Ajania by Harry Raphel Thuruthipuram - HTML preview

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Death is the ultimate truth. Rajeev thought. Death is certain and that’s what people know. People know very little about life but they live passionately each day to explore its possibilities. They survive each day to die some another day. They fear death even though they know it is inevitable. They fear what they don’t understand. They don’t know when death would appear in front of them with its sharp fangs and obscurity. They fear god, demons and death because they are all unexplainable. Death is the most powerful truth known to man yet unknown of its distinctiveness. The eternal truth! The truth more powerful than life itself. The truth no one wants to accept. Death completes life.

He came back here to die. He survived enough without any meaning for his existence. He decided he could decide his future. He could not fix his time of death but he was sure tonight would be the last page of his life. The place was set. What he doesn’t know was he must see the next morning.

It was a day in the cold December month.

The time was way past dusk.

Rajeev and Naanu reached in front of an old house. They kept the luggage in front of the Tulsi - holy basil plant altar.

Naanu turned back to leave. Then after thinking about something he turned again to Rajeev. With a hesitation he asked him. “Are you sure you want to stay here for the night?” His oily black hair shook with each word he spoke. He was a short man, hardly above five feet high. He had a thick moustache neatly cut. He was in his twenties and was energetic like a race horse.

Rajeev gave a demanding look. Naanu didn’t see that. Rajeev asked him for the reason. “Why did you ask?”

Naanu looked around to be sure that no one is watching them or hearing them. Then he walked closer to him and with utmost caution he revealed that secret.

“There is a ghost roaming around in these parts.”

Rajeev laughed. “How do you know? You are in this village for a few days now.” I would be happy if a ghost could kill me. At least I don’t have to take any trouble.

Naanu was waiting for Rajeev when he came to the village. It was few kilometers walk from the bus stop to that old house. The last bus to the village was at 6.30pm. By the time Rajeev reached the village bus stop the bus was already gone. They had to walk back as Naanu expected they would be able to catch the last bus. He cursed himself for not coming by a motorcycle. While they were walking, Naanu told him that he came here five or six days back. Naanu was an assistant, a new recruit for an advertising company. Rajeev was promoted by the company as chief operations manager of that district. This village came under his authority and he decided to stay in that old house.

Rajeev didn’t talked much while they were walking. He was trying to evoke the village in his eyes. He was filling the air in his heart. He smelled the evening air. He felt the cool breeze caressing his hair and face. Naanu felt that Rajeev has lived here in this village before.

 “Everyone in this village knows that.  They warned me not to go alone at night. I thought the villagers didn’t like me and wanted to get rid of me with ghost stories. Obviously I didn’t believe their nonsense. One night I even saw her; that was the second day of my arrival. I was walking through this path and I saw a woman wearing white sari. I couldn’t see her face. I paced quickly and reached behind her. I wanted to know who she was. Suddenly she vanished. I was afraid. I knew the stories of the ghost were true. I ran as fast as I could. Last thing I remember was I hit somewhere and fell. When I opened my eyes it was dawn and many people were around me asking what happened.”

He stopped telling his story. Rajeev was staring at him. It was getting darker. The nights here are really longer and darker in winter.

A twinkle appeared in between his lips.

“Sir.” Naanu again said. “I am living alone. You can stay at my place tonight. Besides this house was unoccupied in years and is not cleaned yet.” Naanu missed his family, his lovely wife. He got married a few months ago. His wife is staying with her parents hundred kilometers away from this village. Ever since he saw the ghost he was afraid to live alone but he was left with no other choice.

Rajeev thought that Naanu was too young to get married. “No. I will manage.” His voice was stubborn. Naanu looked at him in disbelief. But the darkness was too obscure he couldn’t see the emotions of his face. This is the perfect place to end my story.

“This is my number.” He gave his cell number. “Call me anytime if you need me. I will be here within minutes.”

“Okay, Naanu can leave. Thank you for your help.”

“This was your house, right.” Naanu remembered that this man specifically mentioned this home to say. He should have been here. He took a mental note to know more about him and this house in the coming days.

Rajeev didn’t answer. He opened his bag and took out a cigarette from its packet. He lighted it and looked at Naanu’s direction. “Do you smoke?”

He already was walking and reached a few steps afar. A torch in his hand gave him light in front of him. He looked back in between.

Rajeev watched him till the light of the torch disappeared in front of him.

Night thickened again.

Rajeev looked at that old house.

The house where Mridula was born. The house where she grew up.

It was an old house with brick layered roofing. The roofing was covered with moss, vines and small plants. A small verandah extending from both sides from two central concrete pillars stood between him and the wooden front door in the front.

Rajeev stood there and finished his cigarette. He could feel the cold and dark eyes of the night staring at him. Whether he was welcomed or not, he was yet to find out.

He slowly strode towards the house with his luggage. He kept his right foot on the first step. At the same time he heard a big sound on the western side of the house. A branch of a tree fell down with a heavy thud.

I like the way you are welcoming me. His eyes lit up.

Rajeev was still smiling. He kept his foot on the second step. From the east he heard a whoosh. It was getting stronger and he knew it was a storm.

He stepped on the third step. Like stones falling from the sky big drops of cloudburst plummeted down.

Rajeev didn’t mind that. He walked onto the verandah. Wind and rain reached its full strength. It seemed like the nature has went crazy. Rajeev hesitated for a second. It was more than he anticipated. It seemed like he has nothing to do, everything was already been taken care of.

He kept his luggage there and moved towards his right. He searched for something on the wall in the dark. His hands found the switch board.

He turned on the switch. Verandah was aglow with light. Rain and storm stopped as if it never happened.


The whole village came running. They were all worried and scared. From afar they saw, light in that house.

