Hair Raiser Tales 2.5 : Carnival De Muerte by Robby Richardson - HTML preview

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Episode #3

Uncle Les and the Letter


Abel and Sean walked into the building as Abel straightened the pistol within his waistline. The door slid open for them and they walked up to a counter which held an older gentlemen, hair nestled around his ears and a large snowy beard. His nose jutted out as he reminded them both of a silver fox. When he turned around Abel saw a tiny badge that read, Public Security Officer: 1st Class. He had on thick glasses and looked as if the only thing he was able to secure is a retirement center. “Who are you here to see?” Sean looked at Abel, but Abel calmly replied, “Les Gatewood.” The Security Officer pulled out a brown envelope, and began searching through the manifest.

Sean could see over the security officer’s left shoulder a television with a news broadcast. It had a message flashing on the bottom of the screen that read, breaking news bulletin. “Hey turn that up,” asked Sean pointing at it. “Huh,” said the old man looking up in a confused state, “The television,” repeated Sean. The old man turned and saw the television, “I know isn’t it awful?” “No,” cried out Sean rolling his eyes, luckily he didn’t have to repeat himself. The old man turned up the volume and a women’s voice entered the room.


Hello and Good Evening Tom this is Patricia with District 3 news . . . tragedy struck a residential apartment complex this evening when Security Troopers responding to an anonymous tip resulting in the raid of the residence of long time suspected resistance members Eve and Caine Gatewood. Their sons Abel age 29 and Sean 18 are wanted terrorist and assumed dangerous. They were last seen fleeing the scene and killing an unarmed woman in her own apartment building. The Gatewoods are believed to be long time members of the terrorist group calling themselves the Underground Uprising or more commonly know as the U.U or double U. I can official confirm that sixteen members of the U.U. were confirmed killed in the raid. However what leaves Security Troopers baffled is the absence of the color yellow which is a banned color district 6 for representing the Double U.


Now Patricia I heard that there was something odd about this group of terrorists can you explain that a little more?


I sure can Tom apparently this group was performing outside of the Underground Uprising forming a splinter group. Instead of the color yellow being found, the color red seems to have come into play. Security Troopers have not issued their full name of this new group but they are referring to them as the Urban Guerillas by a simple painting depicted in the house of a chimpanzee holding an AK 47. However representatives of the N.W.O. are happy to note that with this raid we see the elimination of this group leaving Abel and Sean as the last remaining members of these terrorists. With the removal of this splinter group the Underground Uprising remains the only resistance group in district 3. However representatives from the N.W.O. ensure me with the creation of this splinter group it reveals a splintering in the Union Underground and their numbers are sure to be in the rapid decline.


Now Patricia is it possible that these brothers could have gone for the border . . . possible cross it? Maybe they will try and head over to the Republic of China on the west coast?


Well I actually asked the representative about that and he stated that with the increasing number of walkers across more than eight five percent of America. Boarder Patrol helicopters are patrolling the borders in increasing numbers due to the walkers and even coyote activity as well. However they assure me they will consider all possibilities in the capture of these boys increasing the patrolling by Military Police and every class of Public Security Officers have been given photos of the boys. Although it is unlikely they cross the border without a coyote and its pack, residents are warned that Abel and Sean are still in the area. I am also here to remind the public that any suspicious activity must be reported to the Military Police. Now we are about to show you some pictures of the brothers, Security Troopers also reminded me that there is a 500 dollar bounty on each brother.

Sean could not take his eyes off of his and Abel’s pictures, which were now being shown on the television to thousands of people. “Yes, Mr. Gatewood, he is up on the fifth floor, room 513, you want me to phone him, and tell him you’re coming up?” “No, it’s a surprise,” the Public Security officer nodded and began to turn his chair towards the television. Sean spoke up, and tried to keep the officer from seeing there pictures on the television, “What room was he in again?” The old man spun back around and pulled back out the brown manifest, “Didn’t I tell you?” “No, you didn’t,” the Security Officer rubbed his head, “I could have sworn that I told you.” The security officer began to search his manifest again, and Abel saw Sean’s attention go right back to the television. The reporter was speaking once again,


In other news Tom a Security checkpoint was bombed today by a Martyr of the Faithful. As you can see behind me they have left their calling card which has continued to spew white smoke for about an hour now. And with the summer months approaching we can ensure more suicide bombings by The Faithful as more Martyrs will make their Sacred Cleansing Pilgrimage from District one and across the five other districts. Remember only you the citizen can help us defeat the resistance in all forms and names. Whatever name you give it resistance is treason and terrorism.

