Ajania by Harry Raphel Thuruthipuram - HTML preview

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Fr. Abel drove in his brand new SUV. He admired its posh interiors. He is enjoying someone else’s hard earned money. He knew how good it is to be a religious leader.

Just tell them what they want to hear. They will believe it anyways. Well, they don’t have another choice. Convince them to bribe the Gods with money and the fools will do. They will spend money to make the Gods happy, but never care the fellow humans.

Apart from his twenty eight lakhs worth Jeep Compass he also owned two Royal Enfield Classic bullets and a Ford Endeavor. He had a bank account worth twenty lakhs.

Humans wanted a story to understand what they thought as enigma about the powers of the universe and the wise in the past created more than one. It developed in the course of time. Cultures developed accordingly and the wars made sure that the beliefs cannot be destroyed. Religions went through tests of fire and molded into strong pillars.

He needed to sell his vehicles as soon as possible smiling at the thought of why he has to do that.

Anna Mathew; a thirty year old damsel, mother of a boy but above that, his secret lover is waiting for him. They were having a secret affair for past two years and they now have planned to elope to a distant land away from all other external bonding. Her husband is working in the Middle East region and Abel got easy access to her heart and body. It didn’t take much time to get into deep love and they couldn’t keep themselves away from each other. But the society and his position as a priest was a blockade for their relationship.

Let me keep my brother safe from this devil first and then we will leave this country. He whispered.

Abel was frightened by the power of the unknown evil and he was sure it will attack Adam again. He had to make sure that it won’t happen.

Adam’s pathetic sleep in hospital filled his mind. Poor boy. He was only doing his duty. What made it pissed with Adam was unknown. He needed to find that first. What it wants and how to keep Adam safe from its fury? Either he has to destroy it or he has to help it in order to safeguard his brother.

He knew a man powerful enough to erase these threats. He knows it is better to destroy a demon rather than helping it. Helping a demon is risky as you have your hands stained in blood. An evil force will kill you once it feels you are unworthy after the job is done.

An unborn power! It doesn’t exist but its strength is felt. How can that be possible?

He had no idea how could it happen. It is too powerful that even the rosary or the holy cross couldn’t stop it. He should have had holy water with him. But he never thought he would be facing such an indescribable power.

He changed his path into an old muddy trail from the main road. He entered an old village. He opened the window panes and allowed the village breeze to enter and caress him. He could feel him nerves relaxing and his heartbeat calming down. He felt he has come to the right place.

After travelling for thirty odd minutes through the muddy lane his car halted in front of the wrought iron gate of a traditionally built mansion.

He opened the door and stepped out of his car. In a moment the whole ambiance changed. The sky darkened and wind started to blow. Dust and dry leaves flew in the air. Abel now knew it has followed him here. He remembered its words.

I will be watching unbeknownst.

Fear filled his chest and he heard the thuds of his heart beating heavily. As he looked a proud looking man came out of the mansion. He drew some circles in the air and his lips were chanting incessantly.

Sky slowly cleared and the winds seized. The gate opened itself for him and he walked with unsteady steps.

Abel looked at the man standing in front of him.

Thrithalloor Brahmadevan Namboothiri!


“Where is Fr. Abel?” Hameed asked his subordinates.

“He was here earlier. I saw him going out an hour ago. I think he went somewhere.” He replied politely.

Did he go to kill his next target? Hameed thought. Whatever respect he had for Abel was getting melted like ice. Once the thorns of doubt enter into your heart it is hard to dissolve. His Commissioner’s words resonated inside his head. Abel’s past is what he could think of.

Hameed was standing outside Adam’s room at the hospital.  Two policemen stood there as a precaution.

I have to find him before he could do anything.

Constable was waiting to hear his next orders.

“Commissioner has doubts on the priest. We need to find it as early as possible. The orders are to arrest him. It should be secret. We don’t need any violence from the crowd if we take a religious leader into custody.” Hameed whispered onto the constable’s ears.

He shook his head. “Understood sir.”

“Take someone from the station with you.”

“Yes sir.”

“Don’t forget to inform me your moves. Try to locate him first.”

“Yes sir.”

Hameed wobbled his head as an indication for the policeman to go. He gave a customary salute and walked away.

He went inside the room to see Adam awake. He sat beside him on the bed and looked at him. “What happened?”

Adam tried to smile. “You won’t believe it anyway.”

“Try me.” Hameed scoffed.

“Do you believe in ghosts?” Adam started with a preface.

Hameed shook his head. “Tell me something I would believe but no ghost stories.”

“You can go Hameed. This case will be closed without any evidences.”

“I won’t let that happen.” Hameed was confident.

“They will die and maybe more. You won’t be able to stop it. I never let anyone escape from the hands of law but this is different.”

“What is your role in this?”

“Do you doubt me Hameed? I have nothing to do with this. It is some kind of revenge. My brother once told me, revenge is divine. I don’t know what the reason behind these killings is but I am sure something has provoked it.”

“It?” Hameed stared at his friend. Another spark of doubt ignited in him. Abel has told that revenge is divine. So he must be carrying out the act of vengeance.

Adam shook his head. “I now believe in ghosts Hameed.”

“Where is your brother now?” Hameed’s voice was stern.

“I don’t know. He was here earlier.” Adam noted the change in tone.

“He is not here. PC told that he left the hospital an hour ago.”

“He must have gone to seek help. He didn’t tell me anything.” You are into something Hameed, what is it?

“Tell me something I would like to hear Adam. I can help you and your brother.”

Adam closed his eyes for a moment. He now understands what Hameed is thinking. Abel is innocent. The ghost is real Hameed. He won’t believe unless he sees or experiences it.

“I am afraid I have nothing.”

Hameed stood up and walked towards the door. Just before he open the door, Adam called.


He opened the door and looked back.

“Be careful. Take care of yourself. I have experienced its power and it warned it will be watching.”

He pouted his lips and walked out of the door. Why are you making this so complicated? I could have helped you.

At that moment he got a phone call. He attended the call after looking at the display.

“Tell me Suresh.” Suresh is a constable in his police station. He posted him at the entrance of highway just to see who passes through. He knew that the highway hides a lot of secrets.

“Sir, I saw Alex and Shah going to the highway. They were in a single sedan. I don’t know what they are up to.”

“Call station and get some guys there immediately. We should know what they are doing.”

“Yes sir.”

Abel must have called them. Is he in a hurry to finish things soon? It seems like that. He must have guessed police is behind him. No Abel, I won’t give you this opportunity. I will get you red handed.

He rushed towards the exit where he parked his Bolero. He needs to reach the spot soon before Abel could do his job.

The evil is inside a divine robe! Game over Abel!

