Dark & Darker Faerie Tales by Two Sisters - HTML preview

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Love Makes The Heart Sing


Violet felt bland.

To be honest, she struggled to find the right words to describe how she felt. If she had to, she’d probably say, she felt like a potato pie without any spice or flavour. Anyone who tried it would simply shrug and say,

“It’s fine, nothing offensive, nothing extraordinary, it’s just fine.”

That’s exactly how Violet felt. Violet felt simple, ordinary, bland. In looks, she had nothing unique about her. She was sure her personality had nothing special about it either. I know it seems harsh to say such things but that’s how Violet felt.

She had accepted the fact that her friends attracted attention from respectable gentlemen while she remained in the shadows. She was the goose amongst swans. Her friends had tried to powder her face and style her hair but Violet hated it when people tried to change her. If she was bland, she would be bland. That was fine.

While many of her friends found love and married, Violet remained single. When Violet started her thirties, her mother claimed she still had time to find love but Violet had accepted she may never find it. Rather than forsake her life dwelling about it, she kept herself busy, helping her family and working in a nearby candle shop. She was making a fine living for herself. Violet was content.

On one fine evening, her friend Cora dragged her out to a concert. According to Cora, there was a new talented violinist in town who Violet had to see. Even though Violet tried to dig her heels into the ground, for she had never been keen on musicians, Cora’s persistence dragged her all the way to the theatre.

A large crowd had already gathered inside by the time they arrived. This was quite unusual. While plays and concerts were regularly produced, they rarely attracted such attention. Cora found them some space near the back which gave them a good view over the crowd.

Minutes later, the lanterns around the theatre dimmed, all except the candles around the stage. The audience fell silent as a figure stepped out from the darkness and into the light.

The violinist was a tall, slender fellow. His golden hair was loosely tied back with ribbon, all except a short curl which dangled above his eyes. While he wore a smart dark suit, his clothes were creased like he had been asleep only minutes ago. He smiled at the crowd but it wasn’t a proud or obnoxious smile but an appreciative one, he was touched such a large crowd had come to watch him.

He lifted his violin. It seemed like an ordinary instrument but as the candlelight shined on the violin, Violet noticed dozens of bright, beautiful scarlet curls traced along the woodwork. The curls weaved together like an ocean of red roses.

The violinist bowed to the crowd and brought the violin to his shoulder. He rested his chin against its body and held the delicate hairs of the bow upon the strings. The entire crowd took a deep breath as they waited in trepidation. Violet had never seen the crowd so entranced by a single musician.

Suddenly, the violinist brought down his bow in one swift stroke. A beautiful song erupted from the violin. Violet snapped her gaze, her attention, at the violinist. The violinist paused for a moment, he gazed around the room, making sure everyone was watching. When he was convinced every eye was on him, he began.

The violinist played, releasing an extraordinary concert of music. The slender fellow barely had any muscle on him and yet he played with such speed and ferocity. He could have been a swordsman fighting his final duel. Without a doubt, the violinist had talent but the violin possessed an ethereal voice. Violet was sure she had never heard such an incredible sound, no instrument had ever touched her heart before. The entire crowd was silent like they had fallen under a spell. Violet doubted even a call bellowing ‘Fire!’ would be able to tear them away from the musician.

Hours swirled by and the violinist finally played his final song. A tender piece about love. Each string on the violin sang and each note plucked Violet’s heart. She watched the violinist, amazed and mesmerised.

As the violinist played his last note, he smiled to the audience and bowed. The entire crowd woke from their spell and exploded into an applause. The violinist blushed, he smiled shyly.

Violet took a deep breath. She couldn’t recall breathing at all during the entire performance. Cora tugged at her arm and whispered about how incredibly wonderful it all was. As the crowd chatted in excitement, Violet jumped as she realised the violinist was gazing straight at her. She looked away but when she looked again, his gaze was still on her.

Her heart stammered and her cheeks burned. It must be a mistake, she thought. The theatre was so dark it would surely be impossible for someone to see her standing at the back. Rather than think about it any further, Violet made her way outside.

Other theatregoers were leaving as Violet stepped out into the warm night air and started walking home. As Cora gushed and babbled about the violin performance, Violet tried to forget the violinist. She felt foolish for getting so giddy about a young man, especially when nothing had actually happened. He probably wasn’t even looking at her, she was being a hopeless romantic, tangling the truth.

Violet had almost forgotten the violinist’s face when he suddenly ran into her path. There was sweat on his brow and his cheeks were pink from running. Had he ran all the way from the stage to find her?

Certainly not, don’t be a fool, Violet thought to herself.

“Hello,” the violinist smiled sheepishly. Violet looked around to check he was definitely talking to her. He blushed, “Forgive me, for addressing you when I’m in such a state.”

The violinist tried to straighten his suit, he explained, “I could not let you go without saying hello and asking for your name.” He gazed at Violet. She did not speak, she did not know what to say. He chuckled awkwardly, “I’ve said hello. Could I possibly have your name?”