The security officer looked up from the manifest, “Room 513.” “Thank you,” replied Abel as Sean just nodded his gratitude. Abel pushed the button for the elevator as Sean bounced on the edge of his heals in nerves.

They entered the elevator and the door closed behind him. “Abel, this is not a good idea, we have got to get out of here, they are going to show our picture again, and that old security officer will call.” Sean frowned at Abel who was now chuckling at his statement. “Don’t laugh at me this is serious.” Abel wiped a tear that was forming in his eye, “That guy is lucky he remembers his name in the morning, we will be fine.” “I don’t know,” replied Sean feeling paranoia setting over his body. “Look, can we just do this quickly, and get out of here.” Abel’s smiling face had vanished as anger replaced it. “Look, our parents and their secret group are dead, we have no money and wanted by the N.W.O, this is the only card we have to play.” Sean shook his head, “we can live across the border go to the Chinese side”. Abel slammed his fist against the wall of the elevator, “and what do you want to do walk there . . . oh that will be so easy too with millions of munchers on us the whole way. Where do you want us to go?” “Anywhere,” shrieked Sean who fell silent at Abel’s “ok let’s say we find a safe place in this magical world. And then what . . . the New World Order will hunt us down. We will never be able to have a life.” The elevator door opened, “They won’t order their troops to follow us over the border . . . ok maybe I should ask you, what kind of life you want?” Sean shrugged, he didn’t know what kind of life he wanted. He wished that everything could just go back to normal. “War has got to be our life now, war is our purpose” “war,” whispered Sean finding it difficult to speak. “You want to go to war with the entire Federal Districts.” Abel leaned in and whispered, “There is already a war going on, you just saw the news, you know all the groups, people are dying everyday. Our parents died for this cause, now we have to join the fight.” Sean leaned back onto the door frame keeping the doors open, “This is a fight we can’t win . . . in case you didn’t realize military is the number one job this country provides, everyone is in the military that is why there are so many resistance groups.” Abel walked out of the elevator “there are only six groups well seven if you count The Truth but they are extinct,” he exclaimed as he dragged Sean out with him. “It’s not about winning or loosing anymore, it’s about what is right and making a stand, causing that spark that our parents talked about. This is a war for survival . . . for our survival.” Sean smirked, “you sound like you could be Father himself,” his head lowered and he fell silent.

Sean stayed silent as Abel walked past him down the hallway. Sean continued to follow silently until they finally ended up in front of apartment 513. Abel was about to knock on the door, but Sean grabbed his hand. Leaning close to Abel’s ear, “Can we trust this guy?” Abel tried to give a strong smile, “We have no choice bro.” Sean released Abel’s hand and Abel knocked three times. “Somebody’s here,” Abel heard a faint women’s voice coming from the room. “Somebody’s here,” repeated a man sounding panicky, there came a little “Shh!” Footsteps were now approaching the door a booming voice growled “Who’s there?” Abel seemed to be having trouble talking. Sean saw his hand grazing around to his back, where the pistol lay. “I am here to see my Uncle Les.”

The lock clicked open and a man peered through the crack in the door. He had gray hair that seemed tied in a ponytail, his nose looked like it had been broken a couple times as well. “What you want with Les,” Abel’s hand began to squeeze the pistol. If something was going to happen Abel wanted to go down shooting. “I have an envelope for him,” Abel’s other hand went into his pocket and pulled out the envelope. “Let me see it,” Abel held it in his hands and shook his head. “I’m not going to let you in unless I see it first.” Abel stuck the envelope through the crack, and the man snatched it like Abel had handed him money. The man tore open the letter and began to trace every word over the several legal pad sized sheets. “Hey that letter is only for our Uncle Les!” The man lowered the paper, “let them in Rachel”.

