Hair Raiser Tales 2.5 : Carnival De Muerte by Robby Richardson - HTML preview

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Chapter 3

Jessica’s Escape


Jessica opened her eyes and tried to sit up, but she felt her hands and legs strapped down. She felt wet and sticky. She must have been sweating profusely. She heard the door open and a man walk into the room. “Jeremy,” Jessica whispered, “please Jeremy don’t do this again. You’re a security guard . . . I even ratted on you,” Jeremy whispered back with his yellow teeth, “I know, I told you that no one would believe you.” His hands began to rub up her leg, “Please Jeremy don’t do this,” Jeremy smiled again “You should be used to this routine it happens at least three times a week.” His slicked back black hair could not hide the gray patches that illuminated in the moonlight.

Jeremy took out the silver duct tape and then a wadded up a hospital sock. “I’ll scream this time. I’m not scared of you.” Jeremy raised his hand and smacked Jessica across the face making her howl in pain. It felt as if lighting had struck her, she could feel Jeremy grab her face and roughly put the sock in her mouth. She tried to spit it out, but the man had already slapped duct tape across her mouth. She was crying now and couldn’t believe this was going to happen again. The doctor promised that this wouldn’t happen again. However it seemed now like the doctor hadn’t believed a word she said. He began to unbutton his pants as he climbed on top of her. Jessica began to twitch and wretch trying to get her hand out of the straps. She felt Jeremy beginning to kiss her neck as her hand began to loosen up. She wanted to smash his face in and felt her hand beginning to come out of her cuff.

And like a gift from god it slipped out, Jeremy moved his head around to kiss her on the lips. She took her thumb and jabbed it into Jeremy’s eye socket. He let out a scream that she knew would carry throughout the hospital. She then took her hand and jabbed him right in the throat. Jeremy fell off the bed and collapsed on the floor holding his eye and throat. He could not scream anymore, all that came out of him were choking sounds. She reached over and took out her other hand then she unshackled her feet.

She stepped down and grabbed the keys from Jeremy’s belt. She headed for the door, but looked back at Jeremy rolling on the ground. She walked back over to him and started to kick him. Over and over she kept kicking him, stomping every part of him. Her foot connected with his head and smashed it on the floor. Jeremy stopped moving and she seized her chance. She opened the door and began to slide down the hallway. It was very dark. The only light that appeared down the hall was the moonlight. She should have grabbed Jeremy’s flashlight, what was she thinking? She continued to creep down the hallway and came to the four way section. If she went straight, she would end up at the exercise room. If she went right she would end up at her doctor’s offices and then if she went left, she would go through the guard station. However the guard station, was where the exit was, and that is where she needed to go.

Jessica could see the well lit room where two security guards were. She got down on her hands and knees and began to crawl towards the room. Hoping that they didn’t see her she almost died when she heard a guard ask “Gary where is Jeremy”? Jessica placed her back on the wall, “I don’t know . . . l can go check. I’ll go check.” Jessica flattened herself against the wall she could hear the buzz of the door sliding open. She began to panic knowing he would see her for sure. Gary walked right by Jessica not even looking down at her, not wasting any time to relax she crawled to the door. She stuck her finger in it to stop the door for slamming. She climbed up onto her knees and peeked through the window. The other guard had his back to Jessica and was ruffling through papers. She stood up and crept into the room. She grabbed the baton that was lying on the table as quietly as possible. The guard didn’t stir even when she sent it crashing down on the top of his head.

The guard was sent forward hitting his head on the table then falling to the floor taking all his papers with him. She ran around and began to stick keys into the lock to open the door. “Got it,” she yelled as the door opened with a creak. She ran down the hallway and couldn’t see the outside. However when she burst through the front doors the fresh air made it clear that she had made it outside. It felt so nice, the cool breeze, the air was not stuffy. There was no lingering smell of old shoes and sweaty feet. A sense of freedom seemed to overwhelm her. However, where was she to go though? Jessica could feel her blood boil remembering the reason for her departure. She had to finish what she started. Jessica turned around and heard a siren going off and knew that it was time for her to leave, to start living a free life away from Dr. Keating.

“What do you mean she’s escaped?” Jessica’s doctor was standing out front of the hospital talking with the police. “I am sorry sir but she has escaped.” “You’re saying that Jessica Annabel Daniels has escaped,” the police officer was nodding his head. “How could she escape . . . nobody has ever escaped.” The police officer responded, “She injured your security guard Jeremy and killed another guard with his own baton.” The police officer asked “do you have any idea where she might go?” The doctor sighed, “Yes I have an idea.”

Jessica was running through the forest she had no idea where she was going. Half of her just wanted to run, to run and never look back. Why was this happening to her? What had she ever done? What did Chris mean . . . I have to bring you back to the house? Still running, she was not paying attention to where she was going. She watched the sun beginning to set and nightfall come. The forest gave off a horrifying vibe, the moon providing her with the only source of light. She continued to walk through the darkness and through the night until the sun began to reappear again. When the sun breached the sky again, she came to a road. She could not help but smile a little. Destiny had shown her the way to go. Was it a coincidence that she ended up on the road that takes her to her house?

An odd feeling entered Jessica, she felt strange half of her just wanted to turn around, ignore it, and begin a new life. The other half wanted revenge for the life that was taken away from her. There are people living there, well at least she thought there still were. “Jessica,” said a small voice as she turned to the road. In the middle of it stood Chris mud covering his dead face and torn clothes. “Chris,” she whispered but he just stood there mouthing “back home . . . back home . . . back home.” She shook her head and finally snapped. She started to walk right up to Chris, “what the hell is going on Chris? I want answers and I want them NOW!”

Chris bent his head and rose his eyes up at her, “I can’t give you answers.” “You have taken everything from me! I want answers and I want them now!” Chris continued to eye her, “You will find the answers in time. Your journey has only begun.” She reached back her fist, and took a great big swing at her brother’s face. She flew through him like dust through the air. “You can’t hurt the dead”. “You said that I was dead,” Chris began to nod. “So why am I still here,” Chris smiled “You escaped the curse and it need you to be brought back to your family.” “You’re a demon,” shrieked Jessica and “I will stop you!” He looked at the road, “Ah here comes more people to be part of our family.” Jessica turned around and saw a green mini-van coming her way.

“What do you mean,” Jessica said softly, “They will be new members to the family.” Jessica began to shake, “You just want me to go back to the house to try and save them”? Chris shrugged, “Either way you will come back, it is your destiny to come back”. The green mini-van drove past them, Jessica recognized the Huntington’s as the drove by. However in the back seat was a little boy who couldn’t be older than fourteen. “No, you will not take them,” “Of course not you will help us when you return back to the house.” His hand rested on her shoulder. She watched the car drive away from her towards her old house. “This time I’ll make sure I watch it burn to the ground even if it kills me.” Chris smiled, “It can’t kill you your already dead.” Chris vanished into thin air leaving Jessica to stand there on the street, “I will finish this. I just need to add up all the pieces.” She began to shake her head saying “there was something about a forest . . . Come on Jessica”. But the memory would probably come back to her after all it was a very long walk to her house. Maybe things would piece together in time.

The End?