Violet stared at him until Cora elbowed her sharply in the ribs, she jumped,

“My name is Violet.”

“Violet,” he smiled. “My name is Reid. Oliver Reid. May I call upon you sometime?”

Violet did not know what to say, she had never been asked before. In all honesty, she could not quite believe this charming fellow was even speaking to her. So, Cora answered for her, she told Reid that Violet worked in the candle shop and he should meet her there tomorrow.

Reid said goodnight and he walked away with a joyful skip in his step. Cora wrapped an arm around Violet and they continued on their way. Violet looked back. She smiled as she saw Reid had stopped to look back at her too.

The next day, Reid arrived at the candle shop just before closing time. All day, Violet had doubted he would show so when the doorbell chimed and he entered the shop, Violet nearly dropped the box of candles she was carrying.

They stayed in the shop, talking mainly about candles. Violet did not know what to say and Reid struggled to get out a sentence without his nerves taking over. As the sun finally began to set, Violet started to light some candles to fend the darkness away. She dared herself to ask.

“Why? Why have you taken an interest in me?”

Reid blinked, surprised, “Why do you ask me such a question?”

“Because I’m…” Bland, she wanted to say. Violet continued, “I don’t see why you would be interested in a girl like me. The way you played yesterday, you’re talented, you could have any girl you wanted.”

Reid chuckled, he held her hand in his, his skin was so tender and warm against her cold skin.

“I don’t know how I could because the only girl I saw at the concert last night was you.” Reid smiled, his silver eyes gazed into hers. This time there was no quiver or uncertainty in his voice, “I saw your face in the darkness and I could not look away, I feared if I did, I would lose you entirely. You are my light, my flame, and I’m a mere moth drawn to you.”

Hearing those words, all the walls of self-doubt Violet had placed around herself seemed to fall down. She did not shy or turn away when he leaned in and kissed her. With Reid, she did not feel bland at all, she felt much more than an ordinary candle, she felt like a star, shining and bright.

Over the weeks that followed, Violet saw Reid every day, and every day she knew she was steadily falling in love with him. Cora and all her friends said she was a picture of love. Her heart seemed to swell constantly with a boiling heat she could not calm. She watched him at all his concerts and afterwards they sneaked away into the woods where he played for her there.

One night beneath a new full moon, Reid played a sweet, gentle song. A song he had written for her. Violet sat against a tree, watching him in the glow of the moonlight. When he finished, he sat beside her.

“It was beautiful,” Violet whispered.

“Thank you,” Reid smiled, he looked away for a moment. “Shall I tell you my secret?”

He rested his violin on his knees. The red twirls in the wood seemed duller than the last time Violet had seen them. Reid ran his finger tenderly along the paintwork.

“It’s not the years of experience that makes a violinist better than another. It’s the emotion the musician plays with. You can play an instrument perfectly but it’s the emotion that gives it the power to reach others, to touch their hearts.”

“What do you play with?” Violet asked.

Reid gazed at her as he smiled, “Love.”

They kissed under the stars until Reid pulled away to ask her if she would marry him. Violet could not believe it, she said yes and kissed him again.

She finally rose and gazed up at the stars, feeling just as bright. She held a hand over her beating heart. She was sure her heart had swelled three times more. Reid had a gift, he was able to pluck softly on her heartstrings.

“I have never felt so happy,” Violet confessed. “I thought I was living a fine life but falling in love with you has made me realise how bare I was. Now I feel so alive, my heart is so full, so full of love.”

“I’m glad.” Reid wrapped his arms around her in a loving embrace, his warm breath brushed against her neck as he whispered, “After all, love is what makes the heart sing.”

“I feel like it could sing forever. I wish you could hear it.” Violet looked down and watched their reflection in a small pool of water. The water showed a perfect watercolour, she wished she could frame it.

“I’m sure I will,” Reid murmured into her ear. “My dear, lovely Violet. I promise everyone will hear your beautiful song in the end.”

Violet froze as she stared into the pool and saw Reid lift his arm into the air. With a sharp, silver blade in his hand, he struck down without hesitation and then Violet fell into the darkness.




The crowd begged for him to appear, they were hungry to hear him. Reid finished changing into his suit and ran a hand through his hair. He had to cancel the last three performances after what happened in the woods with Violet.

Reid wished there had been another way but it was a necessary sacrifice.

Yes, a necessary sacrifice, he thought to himself as he listened to the cries of the audience beyond his dressing room.

Compared to the other girls, Violet had been kind and sweet. Despite her bland features, Reid had grown rather fond of her. However, he knew the first time he saw her, she was something extraordinary. How she watched him play, how she smiled and her cheeks warmed as he threw glances at her. He knew immediately she had never fallen in love before and a heart like that was certainly a rare jewel indeed.

Reid checked his reflection in the mirror. He wore a black suit. A sign of respect and mourning for his dear love. He was the only one mourning her, nobody knew what awful fate she had suffered and nobody would ever know. Reid had made sure her body would never be discovered.