The door popped open to the tiny apartment as the man continued to read from the papers. There was not much furniture in the apartment because a huge table had taken up most of the living room. There were papers and files all over the table. This older man was not the only occupant of the room just as he returned to the letter another man came from around the corner. He had a pistol raised at them, “Who the hell are you people?” “Shut up and let me finish”!

“Les you don’t need to,” “oh my god Rachel will you give me a second”! A woman came from behind the door, she was about the size of Sean about 5'7 and she had an innocent look about her. Her brown hair looked soft as silk and seemed to blow gracefully with even the slightest gust of air. She had an innocence that could only be seen with college students. However her brown eyes glared at them and watched like a guard dog weary of even the slightest movement.

After several more minutes the man finished the letter the expression on his face had changed. His face was now saddened as the other mystery man asked “do you want me to search them”? The man who Sean now realized was his Uncle Les raised his wrinkled face and folded the letter. He held out his hand and shook his head slightly “I am sure after tonight one of you is armed . . . I would think you a fool if not.” Les paused “but relax you are with friends I can assure you safety here, well its N.W.O. free and lets just leave it at that I must ask that you hand it over”. Abel snorted, “Sorry pops that isn’t gunna happen after everything we have been through and seen tonight. For the last three years we thought you were dead. And then the moment our father dies, he tells me to deliver this letter to you”. He gave a little smile his broken nose grew even more crooked “I was afraid of all that, but please do relax there is no need for any hostilities. I can’t speak about your parent’s actions and I am sure that you have guessed by the little slip up . . .” he turned to Rachel who shifted in her spot. “You can conclude that I am alive and well. Abel and Sean . . . I’m your Uncle Les”.

The woman named Rachel began to move towards the kitchen directly behind her, she didn’t take the news like Abel and Sean had. Mouths still open Les continued “since you will be keeping your weapon on us I am afraid we are going to have to reply in kind.” Rachel returned from the kitchen pointing an AR-15 machine gun at them both. She looked crazed almost mad, it was not her appearance that made Abel think of this, it was her eyes. The innocent look that she had upon their arrival was replaced with a look reserved for the truly psychotic. The way she glowered at them eyeing them up and down like nothing more than fish in a tank, “Rachel, please lower the weapon, they are friends . . . somewhat?” He smiled at the loathing look she gave him “I promise if you see him reach for the weapon you can fill him with holes but for right now well there is business to take care of . . . after all these are my nephews.” Rachel jabbed the gun forward as if it took all of her strength to lower it. Sean had apparently raised his hands in fright as Les returned to the sheets running through them one more time.

“You mind telling us what this is all about . . . UNCLE . . . Les?” Les looked up from the letter he stared at them with an almost inquisitive look on his unshaven face. Sean began to drop his hands slowly, hoping that nobody would freak out if he did. Abel’s hand finally released off of his pistol, “these are Eve and Caine’s boys.” Rachel’s eyes slackened and a smile replaced her face, “Oh my god . . . wow, I have not seen you guys since you were little. I was off in District five and I just recently got back”. Rachel walked over to them and gave them each a hug like they were long lost friends. They both took the hug willingly as the AR-15 clattered against them. Sean wished that Abel felt as uncomfortable about this as he did. Rachel began to grab Sean’s cheeks “my god you look exactly like your mother. I remember when you were still in diapers,” she wiped away his dirty blond hair and kissed him on the forehead. “I am so glad you guys are . . .” she froze when she saw the look on Sean’s face. “What,” she exclaimed as Sean shook his head in disbelief, “how old are you”? Rachel grabbed his cheeks and laughed wildly, “oh you don’t know how often I get that you truly don’t . . .” releasing his cheeks she elbowed Abel adding, “it also helps with our line of work if you know what I mean”? She turned to Abel and gave a smile, “I am glad to see that somebody still remembers me”. Abel shook his head, “I haven’t seen you sense you moved to District 5. What are you doing back”? Shaking her head, “we can talk about all that some other time. I’m glad to see your still around and weren’t conscripted in the military”. Abel smiled, “you know mom, minute she heard about that she forced me to go back with Sean to college”. After several minutes she smiled and gave a final, “you still have those puffy cheeks like you dad does”. She turned from them and back to Les with an added “so what are they doing here . . . what’s with the letter”?

