US Truths and Remedies by John C. Dean - HTML preview

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gth of

shooter to the hit pornt. Your ruler must cross the path shown for JFK's bead hooting zone track to be SUS(Jected. "\Vbere lt crosses would indtcate order of the shot.


• Now callbrate the dtstance usrng the scale at the bottom of the page. This ts the ontal range. The hetght above sea level (HASL) dtfferenhal behveeu the shooter's and the bit pomt 1s the "fall". Tbl'"fall"d1vtded by the boriz r ts the tangent of down angle. Use )OUr scienhfic calculator to determme the down angle, tan 1

the tangent number calculated. Now take the cosme of this angle. The slant

,sl r, is the horiz r divided by cos(dwn angle). Bullet night time is sl r divided bullet velocity= t. Use the Air resistance info abovl' for bullet velocity. The additional fall oftbe bullet on the path due to gravity is 16.1(t)2• So the shooter had to aim a:bit high for the bullet to arrive where it did, sin-1

(i !_all/sl r)=_.6.aimL. Now figure the slant range to K, t to K, g fall to K&

. at the aimL calculate the hei ht of the-bullet at K. 4' above str IL\SL is a km. eve oping easi61e TraJec ones

a) line up known bullet hits with possible

shooters and look for intersect with

nnedy(rt rear dot /limo) throughout shooting zone

b)shooting zone before Z133 to Z320

C)check height along path