He moved over to the table and gazed at his violin. The red strokes and swirls along the woodwork were lovely and bright. He tapped his nail on each of the strings, they sang lightly against his touch. Reid smiled in awe, these were the finest strings he had ever found.

The heartstrings of his dear Violet.

Nowadays, Oliver Reid had a reputation as an extraordinary violinist but before then, he was just a simple musician. He could play perfectly but his music failed to touch the hearts and minds of those around him. Most people who heard him thought he was rather bland.

Well, that was until young Reid had an idea.

A terribly, bloody idea.

While Reid struggled to change, he knew he could improve his instrument. He decided to replace the strings of his violin with heartstrings, strings drawn from hearts made ripe by love. During his journey across the world, he found loveless souls, romanced them and then finally plucked their hearts. It was a bloody and messy business, taking the hearts, disposing the bodies and then applying the new strings to his violin but it was always worth it in the end. His audiences loved him.

The only downfall was that heartstrings never lasted very long. He had to hunt down new hearts to replace the old and rotting strings.

However, this time, once Violet’s heartstrings tired, Reid decided he would retire too, he had enough money and an impressive reputation. What more did he need? He would live out his life and nobody would discover his sinister secret.

Reid picked up his violin and made his way to the stage. The crowd was covered by darkness and the lanterns glowed around him. He raised his violin and pressed his bow upon the heartstrings, they tingled against the weight. Reid smiled and began.

The crowd were in awe as he played, he glanced around the room at the townsfolk and the nobles that watched him. They did not know the truth that he wasn’t the one responsible for the lovely sound, it all belonged to his sweet Violet. Now Reid knew what she was feeling that night beneath the moon, before he...


A voice sang. Reid stopped mid-note, he looked around, he wondered who could be so rude to interrupt his performance. The crowd looked as confused as he was. He lifted his violin and started playing again.

“Why, Reid? Why?”

Reid stopped, almost dropping the violin. He knew the voice. It was Violet’s.

He looked around the room but he could not see her, he knew it was impossible. Suddenly, the violin started to tremble.

“Why did you hurt me, Reid?” Violet asked, her voice tingled along the strings.

The crowd murmured, they were not sure whether this was part of the performance. Reid hissed at the violin.

“Be quiet.”

Without wasting a second, Reid started to play again. He played loudly, vivaciously, smothering Violet’s whispers. The crowd gradually forgot the strange occurrence and began to smile and enjoy his music again. Reid closed his eyes, he rocked with each stroke of the bow and moved with the rhythm of the song.

Suddenly, Reid felt a warm, thick liquid wet his fingers. He opened his eyes and could not believe what he was seeing. Blood oozed along the body of the violin soaking his hands and his shirt. While he was stunned, his body managed to continue playing. He was sure he was imagining it all.

“Why did you hurt me, Reid?” Violet’s voice weaved with the music. “I loved you and this is how you treat me. You stole my heart, threw away my body and abused my love!”

The crowd gasped in horror. Reid stopped, he pulled the dripping violin away from him. In the crowd, a young woman pushed to the front.

“That’s my dear friend, Violet! I know her voice,” Cora cried. “She has been missing for days.”

The entire crowd paled, they looked at each other, uttering whether this was a trick or truly a spirit from beyond.

“Do you want to confess or shall I share the truth, my dear Reid?” Violet spoke through the violin, the strings quivered with each word. “Oliver Reid was my lover and also my murderer. For years, he has stolen his lovers’ hearts and used them to craft strings for his violin.”

“Silence!” Reid snapped, he looked around, the crowd’s admiration for him was slowly turning to disgust.

“You hoped the truth would be silent forever or at least until long after you were dead. Laws and justice cannot reach a dead man but I certainly won’t let you flee while I dwell in the dark.” The violin began to shake violently in Reid’s hands, he could feel her anger. Violet said aloud, “The other men and women you killed, never saw your betrayal. They died innocent. While my final memory is witnessing you raise that cold, cruel dagger. I saw you killing me.”

Reid wanted to throw the violin and run but his body seemed to be ignoring him. The bleeding violin was frozen to his hand. The crowd stared at him as if he was holding the bloody dagger and they had caught him in the act. Violet said,

“I don’t know the law and I know I’m not fit to judge you so they will decide your fate but I will at least be sure you will never hurt another loving heart again.”

Suddenly, one of the heartstrings snapped and cut through Reid’s right hand, the hand that had taken Violet’s life. All his fingers and thumb fell to the ground. Reid released a painful cry. Two more heartstrings snapped and they took both of his eyes. Reid tried to shield his bleeding eyes as the final string snapped and tore through his other hand, taking the rest of his little limbs.

Without his eyes or his fingers, he would never play again and he would never harm another life.

As Violet’s spirit ascended, she smiled at Reid’s terrible situation and at the crowd that climbed up the stage to take him away, to whatever punishment they decided.