edited limo group on the alternate “moving” background, from a photo conspirator scanning the background behind the limo group at the kill site in Dealey Plaza to have a moving background available to print the new limo revised group, (with lots of “edit outs”) onto this alternate “moving” background scene. This new background would show people looking where the president was ahead of them since the conspiratorial background scans could not include the limo group, as that would be pasted in with the “evidence removed” edited limo group later. This creates a very real looking fraudulent “moving” drive thru the plaza. Such is the extant Zapruder film available to the public.


Image 8

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