Uncle Les flipped through the pages as he finally finished and tucked them into the pocket of his brown leather vest. “Rachel, they are free to go, thanks for stopping by it was great to . . .” “What the hell do you think you are doing”? Abel’s growl seemed to cut Les at the pass. “I am letting you go and have your freedom,” Sean turned to Abel as if to say “I told you so”. Abel was bewildered, “You can’t kick us out after everything we have done to get here. I shot a woman tonight to deliver this message and you think I am just going to waltz out of here like nothing”? Les shrugged, “what will you have me do”? He raised his hand to silence Sean, “Let me just cut you off right there, I am not really your uncle.” “But dad said you were our uncle, you came to our birthday parties, graduations, baseball games. We went to your funeral!” Uncle Les continued to shake his head. “Your parents and I were the leaders of this little group. It provided a great cover and helped us organize the group. You see I am an uncle to every member of this group. Think of it as a code name.” “Look we just need help and frankly we don’t care about your illegal activities . . . frankly we would like to help. Get back at the N.W.O. for killing our parents.” Uncle Les once again shook his head at Abel, “Sean doesn’t seem as willing as you. And believe me I know your parents. They would not want you to have this life, you are not members nor will you be”. A large man emerging from the bedroom walked over and began patting him down to protested, “what the hell are you doing man”? The giant goon backed away as Les shouted, “Herc will you back off, I said the boys are fine”. The man’s large hand landed on Sean’s shoulder, he seemed to curl over slightly do to the guards strength. ‘I don’t trust them. You can’t be too careful these days especially during these times.” Les waved his hand, “Jesus Herc goes watch the news or something”! He had a head like a melon and the nose of cucumber.

Herc, which Abel took to be a shortened version of Hercules saw the man glare down at them, and whispered, “I’ll be watching you”. Les gave a faint little smile as Abel picked up the conversation, “so what’s in the letter”? Les crossed his arms, “I don’t like being told what to do and frankly it is none of your business this letter is for members of the resistance.”

“And you don’t think we are . . . all the help that we provided,” Sean glared up at him and Abel quickly corrected “alright all the help I provided”. They both stared at each other, “I put in my share of work with mom and dad. I was there in when the walkers over ran our farm. I was there when our parents fled over miles of wilderness to get to the Federal Districts. We were there when Security Troopers raided our apartment and murdered everybody inside including our parents.” Seizing the small patch of silence Les gave an inquisitive, “With you guys in college and Abel you serving as a border patrol agent, how much did you guys really know about your parents?”

“I knew they fought but I thought they were just, I don’t know out collecting money or something? I didn’t expect them to be out there shooting up the place”. Les clapped his hands together, “well I guess that settles the matter huh”? Abel stepped forward, “I know about Project Anarchy”. Trying to hide his smile, Abel held his face tight as he watched Les’s face contort in anger. “Yeah that’s right Willie Nelson, my father told me about it before he died in my arms.” Les smiled, “you don’t know anything do you,” “yeah well . . . PUMA”. Les’s smile was lost and soon he became enraged, he stormed forward but Abel withdrew his pistol. He stopped dead in his tracks as Abel tapped the gun on his side. Rachel responded in kind with a raised AR-15 pointing directly at Sean.

“Alright, alright, everyone just needs to relax,” cried Rachel, who smelled the tension growing in the air. “How do you know about PUMA,” “PUMA” repeated Sean staring at the advancing Les. “Whatever our parents were up to was big and we want to carry on their work,” “do you,” exclaimed Les with skepticism. “You’re not cut out for this life . . . get out before it’s too late”. Abel became stern, “and where are we supposed to go”? “Les,” whispered Rachel as she waved him over to her. He continued to stare angrily as he reluctantly walked over to Rachel. Her whispers were faint but Abel and Sean were able to make out, “we need them anyway let’s give them a shot”.

It took several minutes before Les returned back, “you mean what you say boy, bout helping us”? Abel turned to Sean, who took several seconds before he gave a slow and reluctant nod. “What is it you need us to do?” Les smiled, “your parents left something in a safe deposit box. We are going to need you two to make a little withdrawal. And then when you get back you are going to explain to me everything your parents told you about PUMA and Project Anarchy”.

(To Be Continued)