Ajania by Harry Raphel Thuruthipuram - HTML preview

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“Rajeev.” A soft voice called out.

He opened his eyes. His goddess was standing in front of him with a cup of tea.

“You sleep like a baby.” Mridula said, smiling.

Rajeev was still staring at her, wondering everything is a dream. “You always said that.” After greeting her inside he went to bed to lay down but sleep took him over. In those two three hours he had the most peaceful sleep he could in five years.

She has bathed, and a sweet fragrance of coconut oil and the flowers she wore on her hair filled the room. He closed his eyes and enjoyed the aroma. She sat beside him on the bed and gave him the cup of tea. After he took the cup she slowly caressed his bare chest.

“Rajeev, I love you.”

“I still believe that I am in a dream. For the last five years I searched for you in every nook and corner of the world.”

“You missed the one place you should have searched.” She shrugged. “I knew you would come.”

“I should have come home earlier. I shouldn’t have left.”

She moved towards him and placed a gentle kiss on his lips.

There was a knock at the door. A voice called out. “Rajeev sir.”

“Naanu.” Rajeev whispered. He slipped out of the bed after passing the cup to Mridula.

He opened the door to see him dressed for the office.

“Sir, are you not coming to the office?” Naanu asked, surprisingly. He didn’t see Mridula inside the house. After he heard about the stories of Rajeev last night, he wasn’t sure he would see him alive.

“No Naanu. I will join after a few days. I have some personal matters to take care of.” Rajeev saw a motor bike in front of the house. “Naanu, I need a new bike. Can you do that?”

“Sure sir. Either by today evening or tomorrow morning I can get you a new one. Which one would you prefer?”

“Royal Enfield.”

“It will be done sir.” Naanu assured.

“Thank you Naanu.”


Alex woke up and waited for his morning tea. Black tea with few drops of lemon juice did wonders for him. His head was still heavy. He knew he drank too much last night. Each time he take a decision that he will control the urge and drink less but after three pegs the decision vaporizes and he ends up drinking limitlessly.

“You are awake.” Lia said, surprise in her eyes. “Do you remember when you came home?” She scoffed, while passing the teacup to him.

While sipping the hot lemon tea, he tried to remember about last night. As usual he ended up having a war of words with Arun. Shit. I should call him now.

Of the four friends Alex got married first. It was an unexpected proposal that came along four years ago. Alex's family was mourning the death of his brother Amnon when the proposal came. His family instantly accepted. They needed a change, something to cheer as Amnon’s death was untimely and it crushed the spirits of everyone.

Alex dialed the number for the tenth time. But no one picked up the call. Where the hell is he? I should have called him last night itself. That bugger will be still vexed with me.

A police constable heard the phone ringing and he walked towards the car. The door was locked and he returned to the sub inspector.

“Sir.” He called his superior officer.

Adam looked at him with his brows raised.

“A phone is ringing inside the car.”

He waited to hear more from him.

“The door is locked.” He informed.

“Check for the keys.” Adam rolled his eyes.

“It might be in his pocket.” The constable reported his helplessness.

“Break the window glass. We will know who is this unfortunate guy is.”

“Yes sir.” He went back to the car and broke the glass window with the wooden police rod. Phone was ringing again. By the time he opened the door and picked up the mobile the call ended. He looked at the live screen to see there are seventeen missed calls from Alex Thoppilan. He tried to open the cell but it was locked with some pattern. He decided to wait for the next call.

 It will come, it has to. 

Alex dialed Shah’s number hoping that he will be able to get connected with Arun. That bugger must still be angry with me.

Shah attended the call and he said about the unattended calls. Though he wasn’t in a mood for an early conversation, Shah laughed loudly.

“You have really pissed him last night.” He couldn’t stop laughing.

“He is naive, you know that.” Alex defended himself.

“I know. Don't worry, I will call him and let you know.” Shah disconnected the call and dialed Arun’s number. He heard someone picking up the call.

“Hello.” An unfamiliar voice greeted him.

He couldn’t recognize the voice. It’s not Arun. He looked at the screen to ensure he called the right number. Yes it is. Doubtfully he responded. “Hello.”

He heard a polite request from the other end. “Can I know who I am talking to?”

“No.” Shah’s voice became rough. “Who are you? Why do you have this phone?”

“I am a police constable.”

Oh shit. He has been caught for drunken driving.

“Can you please tell me who you are and what relation you have with this person? It is very important.”

“I am Shah. Shahid Anwar. I am the grama panchayat – village council secretary.” Shah decided to reveal his identity.

“Thank you sir. How do you know this man?”

Police and their irritating questions! “It’s only a petty case, right. Tell the SI to leave him.”

“Petty case? I don't think you actually know what has happened. This is a very serious issue.” Policeman was not in a mood to back off.

“What is the problem? He is my friend.” Shah sensed that the situation is more demanding.

 “A man has been brutally murdered, and we think it is your friend.” Finally he decided to say the truth. Let him know it. He is thinking that it is some ordinary case.

 “What the hell are you talking about?” Shah shouted with disbelief.

“Can you please come and identify the person. If it’s not him then he may somehow involved in this.”

“I am coming.” It cannot be him. Did he murder someone? It could be an accident.

“It is at the ground near the old abandoned highway.”

 Shah heard the call getting disconnected but he couldn't take off the phone from his ear. Is it him? No, it couldn't be. Why did he go there? What was he doing there? As long as he thought about it he felt he was going mad. Who did he kill?

As he was thinking his phone buzzed following with a sweet tone. He attended the call without even looking at the screen to know who was calling.

“Hey Shah did you talk to him?”

“No.” He responded absent mindedly.

“No, why?”

“His phone is with a constable.”

“What? Is he gotten arrested? Call someone and get him released.”

“Come to the ground.”

“Which ground?”

“That very same old ground.” His voice trembled while saying that.

“Why? Are you insane?” Alex frowned. I am not going to that ground again. It only carries bad memories.

“He is there.” Shah replied in a low voice.

“What is he doing there?” Alex was shocked.

“Call Mohan also. Come fast.” He cut the call and quickly grabbed his car keys. He sprinted down the stairs and his wife and parents wondered why he was in a hurry.

